Causes of the disease and risk factors ? Explanation of anatomy/physiology where appropriate ? Pathogenesis, i.e. how the disease progresses and complications ? Implications for public health
Causes of the disease and risk factors
? Explanation of anatomy/physiology where appropriate
? Pathogenesis, i.e. how the disease progresses and complications
? Implications for public health
• Clinical manifestations: Explain the signs and symptoms.
• Diagnostic process: Provide information on a comprehensive diagnostic work-up with rationales
Clinical updates are concise articles designed for educational purposes on clinical issues that relate to practice. You can find some examples of clinical updates in the “Assessments” folder. Please note these are examples only and may not meet all the requirements of this assignment. There are also some examples of previous student papers that received a HD.
This assignment is an 1800 word clinical update on one of the topics below.
The format of your clinical update and any innovative ideas you use to present your topic is your choice but you must include:
• Introduction: Provide some epidemiological data to illustrate how relevant the topic is (Australia and worldwide), definition/explanation about the nature of the condition/disease process, objectives and scope and structure of your paper. A good introduction will get the reader’s interest.
• Aetiology & pathogenesis:
? Causes of the disease and risk factors
? Explanation of anatomy/physiology where appropriate
? Pathogenesis, i.e. how the disease progresses and complications
? Implications for public health
• Clinical manifestations: Explain the signs and symptoms.
• Diagnostic process: Provide information on a comprehensive diagnostic work-up with rationales
• Treatment:
? Implications for pharmacological management (including medication types, mode of action, dosage, side effects)
? Non-pharmacological treatment options
? Health promotion
? Provide rationales for your treatment options, based on the literature
• Conclusion: This should include a summary of the most relevant points for the practice of a registered nurse. Do not introduce new material. This could be summarised as bullet points.
General points
• Please use the assignment template provided within the current SNM Assignment Guidelines (note: there have been a few changes re layout, etc.)
• Only submit via TurnItIn, no hardcopy required, and no extra rubric!
• This assignment is all about the process of researching a topic and being able to articulate your findings in a comprehensive and logical sequence.
• Make sure you use approved abbreviations and write in the third person.
• Graphs, figures, tables and flow charts are a great way of illustrating and summarising key points. Check the SNM assignment guidelines on how to number and name these correctly.
• Your clinical update should facilitate peer learning – use an appropriate language level! Ensure that the content is relevant to nursing practice, i.e. sufficient depth of information but not too detailed either. You can assume some knowledge as you are addressing RNs, e.g. the anatomy of the heart or medical terminology.
• Support your discussion with relevant and recent literature and websites. Use evidence based research and best practice guidelines (Australian and international if relevant, e.g. WHO).
• Read the marking criteria of the rubric; it is a good guide for how much emphasis needs to be placed on each section.
• Although the general format of the assignment is like the clinical update articles, the formatting is still according to the SNM Assignment Guidelines with regards to layout (font, spacing, margins) and referencing.
Due date is Monday, 17th of October, 2016 at 17:00 pm.
Topic Points to consider
Disease Diagnostic methods/tests
Differences between dementia, delirium, Alzheimer’s
Current theories of pathophysiology
Clinical course and prognosis
Treatment options
Safety interventions for the home or potential hospital admissions
Chronic Heart Failure Risk factors/causes
Types (right and left heart)/classification
Underlying mechanisms (Frank-Starling, after and pre load)
Consequences (remodelling, RAAS, SNS, etc.)
Diagnostic tests
Acute and chronic management (Australian guidelines!)
Later treatment options
Life-style changes
Chronic Renal Failure Fluid and electrolyte regulation (ADH, RAAS)
Development and process of renal failure, risk factors
Pre-renal, intra-renal and post-renal causes
Clinical manifestations
Diagnostic process, lab parameters, renal function
Clinical course (complications, progression to chronic condition, stages)
Consequences (anaemia, vit. D, etc.)
Treatment (pharmaceutical, dialysis)
Diabetes Type II Regulation of BSLs
Population impact
Risk factors
Difference to type I
Insulin resistance
Diagnostic tests
Treatment options, life-style changes
Marking criteria
Below you will find two tables: The first is the SNM generic marking rubric, the second is an interpretation of that rubric to help you recognise which areas are important.
The column on the left in table 2 is the high distinction column from the generic rubric (table 1). The column on the right shows you what elements you need in order to get full marks. The points in brackets show you how those elements are weighted, e.g. the introduction can get up to 5 points, whereas the section on treatment can achieve 20. Naturally elements with more points require more words/paragraphs.
2016 Well Below Average ( 25%) Below Average ( 50%) Pass/Average (50-59%) Credit (60-69%) Distinction (70-79%) High Distinction ( 80%)
Content Does not address assessment item. No evidence to support main ideas. Unable to demonstrate an understanding of the main ideas or concepts. No credible sources used to support main ideas. Does not or poorly addresses assessment item. Insufficient evidence to support main ideas. Unable to or poorly demonstrates an understanding of the main ideas or concepts. Ideas are not relevant to the topic. Limited referencing to support ideas. Assessment item addressed at a superficial level. Minimal evidence to support main ideas. Able to demonstrate an understanding of the main concepts at a basic level. Some ideas presented have relevance to the topic. Most parts of the assessment item addressed at a satisfactory level and supported by adequate evidence. Able to demonstrate an understanding of the main concepts. Most ideas presented have relevance to the topic. All parts of the assessment item addressed at a good level and supported by quality evidence. Able to demonstrate a solid understanding of the main concepts. Most ideas presented have relevance to the topic. Content fully addresses all parts of the assessment item. Thorough exploration of concepts and well-formed ideas, supported by high quality evidence. Able to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the main concepts. All ideas presented have relevance to the topic.
0-13 14-27 28-32 33-37 38-43 44-55
Application of
Critical Thinking Does not demonstrate critical thinking appropriate to required level. No application of professional practice and/or evidence based thinking to assessment item. Poorly demonstrates critical thinking appropriate to required level. Poor application of professional practice and/or evidence based thinking to assessment item. Limited demonstration of critical thinking appropriate to level of education. Limited application of professional practice and/or evidence based thinking to assessment item. Demonstration of critical thinking appropriate to level of education. Application of professional practice and/or evidence based thinking to assessment item. Very good demonstration of critical thinking appropriate to level of education. Very good application of professional practice and/or evidence based thinking to assessment item. Excellent demonstration of critical thinking appropriate to level of education. Excellent application of professional practice and/or evidence base to practice in assessment.
0-2 3-4 5 6 7 8-10
Structure and
Presentation The assignment does not conform to the structure of the assessment item. No introduction to the assessment. Poor or non-existent paragraphing. No logical/cohesive development of ideas. No summation of key points in conclusion.
Does not comply with ECU SNM Assignment Writing Guidelines. Limited aspects conform to the structure of the assessment item. Poor introduction to the assessment. Limited paragraphing. Omits or poor summation of key points in conclusion.
Poorly complies with ECU SNM Assignment Writing Guidelines. Does not follow specific assignment instructions as per Unit Semester Plan
Some aspects conform to the structure of the assessment item. Limited introduction of topic and summation of key points in conclusion. Minimal paragraphing, and logical/cohesive development of ideas. Most aspects conform to the structure of the assessment item. Introduction adequately introduces topic and summarises key points in conclusion. Paragraphing is evident, and there is a logical/cohesive development of ideas in some of the assessment item. Most aspects conform to the structure of the assessment item. Very good introduction of topic and summation of key points in the conclusion that reflects the student’s position and provides clear insights into the issue. Very good paragraphing, and logical/cohesive development of ideas in most of assessment item. All aspects conform to the structure of the assessment item. Excellent introduction of topic and strong summation of key points in the conclusion that reflects the student’s position and provides clear insights into the issue. Excellent paragraphing and logical/cohesive development of ideas throughout
0-3 4-7 8-9 10-11 11-12 13-15
Referencing Referencing does not follow instructions in the ECU Referencing Guide. In text and/or end-text referencing has multiple errors. Includes references in conclusion. Referencing poorly follows instruction in the ECU Referencing Guide. In text and/or end-text referencing has many errors. Includes references in conclusion. Mainly adheres to instruction in the ECU Referencing Guide. In text and/or end-text referencing has some errors. Complies with ECU SNM Assignment Writing Guidelines. Follows specific assignment instructions as per Unit Semester Plan. Adheres to instruction in the ECU Referencing Guide. In text and/or end-text referencing has few errors. Complies with ECU SNM Assignment Writing Guidelines to a very high standard. Follows specific assignment instructions as per Unit Semester Plan completely. Adheres to instruction in the ECU Referencing Guide. In text and/or end-text referencing has very few errors. Complies with ECU SNM Assignment Writing Guidelines to an excellent standard. Follows all specific assignment instructions as per Unit Semester Plan. Completely adheres to all instruction in the ECU Referencing Guide. In text and/or end-text referencing has no errors.
0-2 3-4 5 6 7 8-10
Low Proficiency Developing Proficiency Moderate Proficiency High Proficiency
English Language Proficiency Multiple grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors were present throughout. Sentence structure poor making it difficult to determine meaning. Many grammatical spelling and punctuation errors were present and needs improvement. Sentence structure needs improvement. Mostly correct grammar, spelling and punctuation evident throughout.
Sentence structure acceptable but needs improvement.
Mainly correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. Very few errors. Sentence structure was of a good standard. Grammar, spelling and punctuation were error free. Sentence structure of a high standard. Effective use of all sentence and paragraph writing conventions were clearly demonstrated. Logical application of arguments throughout paper.
Grammar, spelling and punctuation were error free. Sophisticated use of all sentence and paragraph writing conventions were clearly demonstrated. Logical application of arguments throughout paper.
0-2 3-4 5
6 7-8 9-10 9-10
Table 1: Marking rubric
Table 2: Elements required in clinical update to meet marking rubric criteria:
2016 High Distinction ( 80%) Elements required
Content Content fully addresses all parts of the assessment item. Thorough exploration of concepts and well-formed ideas, supported by high quality evidence. Able to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the main concepts. All ideas presented have relevance to the topic. Aetiology & pathogenesis (13-15)
Underlying pathophysiology, risk factors, explanation of anatomy/
physiology where appropriate
Clinical course, complications, public health implications
Clinical manifestations and diagnosis (16-20)
Signs & symptoms
Comprehensive diagnostic work-up with rationales
Treatment (16-20)
Pharmacological (type, mode of action, dosage, side effects) & non-pharmacological interventions with rationales; health promotion
44-55 44-55
Application of Critical Thinking Excellent demonstration of critical thinking appropriate to level of education. Excellent application of professional practice and/or evidence base to practice in assessment. Relevance for nursing practice
Innovative ideas used to present topic
Important nursing considerations
Providing rationales based on evidence based research and best practice guidelines (Australian preferred)
8-10 8-10
Structure and Presentation All aspects conform to the structure of the assessment item. Excellent introduction of topic and strong summation of key points in the conclusion that reflects the student’s position and provides clear insights into the issue. Excellent paragraphing and logical/cohesive development of ideas throughout
Introduction (4-5)
Definition; objectives; scope & structure
Epidemiological data, world and Australia
Getting the reader’s interest
Conclusion (4-5)
Summary of key points and effectively bring to a close. No new material. Can be summarised as bullet points in a box.
Academic clarity and format (4-5)
Logical & sequential
Use of approved abbreviations
Use of third person
Use of graphs and/or figures
Appropriate professional language
13-15 13-15
Referencing Complies with ECU SNM Assignment Writing Guidelines to an excellent standard. Follows specific assignment instructions as per Unit Semester Plan completely. Adheres to all instruction in the ECU Referencing Guide. In text and/or end-text referencing has no errors. Assignment presentation (Number of elements x 0.5, 2.5-3.5)
1 Submitted via TurnItIn
2 Coversheet completed,
3 Title page
4 Page numbers
5 Correct margins
6 Correct spacing/font
7 Correct format for tables and figures
Referencing (4.5-6.5)
In-text and end-text referencing according to APA guidelines
Evidence of research beyond text & assigned readings (at least 8-10)
Currency (not older than 7 years)
Credibility (peer reviewed, government websites, etc.)
Relevance (evidence based, covers topic)
8-10 8-10
High Proficiency
English Language Proficiency Grammar, spelling and punctuation were error free. Sophisticated use of all sentence and paragraph writing conventions were clearly demonstrated. Logical application of arguments throughout paper.
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