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Topic: Mental Aging

Deliverable Length: 5–7 pages excluding cover page, abstract page, and reference page

John and Alice have been providing care for John’s 86-year-old father who has Alzheimer’s disease as well as hypertension and diabetes. Last week, John’s father wandered away, leading to several frantic and worrisome hours, until he was returned by the police. You have been called in to counsel the family regarding their father’s possible transition to a nursing facility. Discuss the following:

What factors may need to be considered when discussing this with the family?
What factors may need to be considered when discussing this with John’s father?
What challenges may be experienced by the family if they decide to retain care responsibility?
What service recommendations might be made?
Support your work with at least 5 academic or professional peer-reviewed sources published within the past 5 years.

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COUNSELING FOR GERONTOLOGY was first posted on February 10, 2020 at 8:35 pm.
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