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CITI Training Cards

A researcher proposesa study and wants torecruit subjects fromhealth care clinics inJamaica. The survey willbe conducted by theU.S. researchers at theclinic. The nurses at theclinic will informprospective subjectsabout the availability ofthe research, but willnot consent thesubjects nor performany researchprocedures (evenscreening procedures).Are the nurses engagedin the researchaccording to federalregulations?No, they are not engaged because they are only informingthe subjects and not consenting or performing anyresearch procedures, or receiving or sharing any private,identifiable information.A professor at Big StateWill the researcher have collaborators at the research site

1/26/2019CITI Training Flashcards | Quizlet16/26University proposes tostudy attitudes aboutobesity in Chile bygiving subjects in Chilesurveys to complete.Which is a question thatthe Big State UniversityIRB should ask theresearcher in order todetermine if this studyshould be reviewed bya local Chilean IRB orethics committee aswell as the Big StateUniversity IRB?abroad?The age of majority ininternational research isdetermined by theLaws, customs, and norms in the area in which the researchwill be conducted.What procedures mustbe described in anagreement called an”assurance ofcompliance” withOHRP?Procedures in place that ensure that subjects will beprotected in a manner commensurate with the CommonRule, including review by an independent committeecomparable to an IRB.What are someconsiderations for a U.S.researcher conducting astudy in a non-U.S.setting when obtaininginformed consent fromsubjects?In addition to the consent of the research subjects, arethere other individuals or groups whose permission mustbe sought?Which of the followingmethods could beconsidered a “bestpractice” in terms ofinforming respondentsThe investigator uses the informed consent process toexplain how respondent data will be transmitted from thewebsite to his encrypted database without ever recordingrespondents’ IP addresses, but explains that on the Internetconfidentiality cannot be absolutely guaranteed.

1/26/2019CITI Training Flashcards | Quizlet17/26how their answers to anon-line survey aboutpersonal informationwill be protected?To minimize potentialrisks of harm, aresearcher conductingan on-line survey can:Design the survey so that no direct or indirect identifiersare collected.Which of the followingon-line researchstrategies raises themost concernsregarding the ethicalprinciple of respectingthe autonomy ofresearch subjects andthe correspondingfederal regulationsrequiring informedconsent

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