Chi Square
- Parametric tests (such as the t or ANOVA) differ from nonparametric tests (such as chi square) primarily in terms of the assumptions they require and the data they use. Explain these differences.
- A developmental psychologist would like to determine whether infants display any color preferences. A stimulus consisting of four color patches (red, green, blue and yellow) is projected onto the ceiling above a crib. Infants are placed in the crib, one at a time, and the psychologist records how much time each infant spends looking at each of the four colors.
The color tht receives the most attention during a 100 second test period is identified as the preferred color for that infant. The preferred colors for a sample of 60 infants are shown in the following table:
Red Green Blue Yellow
20 12 18 10
a. What is the expected frequency of each color?
b. What is the null hypothesis?
c. chi^2=χ 2 = (3,N=60) =4.53, p>.05 Using this APA formatted result, was the chi-square significant? What does your answer mean in words?
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