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CD Impact of Diversity in the Criminal Justice System

SCENARIO:Judge James Shoreman is up for reelection in 2 months. He has a full docket on Monday morning. Two of the individuals on this docket are Thomas J. Catalano and Abdul Hussein Jabari. Mr. Catalano has been charged with involuntary manslaughter. His prior record consists of breaking and entering, assault on a police officer, and possession of narcotics. Mr. Catalano has a “high-priced” lawyer with the discretionary funds for an additional investigation. Mr. Catalano has a wife and two children. He has been employed for 5 years for the local banking institution. Mr. Catalano has received a 10-year probation sentence with the stipulation that if he violates this probation, he will serve the remainder of the sentence in the state prison. Mr. Jabari has been charged with the distribution of a controlled substance (prescription drugs). His prior record consists of possession of narcotics and falsification of identity. Mr. Jabari has a court-appointed lawyer who is on the pro bono list maintained by the judge. His funds are limited but the Muslim community has rallied to his financial aid, and there have been demonstrations at the courthouse. Mr. Jabari has a wife and three children. He has been employed for 8 years as the chief chef at a local restaurant. Mr. Jabari has received 7 years in the state prison, without the possibility of good time. Directions:Using 400- 600 words, please answer the following questions:

Write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts,

Write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.The objective of this assignment is to enable you to demonstrate your understanding of how the increases and/or changes in court workloads are impacting the offices that are responsible for court management. It has been said (e.g., by Walter Olson in a 1991 book titled The Litigation Explosion) that there has been a “litigation explosion” in the courts, at both the trial and appellate levels. Respond to the following questions in an essay:Use references

of Courts in the Criminal Justice System

Write an essay of 2–3 pages in which you respond to the following questions:Use references

is divided in two sections or parts and you will have to answer both parts:

Instructions:This exercise is divided in two sections or parts and you will have to answer both parts:Part One:Part Two:Options:If you choose to cover this chapter, you must visit a non-traditional mainstream media source and identify whether it leans to the left or the right; or whether the site represents academic viewpoints that are non-partisan (neither left nor right leanings).Chapter 6: The MediaRead your answers and use spell check before submitting them. You can only submit this assignment once. Paste both parts with labeled headings ‘Part One’ and ‘Part Two’ in this assignment dropbox below or attach as a Word document.Note: Written Requirement: All assignments must be written using proper English grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Four (4) points will be deducted for each spelling, grammatical, and/or punctuation error. Work that contains more than five (5) spelling, grammatical, and/or punctuation errors; or work that does not meet the minimum number of sentences required will receive a grade of F (‘0’ points).Essays are automatically submitted to SafeAssign. Work that SafeAssign identifies as having more than a 10% rate of similarity after quoted material and small matches (10 words or less) are excluded will not be read and will received a grade of F (No points).

Write a 500- to 750-word paper on the etiology behind the sexually

Write a 500- to 750-word paper on the etiology behind the sexually deviant behavior in this case.Include the following:Include a minimum 2 sources.

organization likely to conduct an attack within the United States

9Assignment InstructionsBuilding on the information that you prepared from your Midterm Assignment (Attached) (but without repeating what you wrote), prepare a research paper that addresses the below information in 7 pages:For the terrorist organization likely to conduct an attack within the United States that you selected, determine:What data collection programs would be best utilized on the organization you selected? (refer to the Intelligence Collection disciplines discussed in week 5)Which members of the IC would be the best collectors of intelligence on this particular organization?What intelligence analysis strategies would be the most effective and why? (choose from the analytical techniques discussed in the week 6 lesson)Clarification on assignments: The first paper (Attached) was about the group you selected and was basically from a historical perspective about the group. The second paper is a red cell where you put yourself in the shoes of the terrorist group by thinking like they would to determine how the U.S. can do intelligence collection on the terrorist group. NOTE: This is still an academic paper, so you should not write in first person. Make sure you read the instructions carefully and that you focus your paper on answering the assigned question. This assignment is a research paper, not an opinion paper, so you need to use the class readings to support your thesis. Make sure you use APA style in-text parenthetical citations at the end of every sentence where you are quoting or paraphrasing another’s ideas (or any information) that is not your own thoughts and words, like this (Bergen, 2015, para 14). You are welcome to use supplementary sources to compliment the assigned readings based upon your research, but make sure you use scholarly and credible sources. Requirements:- seven (7) pages of text, not including the Title or Reference pages- Written according to the APA style and format- Use Times New Roman 12 point font- 1 inch margins on all sides- Double space all text (no extra lines or spaces after a paragraph or section headings)- A respectable number of credible resources used, cited in the paper as in-text citations, and included on the reference page. A good rule of thumb is at least 3 scholarly sources per page of content.Intelligence Collection disciplines discussed in week 5Readings –…Lesson –…Choose from the analytical techniques discussed in the week 6 lesson)Readings –…Lesson –…Choose from the analytical techniques discussed in the week 6 lesson)Readings –…Lesson –…

Discussion 1Mary and Stacey are seniors at Silver State High School. They have

Discussion 1Mary and Stacey are seniors at Silver State High School. They have been friends since the second grade. Stacey called Mary on Saturday evening and asked her to take her home because she could not find her car. Mary knows that her best friend has been drinking excessively over the past 3 months. She has been withdrawing from Mary and gravitating toward her new friends, who party every weekend with alcohol and marijuana. Mary decided to pick her up because she did not want her friend hurt. While taking Stacey home, Mary tried to talk to her about her drinking and drug use. Stacey became very defensive and stated that Mary was now sounding like her parents. Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.Discussion 2Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

Individual Project 1Tony was a 16-year-old juvenile who was picked up for driving

Individual Project 1Tony was a 16-year-old juvenile who was picked up for driving under the influence of alcohol and possession of marijuana. He was evaluated and taken to juvenile detention. When speaking to the juvenile justice probation officer, Tony stated that drinking and marijuana was not a serious issue and that his parents did it all the time. With this statement, the juvenile probation officer realized that this was not a one-time thing and that it was related to an unhealthy home environment. The decision was made to send Tony to a treatment program. Assignment GuidelinesIndividual Project 2If you were a state legislator, and you had the opportunity to rework the juvenile justice system, would it be to the advantage of the taxpayer and the juveniles to split the juvenile courts into two sections? For example, one section would handle status offenders, and one section would handle juvenile delinquents.

In 2016, Brock Turner made national headlines related to his sexual assault

In 2016, Brock Turner made national headlines related to his sexual assault and subsequent 6 month sentence. As a refresher, you can view an article related to the case here:, you can find the victim’s powerful and graphic impact statement here: VIS.pdfBased on your research and utilizing the proper terminology from your textbook, answer the following questions:

Counterterrorism as a topic is complex, but it is clearly important in

Counterterrorism as a topic is complex, but it is clearly important in today’s world and will continue to be important. Critics of contemporary counterterrorism strategy argue, however, that counterterrorism would be more effective if efforts were focused more on the economic, social, political, and religious aspects of terrorism rather than expending heavy efforts in military, security, and law enforcement measures.For this short paper, you will examine the concept of endorsing softer measures to counter terrorism as a more effective, long-term approach. When writing this paper, you should consider the following questions: How would you characterize the current U.S. approach and measures to counterterrorism? How does it compare to the approach advocated by critics of security and military measures?For additional details, please refer to the Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric document.Textbook: Global Terrorism, Chapter 12This chapter discusses counterterrorism techniques and potential issues with civil liberties.As you read this chapter, consider the following question:PDF: National Strategy for Counterterrorism (Optional)Read the U.S. Government’s National Strategy for Counterterrorism. This strategy sets out the U.S. approach to disrupting, dismantling, and eventually defeating terrorist threats to the United States to ensure the security of our citizens and interests.As you read this strategy, consider the following question:

Three: Findings and Recommendations Report

Prompt: For this milestone, you will submit a findings and recommendations report developed from the literature review and outline you submitted in Milestone Two. This report should summarize the issue that affects the community; describe key issues from the literature review; develop goals; identify recommendations; and identify methods of success and identify strategies to be used by the agency. Remember to consult the Capstone Project Template for more guidance on the components of your capstone project.

Contract Analysis Part A – 24 pointsResidential House LeaseThe following question is

Contract Analysis Part A – 24 pointsResidential House LeaseThe following question is based on the Residential House Lease found in the Contracts Module. Please reference the Lease by clause number as you answer the questions.Essay (1-2 complete paragraphs with text references to support your answers)Maria, the landlord, refuses to fix a small leak in the roof that was there prior to the current tenant. The consequence is that black mold has been forming in the attic. Juan, the current tenant, still has significant time remaining on his lease. Juan has notified Maria in writing of the mold and leak issue. He is concerned about the premises becoming unsafe to live in. It has been 14 days since he emailed her his notification. What are Juan’s options if Maria declines to do the repairs?UCC Sales ContractThe following question is based on the Sales Contract found in the Contracts Module. Please reference the Sales Contract by clause number as you answer the questions. Remember, this is a contract under the UCC. Essay (1-2 complete paragraphs per essay with text references to support your answers)You received non-conforming goods as a result of an ambiguity in the contract. You ordered goods thinking it was a particular product. You wanted Razor scooters as that was the original oral communication when the selling merchant was first contacted by you. Thereafter, in phone conversations, you and the seller just talked about scooters. The selling merchant shipped scooters but not Razor scooters. Upon receipt of the goods, what are your merchant options under the contract?Why are text references important? Contract language does not exist in a vacuum. It is written based on the law. It is critical, therefore, to cite to the text to support your analysis

Privacy policy for officers and employees

**INSTRUCTIONS**Minimum 5 pages with Introduction. Please see the attachment for example paper.Your fictitious company must create a privacy policy document of at least five total pages. The document shall include an introductory section, such as an “Executive Summary,” a “Preamble,” or an “Introduction.”The document shall also include the policy statements. The policies need to focus on governing your company and its employees. This is where the work comes in. Your team needs to give evidence in the policy section of your knowledge gained in this course. In the assignment attachment, I describe the Course Paper requirements in a little more detail by using an acceptable format for your policy document. That attachment is not meant to be your template. Rather, it is designed merely to reflect what a successful policy document might look like in any given workplace. You will see in that document that I simply tried to explain more about what the Course Paper should include by using a format that may help you understand how to organize your paper, and understand what features this governance document should include.The Course Paper is worth 100 points. I will give up to ten points for the submission’s form and format. That includes its organization, page count and team size, and grammar and spelling. The form and format is important because if a policy document is disorganized, contains typographical errors, or is hard to read otherwise, employees will not respect or even use it as the guidance it is meant to be. Consider a numbering or another outline styled structure to identify policy clauses.I will give up to ten additional points for the introductory section.I will give up to 80 points for the policy statements. Questions I will have in mind when reviewing your policy statements include, Did the team incorporate what we’ve learned about privacy? Can the document be read and understood by all levels of an organization? Are the policies concise, or vague and wordy?Have fun. Collaborate. Put together a document that would be useful to a real organization. Good Luck!

A Threat With Information From The NCTC

Provided Sources – Do Not Need To Be Used, But Are AvailableNCTC Executive OrderRole of the NCTCFusion Centers are Baselines NeededThe National Counter-Terrorism Center (NCTC) was created based on the recommendation by the 9/11 Commission, in the wake of the terrorist attacks in September 2001, in an effort to eliminate duplication and create a more effective way to organize and evaluate terrorism-related intelligence. According to the Commission, the NCTC should be the center for joint operational planning and joint intelligence. You are an FBI intelligence analyst assigned to the NCTC and have just received information from the FBI’s New York field office that a suspected terrorist will be traveling from New York City to Lahore, Pakistan sometime next week. The New York field office has also informed you that this individual may be meeting with other suspected terrorists in Pakistan to attend a terrorist training camp in the Northwest region of the country. The FBI received this information from a human intelligence (HUMINT) source with direct access to the reported information. Assignment Guidelines

of Diversity in the Criminal Justice System

Using 100 words or more, please respond to the following post concerning diversity in the criminal justice system:Here you see that Mr. Catlano and Mr. Jabari are two men that commit crimes, and both had prior. But Mr. Catlano has more things on his record, but Mr. Jabari had one prior and that was for drugs. As you can see that Mr. Catlano got less time than Mr. Jabari. In both cases, it seems that the judge play race between Mr. Catlano and Mr. Jabari. When it comes to race it a great deal of controversy.” (MUSE). Mr. Catalano has a prior record like breaking and entering, done assault on a police officer, along with narcotics and he on 10-year probation, but Mr. Jabari he received seven years without the possibility of a good time. In this case, it did not tell everything that happens in court but as you can see Mr. Jabari got time and Mr. Catlano, he received probation. “Race is one of the most social problems in the United States.” (MUSW). “Investigating difference, it helps people to understand something to be seen as a resource, or to be celebrated.” (Ebooksdvd). Race has always been a part of the United States, why because people don’t like a person’s skin color. If you watch the news you will see that a person of color as been kill by another race. The judge did not care if Mr. Jabari had a family or a job, he just saw skin color, therefore so many of the majority are in prison because people only see skin color. “When it comes to the criminal justice system the United States has the largest in the work where men of color or incarcerated in federal, state, that are in prison or in jail. There are about 6.7 million people of color that more in prison than any other race (” I don’t think the judge can support his decision because he must explain why he sent one man with lessor crime to prison, but don’t send the other one to why he prisons that have done more crimes, there is no way he can explain how he can explain this. The judge did show bias and that was racial bias or implicit bias. “The judge disfavoring black defendants that are tainted with racial bias.” (Weeks. V. (2018). I would say that it not fair sentencing because they both should go to prison or got probation it not fair to send one to prison and not the other one.” (Weeks V. (2018). Everyone should get fair sentences instead of some getting unfairly deal. This case happens in “Florida where a judge gave a black man 26 years in prison and gave the white man two years for the same crimes (” These two men were in the same courtroom, had the same crime, and they both pleaded guilty to the same judge, and same date. A white man robbed three men in a drug deal, and he was 19 years old, by the name of Legeitner, the other man is a black man he robbed a pizza hut and a gas station, and he is 21 years old and his name is Mr. Lloyd. “Both men pleaded no contest on two counts of armed robbery.” ( The only thing they had on their record is a misdemeanor on their record. Legleitner is out prison and during what he wants, but Mr. Lloyd he is 47 years old when he is released in 2034. This sentence was not fair, but it was biased because one man was white and the other was black, so there was no cause for this. “The biggest crime in the United States criminal justice system is that race is the biggest problem were African Americans are targeted and punished more than with people.” (Weeks, V. (2018). This is a true story that happens in Nevada with my son. A black man was sentenced to thirty years to life for firing a gun in a building. Whereas a white man was sentenced to three years for the same crime. Mr. White was a 24 years old black man who was having a party he was showing his gun to his friend when the gun went off. Someone calls the police and they tool Mr. White to jail. About two years later a white man named Mr. Morales he was shooting his gun in the house for fun, and he was shooting around children, but when Mr. White when he went to court, he got a lot of time, but when the white man Mr. Morales went to court he got three years so Mr. White is still fighting to get out of prison, but Mr. Morales has been out for a while.

Impact of Diversity in the Criminal Justice System

Using 100 words or more, please respond to the following post concerning diversity in the criminal justice system:Here you see that Mr. Catlano and Mr. Jabari are two men that commit crimes, and both had prior. But Mr. Catlano has more things on his record, but Mr. Jabari had one prior and that was for drugs. As you can see that Mr. Catlano got less time than Mr. Jabari. In both cases, it seems that the judge play race between Mr. Catlano and Mr. Jabari. When it comes to race it a great deal of controversy.” (MUSE). Mr. Catalano has a prior record like breaking and entering, done assault on a police officer, along with narcotics and he on 10-year probation, but Mr. Jabari he received seven years without the possibility of a good time. In this case, it did not tell everything that happens in court but as you can see Mr. Jabari got time and Mr. Catlano, he received probation. “Race is one of the most social problems in the United States.” (MUSW). “Investigating difference, it helps people to understand something to be seen as a resource, or to be celebrated.” (Ebooksdvd). Race has always been a part of the United States, why because people don’t like a person’s skin color. If you watch the news you will see that a person of color as been kill by another race. The judge did not care if Mr. Jabari had a family or a job, he just saw skin color, therefore so many of the majority are in prison because people only see skin color. “When it comes to the criminal justice system the United States has the largest in the work where men of color or incarcerated in federal, state, that are in prison or in jail. There are about 6.7 million people of color that more in prison than any other race (” I don’t think the judge can support his decision because he must explain why he sent one man with lessor crime to prison, but don’t send the other one to why he prisons that have done more crimes, there is no way he can explain how he can explain this. The judge did show bias and that was racial bias or implicit bias. “The judge disfavoring black defendants that are tainted with racial bias.” (Weeks. V. (2018). I would say that it not fair sentencing because they both should go to prison or got probation it not fair to send one to prison and not the other one.” (Weeks V. (2018). Everyone should get fair sentences instead of some getting unfairly deal. This case happens in “Florida where a judge gave a black man 26 years in prison and gave the white man two years for the same crimes (” These two men were in the same courtroom, had the same crime, and they both pleaded guilty to the same judge, and same date. A white man robbed three men in a drug deal, and he was 19 years old, by the name of Legeitner, the other man is a black man he robbed a pizza hut and a gas station, and he is 21 years old and his name is Mr. Lloyd. “Both men pleaded no contest on two counts of armed robbery.” ( The only thing they had on their record is a misdemeanor on their record. Legleitner is out prison and during what he wants, but Mr. Lloyd he is 47 years old when he is released in 2034. This sentence was not fair, but it was biased because one man was white and the other was black, so there was no cause for this. “The biggest crime in the United States criminal justice system is that race is the biggest problem were African Americans are targeted and punished more than with people.” (Weeks, V. (2018). This is a true story that happens in Nevada with my son. A black man was sentenced to thirty years to life for firing a gun in a building. Whereas a white man was sentenced to three years for the same crime. Mr. White was a 24 years old black man who was having a party he was showing his gun to his friend when the gun went off. Someone calls the police and they tool Mr. White to jail. About two years later a white man named Mr. Morales he was shooting his gun in the house for fun, and he was shooting around children, but when Mr. White when he went to court, he got a lot of time, but when the white man Mr. Morales went to court he got three years so Mr. White is still fighting to get out of prison, but Mr. Morales has been out for a while.

response Issues of Diversity in Criminal Justice

SCENARIO:Judge James Shoreman is up for reelection in 2 months. He has a full docket on Monday morning. Two of the individuals on this docket are Thomas J. Catalano and Abdul Hussein Jabari. Mr. Catalano has been charged with involuntary manslaughter. His prior record consists of breaking and entering, assault on a police officer, and possession of narcotics. Mr. Catalano has a “high-priced” lawyer with the discretionary funds for an additional investigation. Mr. Catalano has a wife and two children. He has been employed for 5 years for the local banking institution. Mr. Catalano has received a 10-year probation sentence with the stipulation that if he violates this probation, he will serve the remainder of the sentence in the state prison. Mr. Jabari has been charged with the distribution of a controlled substance (prescription drugs). His prior record consists of possession of narcotics and falsification of identity. Mr. Jabari has a court-appointed lawyer who is on the pro bono list maintained by the judge. His funds are limited but the Muslim community has rallied to his financial aid, and there have been demonstrations at the courthouse. Mr. Jabari has a wife and three children. He has been employed for 8 years as the chief chef at a local restaurant. Mr. Jabari has received 7 years in the state prison, without the possibility of good time. Directions:Using 100 words or more, please respond to the following post:The judge’s reasoning for his decisions is based on the fact that one individual is wealthy, Mr. Catalano, and may have wealthy friends that contributed to the judge’s re-election campaign. The other individual is not wealthy and relies on the Muslim community for financial aid. If you want to play the race card, some people might say that the judge’s decision is based on Mr. Jabari being Muslim, and to give him probation or a lesser charge would lessen his chances of getting re-elected. The judge would have a hard time supporting his decisions, in my opinion. How could a judge give probation to a suspect charged with involuntary manslaughter, (a felony in most states), and has a prior record consisting of breaking and entering, assault on a police officer, and possession of narcotics? The Muslim suspect receives seven years in prison for distribution of a controlled substance (prescription drugs). His prior record consists of non-violent crimes, but he still received a much harsher sentence. How can anyone with a little common sense, rule in this unfair manner and when both suspects committed felonies, and have very different records?The judge showed bias with his decision making of these two cases. He showed bias when it came to the sentencing of these two men. The wealthier man received probation, and the blue-collar worker received seven years in prison for a less violent crime. The judge used a form of ‘cognitive bias,’ when he made his unorthodox decisions. ‘Belief bias,’ is described as “someone that is so sure about his own gut feeling that they ignore other facts or statistics” (Mester, 2017). I don’t believe that the demonstration for Mr. Jabari had any effect on the judge’s decision to send him to prison. One would think that if support for Mr. Jabari were so prevalent, the judge would reevaluate his decision-making process. The first case I found in which minorities were wrongly convicted and sentenced is ‘The Central Park Five.’ This case stems from five minority teenagers that were convicted of raping a white woman in Central Park in 1989. Their sentences ranged from six to thirteen years, but they were all exonerated in 2002 when a serial rapist confessed to the crime. The Chief of Police and District Attorney were both pursued relentlessly by the public to find the criminal or criminals who committed this horrendous crime. The pressure from the public forced the top two law enforcement officials to arrest someone. The police arrested the five teens and used sleep deprivation, threats, and fear to coerce the five teens to confess to the rape and assault of the woman. The second case that I found was based in my home state of Colorado. Defendant Ronald Higgs was tried and charged in 1978, with two counts of first-degree burglary,[1] two counts of first-degree sexual assault,[2] and one count of first-degree criminal trespass. Mr. Higgs was ultimately acquitted of all charges when it was discovered that he was arrested under false pretenses. “Sandra Price, the complaining witness, initiated and maintained the criminal action against him without probable cause, and that she was motivated by malice” (Justia, 1978). It was also discovered that two deputy sheriffs with the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department, and James R. Florey, Jr., Michael Miller, and James Peters, deputy district attorneys in the District Attorney’s Office for the Eighteenth Judicial District were involved in the cover-up of arresting and charging the wrong man. The prosecution knowingly prepared false affidavits and misleading affidavits with an order for nontestimonial identification evidence, an arrest warrant for Higgs, and a search warrant for the search of his home.

CD Impact of Diversity in the Criminal Justice System

SCENARIO:Judge James Shoreman is up for reelection in 2 months. He has a full docket on Monday morning. Two of the individuals on this docket are Thomas J. Catalano and Abdul Hussein Jabari. Mr. Catalano has been charged with involuntary manslaughter. His prior record consists of breaking and entering, assault on a police officer, and possession of narcotics. Mr. Catalano has a “high-priced” lawyer with the discretionary funds for an additional investigation. Mr. Catalano has a wife and two children. He has been employed for 5 years for the local banking institution. Mr. Catalano has received a 10-year probation sentence with the stipulation that if he violates this probation, he will serve the remainder of the sentence in the state prison. Mr. Jabari has been charged with the distribution of a controlled substance (prescription drugs). His prior record consists of possession of narcotics and falsification of identity. Mr. Jabari has a court-appointed lawyer who is on the pro bono list maintained by the judge. His funds are limited but the Muslim community has rallied to his financial aid, and there have been demonstrations at the courthouse. Mr. Jabari has a wife and three children. He has been employed for 8 years as the chief chef at a local restaurant. Mr. Jabari has received 7 years in the state prison, without the possibility of good time. Directions:Using 400- 600 words, please answer the following questions:

response Issues of Diversity in Criminal Justice

SCENARIO:Judge James Shoreman is up for reelection in 2 months. He has a full docket on Monday morning. Two of the individuals on this docket are Thomas J. Catalano and Abdul Hussein Jabari. Mr. Catalano has been charged with involuntary manslaughter. His prior record consists of breaking and entering, assault on a police officer, and possession of narcotics. Mr. Catalano has a “high-priced” lawyer with the discretionary funds for an additional investigation. Mr. Catalano has a wife and two children. He has been employed for 5 years for the local banking institution. Mr. Catalano has received a 10-year probation sentence with the stipulation that if he violates this probation, he will serve the remainder of the sentence in the state prison. Mr. Jabari has been charged with the distribution of a controlled substance (prescription drugs). His prior record consists of possession of narcotics and falsification of identity. Mr. Jabari has a court-appointed lawyer who is on the pro bono list maintained by the judge. His funds are limited but the Muslim community has rallied to his financial aid, and there have been demonstrations at the courthouse. Mr. Jabari has a wife and three children. He has been employed for 8 years as the chief chef at a local restaurant. Mr. Jabari has received 7 years in the state prison, without the possibility of good time. Directions:Using 100 words or more, please respond to the following post:The judge’s reasoning for his decisions is based on the fact that one individual is wealthy, Mr. Catalano, and may have wealthy friends that contributed to the judge’s re-election campaign. The other individual is not wealthy and relies on the Muslim community for financial aid. If you want to play the race card, some people might say that the judge’s decision is based on Mr. Jabari being Muslim, and to give him probation or a lesser charge would lessen his chances of getting re-elected. The judge would have a hard time supporting his decisions, in my opinion. How could a judge give probation to a suspect charged with involuntary manslaughter, (a felony in most states), and has a prior record consisting of breaking and entering, assault on a police officer, and possession of narcotics? The Muslim suspect receives seven years in prison for distribution of a controlled substance (prescription drugs). His prior record consists of non-violent crimes, but he still received a much harsher sentence. How can anyone with a little common sense, rule in this unfair manner and when both suspects committed felonies, and have very different records?The judge showed bias with his decision making of these two cases. He showed bias when it came to the sentencing of these two men. The wealthier man received probation, and the blue-collar worker received seven years in prison for a less violent crime. The judge used a form of ‘cognitive bias,’ when he made his unorthodox decisions. ‘Belief bias,’ is described as “someone that is so sure about his own gut feeling that they ignore other facts or statistics” (Mester, 2017). I don’t believe that the demonstration for Mr. Jabari had any effect on the judge’s decision to send him to prison. One would think that if support for Mr. Jabari were so prevalent, the judge would reevaluate his decision-making process. The first case I found in which minorities were wrongly convicted and sentenced is ‘The Central Park Five.’ This case stems from five minority teenagers that were convicted of raping a white woman in Central Park in 1989. Their sentences ranged from six to thirteen years, but they were all exonerated in 2002 when a serial rapist confessed to the crime. The Chief of Police and District Attorney were both pursued relentlessly by the public to find the criminal or criminals who committed this horrendous crime. The pressure from the public forced the top two law enforcement officials to arrest someone. The police arrested the five teens and used sleep deprivation, threats, and fear to coerce the five teens to confess to the rape and assault of the woman. The second case that I found was based in my home state of Colorado. Defendant Ronald Higgs was tried and charged in 1978, with two counts of first-degree burglary,[1] two counts of first-degree sexual assault,[2] and one count of first-degree criminal trespass. Mr. Higgs was ultimately acquitted of all charges when it was discovered that he was arrested under false pretenses. “Sandra Price, the complaining witness, initiated and maintained the criminal action against him without probable cause, and that she was motivated by malice” (Justia, 1978). It was also discovered that two deputy sheriffs with the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department, and James R. Florey, Jr., Michael Miller, and James Peters, deputy district attorneys in the District Attorney’s Office for the Eighteenth Judicial District were involved in the cover-up of arresting and charging the wrong man. The prosecution knowingly prepared false affidavits and misleading affidavits with an order for nontestimonial identification evidence, an arrest warrant for Higgs, and a search warrant for the search of his home.

CD Impact of Diversity in the Criminal Justice System

SCENARIO:Judge James Shoreman is up for reelection in 2 months. He has a full docket on Monday morning. Two of the individuals on this docket are Thomas J. Catalano and Abdul Hussein Jabari. Mr. Catalano has been charged with involuntary manslaughter. His prior record consists of breaking and entering, assault on a police officer, and possession of narcotics. Mr. Catalano has a “high-priced” lawyer with the discretionary funds for an additional investigation. Mr. Catalano has a wife and two children. He has been employed for 5 years for the local banking institution. Mr. Catalano has received a 10-year probation sentence with the stipulation that if he violates this probation, he will serve the remainder of the sentence in the state prison. Mr. Jabari has been charged with the distribution of a controlled substance (prescription drugs). His prior record consists of possession of narcotics and falsification of identity. Mr. Jabari has a court-appointed lawyer who is on the pro bono list maintained by the judge. His funds are limited but the Muslim community has rallied to his financial aid, and there have been demonstrations at the courthouse. Mr. Jabari has a wife and three children. He has been employed for 8 years as the chief chef at a local restaurant. Mr. Jabari has received 7 years in the state prison, without the possibility of good time. Directions:Using 400- 600 words, please answer the following questions:

Project1. Basic technical information about passwords and encryption, and how to recover

Project1. Basic technical information about passwords and encryption, and how to recover data protected by these mechanisms. There is also a section on Steganography, which literally translated means “covered writing.” When some people think of steganography, or “stego,” they think of documents or other data files being hidden in other file types (usually image/picture files). This is something that is used frequently in secreting child pornography to avert detection. Interestingly, the use of stego goes much farther back than the use of computers.Like cryptology, steganography is used to hide something in something else. So, even though a code breaker can detect the hidden code, they may not be aware that the code actually contains a different message. Cryptography scrambles a message so that it is unreadable, but still visible, while stego camouflages data to hide it or make it undetectable. This course is not meant to teach you about the technical details of encryption or passwords or steganography (entire books are written on each of those subjects), but rather to help you understand their place in the criminal justice process.Does a warrant give you the authority to break passwords protecting information or to decipher encrypted data? This is a very important question. As many of you have discussed in our previous week’s discussions, it is important to make sure you know the limits of your warrant. But while you are conducting a search with a properly executed warrant, you may come across other information that is not included in your scope, but is still evidence of a crime. For example, imagine you are searching a hard drive for information related to a fraud scheme. While you are looking through the files you come across a picture that is obviously child pornography, but you do not have child pornography addressed in any way within your warrant. What do you do? The proper response is to stop the search and obtain another warrant for evidence related to child pornography. The same thing applies to discovering encrypted data. In your affidavit you should explain that criminals sometimes encrypt files that contain evidence. Some may even use steganography techniques to hide other files.For this week’s discussion, complete the following questions below in detail. Please discuss thoroughly and substantively in your post. You are not required to respond to a classmate in this week’s discussion, however, respond in a thorough, substantive, intelligent way to your fellow classmates will add to our discussion and learning of this week’s topic!1) List and explain five (5) examples of how steganography were used BEFORE the advent of computers.2) List and explain five (5) examples of how encryption (or cryptology) were used BEFORE the advent of computers.3) Discuss how steganography and encryption could be used legitimately, and why this could cause you a problem as a computer forensic examiner.Project 22.Project #2 – Investigative Collection of EvidenceFor the purpose of this second Project, you are still the Information Security Analyst for Provincial Worldwide. Consider this project a continuation of the work you performed in Project #1. In this portion of the investigation, you are ONLY collecting the physical evidence, packaging it, and documenting and reporting it. You will NOT be handling the digital data during this stage of the investigation. (This step will be discussed in the Final Project.) You should limit your “care and handling” of each piece of evidence to the physical handling of the digital item/container.With the scenario in mind, you are to report to your supervisor, thoroughly providing a response to the following questions (in paragraph format, properly citing outside research, where appropriate) to both Part I and Part II of the project:Part I: Overview/Case Summary1. Write a short summary of the incident to Director McPherson concerning was has occurred, and establish what permissions/authorities you have before you search Mr. Belcamp’s former Company work area. This includes your legal authority as a Company representative as a private company.Part II: Physical Evidence Acquisition:2. Look at the photo of Mr. Belcamp’s work area. (See file attachment Work_Area.jpg) Identify four (4) potential items of digital evidence you see in the photo. For those four items, describe EACH item you identified and explain what potential use the item would be within the investigation (e.g., what type of data that item might hold, why it is important, and what type of evidence it represents for prosecution.)3. Look again at the photo of Mr. Belcamp’s work area. (See file attachment Work_Area.jpg) Identify four (4) potential items of non-digital evidence you see in the photo. For those four items, describe EACH item you identified and explain what potential use the item would be within the investigation (e.g., what type of data that item might hold, why it is important, and what type of evidence it represents for prosecution.)4. The evidence you seized in Questions two (2) and three (3) must be transported, secured and stored after removing it from the original scene (the work area) and prior to sending it for analysis. Describe the security procedures in place as well as any environmental considerations or protections (specific to computer/digital devices) that are in place within the storage area, and why they are important.5. Look at the Evidence Custody Document (See file attachment Evidence Custody Document.doc) and item photographs (Items-seized (pics).pptx). Read the Evidence Custody Document prepared by your co-worker, Brian Duggars in which he was attempting to document the seizure of three (3) items pictured in the accompanying photos. Did Brian adequately describe each item? What could be added to the descriptions, and for which items (based on what you see in the photos) to make them more complete and serve as an example to your co-worker of what they SHOULD look like (how they should be described)? Or, did he do a good job and no modifications need to be made.Project Requirements:• Each question should be answered thoroughly looking at all the issues presented, so do your research, be specific, be detailed, and demonstrate your knowledge; submitting your project through the appropriate assignment folder.• This project should be submitted in a single Microsoft Word document (.DOC/.DOCX), with answers separated and/or numbered in respect to the question, so as to make it clear which question is being answered. It may be in a question and answer format, or as described with answers to the associated question numbers;• The paper should be written in third-person grammar, not first person (which means – I, me, myself, etc.);• The submission is to have a cover page that includes course number, course title, title of paper, student’s name, and the date of submission per APA writing format;• Format: 12-point font, double-space, one-inch margins;• It is mandatory that you do some research, and utilize outside resources! You must have a reference page at the end of your project that is consistent with APA citation style and format (see for help).3. the attachment will help with both Project s


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