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Community Assessment Paper

Community Assessment Paper

Fort Myers, Florida

Community Assessment 2019

Section 1: Community Identification & Features



Instructions Use complete sentences; cite each box
1a. Geography Location in State: complete

Area in square miles: complete Community Assessment Paper

1b. Topography Elevation:complete

Type of Terrain:complete

Major bodies of water:complete

1c. Economic Primary industries:complete

Largest employers:complete

1d. Infrastructure Public transportation:complete

Major roads/highways:complete


1e. Education Public school districts and public schools:complete

Higher education institutions:complete


Section 2:Population Demographics

Instructions Use data only, not complete sentences; all info from US Census Bureau; cite each box.
  Local Community Assessment Paper State US
2a. Total Pop. Pop. Estimate 2017: number Pop. Estimate 2017: number


Pop. Estimate 2017: number
2b. Age <5yrs: %

<18yrs: %



<5yrs: %

<18yrs: %

>/=65yrs: %


<5yrs: %

<18yrs: %

>/=65yrs: %


2c. Gender Female:%


Female: %


Female: %
2d. Race White: %

Black: %

American Indian/Alaska native: %


Native Hawaiian:%

Hispanic or Latino: %


White: %

Black: %

American Indian/Alaska native: %

Asian: %

Native Hawaiian: %

Hispanic or Latino: %


White: %

Black: %

American Indian/Alaska native: %

Asian: %

Native Hawaiian: %

Hispanic or Latino: %

2e. Foreign born Persons (2013-2017): % Community Assessment Paper


Persons (2013-2017): %


Persons (2013-2017): %


2f. Population growth/decline Population change 2010-2018: + or – %


Population change 2010-2018: + or – %


Population % change 2010-2018: + or -%


Section 3: Community Resources and Workforce

Healthcare Services

Instructions Write your answers in complete sentences.  You may use internet search engines to begin your search per assignment instructions.
3a. Hospitals(general not specialty) Number in local area, general description with some details in a few short sentences.


3b. Urgent care centers(can include after hours walk in clinics or freestanding ERs) Number in local area, general description with some details in a few short sentences.


3c. Community Health Centers (FQHCs) Number in local area, general description with some details in a few short sentences.


3d. Mental Health Services(outpatient) Number in local area, general description with some details in a few short sentences.Community Assessment Paper
3e. Homecare Agencies Number in local area, general description with some details in a few short sentences.
3f. Hospice Agencies Number in local area, general description with some details in a few short sentences.

Services for Vulnerable populations

Instructions Write your answers in complete sentences. You may use internet search engines to begin your search per assignment instructions.
3g. Agency that provides Services to elderly Name one agency here followed by a few sentences discussing the services they provide
3h. Agency that provides Services to homeless Name one agency here followed by a few sentences discussing the services they provide.
3i. Agency that provides Services to children Community Assessment Paper Name one agency here followed by a few sentences discussing the services they provide.
3j. Agency that provides drug treatment services Name one agency here followed by a few sentences discussing the services they provide.
3k. Agency that provides healthcare services to uninsured/indigent Name one agency here followed by a few sentences discussing the services they provide.

HRSA Designations

Instructions Yes or No with complete sentences for any explanation; use HRSA websiteas directed in instructions.
3l. Health Provider Shortage Area (HPSA) Yes/No and typeof provider that are of shortage if


3m. Medically Underserved Area (MUA) Yes/No


Healthcare Providers

Instructions Data only needed as prompted.
3n. Area Name: Write Your Metropolitan/nonmetropolitan area name here

Data Period: Write month/date here Community Assessment Paper

3o. Physicians Number employed: number


3p. Physician’s Assistants Number employed: number


3q. Nurse Practitioners Number employed: number


3r. Population to primary care physician Ratio
3s. Population to other primary care providers Ratio
3t. Your interpretation of HRSA and Healthcare Provider data above Write a few sentences.
Community Assessment Paper


Section 4: Indicators of Health Status and Quality of Life

Mortality, Morbidity & Health Risk Factors




Instructions Data only, not complete sentences.
  Local State US
4a. Mortality: Leading Causes of Death (top 3) List causes

Data year Community Assessment Paper


List causes

Data year


List causes

Data year


4b. Mortality: Infant mortality Rate List rate

Data year


List rate

Data year


List rate

Data year


4c.Mortality:Drug Induced Rate List rate

Data year


List rate

Data year


List rate

Data year


4d. Morbidity: List Indicator here (choice) List statistic

Data year


List statistic

Data year


List statistic

Data year


4e. Health Risk Factor: Adult Tobacco Use List statistic

Data year


List statistic

Data year


List statistic

Data year


4f. Health Risk Factor: Adult Obesity List statistic

Data year


List statistic

Data year


List statistic

Data year Community Assessment Paper


Social Determinates of Health

Instructions Data only with clear data identification; not complete sentences.
  Local State US
4g. Economic: % Living in Poverty List %

Data year


List %

Data year


List %

Data year


4h. Economic: % Unemployment Rate List %

Data date


List %

Data date


List %

Data date

4i. Education: % with High School graduate List %

Data year


List %

Data year


List %

Data year


4j. Education: % with bachelor’s degree List %

Data year


List %

Data year


List %

Date year


4k. Health: % without health insurance<65yrs List %

Data year


List %

Data year Community Assessment Paper


List %

Data year


4l. Crime: Violent Crime rate List rate

Data year


List rate

Data year


List rate

Data year


4m. Food Insecurity: % who lack adequate access to food List %

Data year


List %

Data year


List %

Data year


Physical Determinates of Health

Instructions Data only/complete sentences if needed for clarity.
4n. Mean MAX Annual Temperature Community Assessment Paper Degree Fahrenheit

List years of data


4o. Mean MIN Annual Temperature Degree Fahrenheit

List years of data


4p. Mean ANNUAL Precipitation Inches

List years of data


4q. Air Quality List Results (follow instruction)

List dates of data


4r. Water Quality List Results (follow instruction)

List dates of data Community Assessment Paper


Health People 2020 Goals and Progresscomplete sentences first column /data only for rest

Instructions Complete sentences in the first column, data only for the rest. First column from HP2020 website.


  Local State US
4s. Target goal 1: Write it here-goal plus target measure List statistic with identifier

List year of data


List statistic with identifier

List year of data Community Assessment Paper


List statistic with identifier

List year of data


4t. Target goal 2: write it here-goal plus target measure List statistic with identifier

List year of data


List statistic with identifier

List year of data


List statistic with identifier

List year of data


4u. Target goal 3: write it here-goal plus target measure List statistic with identifier

List year of data


List statistic with identifier

List year of data


List statistic with identifier

List year of data


Section 5: Health Priorities and Interventions

Instructions Use complete sentences.
  Intervention 1 Intervention 2 Intervention 3
5a. Priority #1: State your priority here in 1 complete sentence State intervention for priority in 1-2 sentences

Community Assessment Paper

State intervention for priority in 1-2 sentences


State intervention for priority in 1-2 sentences


5b. Priority #2: State your priority here in 1 complete sentence State intervention for priority in 1-2 sentences


State intervention for priority in 1-2 sentences


State intervention for priority in 1-2 sentences


5c. Priority #3: State your priority here in 1 complete sentence State intervention for priority in 1-2 sentences


State intervention for priority in 1-2 sentences


State intervention for priority in 1-2 sentences

East Side Community Assessment and Windshield Survey
According to Allender, Rector, and Warner (2014), public health is a combination of both an art and a science (2014). The mission of public health nursing is to promote health, prevent disease and ultimately prolong life (Allender et al., 2014). In order for this to occur an assessment must take place. An aggregate or community assessment begins with a collection of data. This includes: the community’s health needs, risks, environmental conditions, financial resources through local census data, and a windshield survey (Allender et al., 2014). Through public health nursing, communities can collectively come together to help promote an overall better health standing. Community Assessment Paper
My group’s aggregate is in East Side Community of Buffalo, NY. For this assignment, a windshield survey of East Side Community was completed. The windshield survey is an assessment of the community through my personal observations. This survey will include an assessment of four categories. These consist of the physical aspects, economical standings, services provided, and social aspects of the community. In addition to the windshield survey, local census data was collected. Below are east side community’s results and local census data findings.
East Side Community: Population Characteristics
East side community is in the city of Buffalo, NY. Buffalo, New York is the second largest city in the state and is a part of Erie County (Erie county overview, 2012). Erie County covers approximately 1,058 square miles (Erie county overview, 2012). According to the U.S Census Bureau, the estimated population of Erie County as of 2012 is 919,086 (United States Census Bureau  Community Assessment Paper


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