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Country report


“Family of law” for your country. (CO1)
Type of Government? Unitary or federal? Who heads the government? (CO2)
General “model” of policing. (CO2)
Size/Population/Degree of Industrialization:
Constitution? Basis for laws? Who establishes laws? (CO2)
Cultural Factors/Crime rates/Major issues and how the criminal justice system affects the crime rates. (CO3)
At least one area of comparison with the United States that you feel is most notable. (CO3)
In addition, you should address the following questions:

Describe how police functions are organized in this country. Are the functions centralized or decentralized? (CO2)
Who is responsible for “deviance control” in this country? (CO2)
Who is responsible for “civil order” in this country?(CO2)
What training is required for police officers in this country? (CO2)
How much does this country use a “community policing” model? (CO1)
Is the criminal justice system adversarial or inquisitorial or both? In what ways?
How are investigations handled? (CO1)
Describe the “right to remain silent” if any. (CO2)
Is there a “right to counsel”? What are the parameters? (CO2)
Is there a jury system? For what kinds of crimes? If not, who decides guilt or innocence? (CO2)
Is there a “right to bail”? (CO2)
How are judges selected? (CO2)
What level of legal education and training do lawyers (“advocates”) receive in your country? (CO2)
Are the “legal actors” in your country “bureaucratically oriented” or “politically oriented” or “?” ? (CO3)
What kinds of courts are found in this country? (CO3)
What roles do citizens play in this country’s judicial system? (CO3)
What appeals processes are available in this country’s judicial system? (CO3)
Part 2: – “Country Report”

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