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Common Health Screenings

Post your definition of the elements of a gynecologic history and an explanation of potential screenings you would recommend. Be specific and provide examples. Also, identify the health maintenance guideline questions you might need to consider when conducting a patient assessment. Include any additional information related to LGBTQ+ individuals. (Note: Your post should be at least 2-3 paragraphs).



As you finalize your Module 1 Assignment for this week, consider the following questions in preparation for your Discussion:

  • What other things do you need to consider for your patient? Think about considerations for LGBTQ+ individuals as well.
  • What health maintenance guidelines might be needed for follow-up (i.e., bone density test, Gardasil vaccine, shingles, etc.)?
  • What questions would you consider in your patient’s assessment? For example
    • What is your patient’s living situation?
    • Do they have stairs?
    • Do they live by themselves?
    • Do they have a working refrigerator?
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