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Chem21Labs exp 19

Student AreaLisa is currently logged in.This assignment is due at 11:45 PM on 07/21/2017. Any work submitted between that time and 11:45 PM on07/22/2017 will result in an automatic 10 point deduction. Also, any work submitted between 11:45 PM on 07/22/2017 and 11:45 PM on 07/23/2017 will result in anadditional 10 points being deducted for the assignment.- PDF Lab Guide (../labfiles/UofC_GL19_Lab.pdf?rf=9906)Due date passed.Check back several days after the due date to view points added by yourinstructor.Experiment 19Report SheetAcidic and Basic Salts Total Points =Earned Total 150150Introduc±onNote:All essay answers throughout the semester must be composed in thehtml text editor below. 1010

8/9/2017Chem21Labs2/5There were four objectives for this lab. First, the objective to measure the pH of 0.1 M solutions anddetermine whether they are acidic or basic was achieved by using the pH electrode to find the pH value andthen using the definitions learned in lecture. An Arrhenius acid contains a hydrogen, an Arrhenius basecontains hydroxide ions, and salts are ionic compounds that contain a cation from a base and an anion froman acid. Secondly, the objective to understand the chemistry that makes some salt solutions acidic or basicwas achieved by using the pH electode to determine if the salt was more acidic (pH<7) or more basic(pH>7). Thirdly, the objective to determine Kof an unknown salt solution by measuring its pH was achievedby calculating [HO], which equals 10^(-pH), and in my case equaled 2.14E-5. After setting up an ice tableto find the concentrations of the products and reactants, I plugged in the values to find Kwhich equals Ksince I was computing an acid, and got K=4.58E-10. The concepts taken from lecture are acid and basereactions, acid and base defintions (Arrhenius and Bronstein Lowery), pH and K values, and equilibrium.

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