Consider these facts: 1) chimpanzees and gorillas are knuckle-walkers, while humans are bipeds; 2) humans and chimps share a common ancestor about 5-7 million years ago, while both share a common ancestor with gorillas about 8-10 million years ago; 3) human bipedalism evolved over the last 4 or so million years.
Consider these facts: 1) chimpanzees and gorillas are knuckle-walkers,
while humans are bipeds; 2) humans and chimps share a common ancestor about 5-7 million years ago, while both share a common ancestor with gorillas about 8-10 million years ago; 3) human bipedalism evolved over the last 4 or so million years. Assuming homology of traits, can we determine the mode of locomotion of the common ancestor of humans, chimps, and gorillas? Assuming the analogy of traits, can we determine the mode of locomotion of the common ancestor of humans, chimps, and gorillas?
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