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Critical Reflection and Developing Practice

  1. Critically analyse relevant academic sources in the area of interest ( Dewey, Donald Schon, McIntyre, Brookfield, David A. Kolb and David Boud) as It\\\’s related to a previous assignment.
  2. A critical reflection on two examples of taking a leadership stance and/or application of mentoring skills in practice as a Physical Education Teacher mentoring my Teacher Assistant, which is contextualised and evaluated in contemporary theories and research in the field.
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Critical Reflection and Developing Practice

  1. Critically analyse relevant academic sources in the area of interest ( Dewey, Donald Schon, McIntyre, Brookfield, David A. Kolb and David Boud) as It\\\’s related to a previous assignment.
  2. A critical reflection on two examples of taking a leadership stance and/or application of mentoring skills in practice as a Physical Education Teacher mentoring my Teacher Assistant, which is contextualised and evaluated in contemporary theories and research in the field.
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