According to the article titled, Teaching Evidence Based Practice to Undergraduate Nursing Students it is essential for BSN-prepared nurses to implement evidence-based practice into their daily practice. Per author Sin and Bliquez, undergraduate nurses spend much of their shift providing direct care to patients and the National Academy of Medicine’s Roundtable on Evidence-based Medicine has suggested that 90% of clinical interventions must be supported by up-to-date clinical evidence. This goal has been established to be implemented by 2020 (Sin & Bliquez, 2017). Nursing interventions are a reflection of patient outcomes. For this matter, following evidence-based practice in all nursing interventions shows a promising future in patient health.
After concluding the RN-to-BSN program, I plan to continue taking courses relevant to labor and delivery such as fetal heart monitoring, maternal and newborn care, neonate resuscitation program (NRP) as a way to reach my goal of becoming an labor and delivery nurse. In addition, in the future I would like to pursue my career into becoming a nurse midwife. Although, obstacles that may challenge this plan is starting a family. Therefore, I plan to work as a labor and delivery nurse for a couple years and return to school when my children start school.
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the conscientious and judicious use of current best evidence in conjunction with clinical expertise and patient values to guide health care decisions. Best evidence includes empirical evidence from randomized controlled trials; evidence from other scientific methods such as descriptive and qualitative research; as well as use of information from case reports, scientific principles, and expert opinion. Clinicians and healthcare planners who want to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare services will find help in research evidence. To affect better patient outcomes, new knowledge must be transformed into clinically useful forms, effectively implemented across the entire care team within a systems context and measured in terms of meaningful impact on performance and health outcomes. The recently-articulated vision for the future of nursing in the Future of Nursing report from Institute of Medicine (IOM) focuses on the convergence of knowledge, quality, and new functions in nursing. The recommendation that nurses lead interprofessional teams in improving delivery systems and care brings to the fore the necessity for new competencies, beyond evidence-based practice (EBP), that are requisite as nurses transform healthcare. As nurse always strives to provide quality and efficient care to patients EBP which helps to incorporate new knowledge into practice is essential component of the practice of a BSN-prepared RN. Nurses often need to discard old process and incorporate new procedures in the light of new understandings. However, there are several barriers to the successful application of research evidence to health care.
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