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Class, Annas, Verlene, and Laura have keyed


Annas, Verlene, and Laura have keyed in on an important aspect of consequentialist ethical

thinking. Kidder has identified consequentialism with utilitarianism (the greatest good for the greatest number of people). Utilitarianism came to prominence in the 19th century (the 1800’s). But one of the earliest forms of consequentialism was Epicureanism. This was formulated by Epicurus in about 300 BC. Epicurus taught that we should seek the greatest amount of pleasure—not only physical, but also spiritual—so that we can live the most tranquil life possible. Epicurus would advise Helen to consider the anxiety that lying on her resume might cause. Anxiety is certainly a negative consequence, and so must be put into the calculation of consequences.

What do you think? Does Epicurus have a point? Does this change your opinion about consequentialism?

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