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danny leahy oval

Speaker 1:All right.Speaker 2:Okay, this is Goroka, my hometown.Speaker 3:Sorry, let’s just do one more.Speaker 1:Sounds good.Speaker 3:[inaudible 00:00:09]Speaker 2:This is Goroka my hometown. Goroka is known for … It’s the only town in Papua New Guinea that everyone loves Rugby League, everybody plays Rugby League, everybody supports Rugby League of all the ages, they come here. We’re at Deany Leahy Oval, where it has a history of the Kangaroos playing here, the Lions, the French Roosters. When Mal Meninga came here, everyone was crazy. Maybe he was bigger than the goal post. I wouldn’t know, I was this little kid when he came here.This is where it all started for me. This is where my Rugby League career started. Had my first tackle here, my first try, scored my first try here, everything happened here at the Deany Leahy Oval, at Lopi field.Speaker 1:How crazy do people get about Rugby League especially when the big teams are here?

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