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David Doe is a network administrator for the ABC Company. David is  passed over for promotion three times. He is quite vocal in his  dissatisfaction with this situation.

1)Consider this hypothetical situation:

David Doe is a network administrator for the ABC Company. David is  passed over for promotion three times. He is quite vocal in his  dissatisfaction with this situation. In fact, he begins to express  negative opinions about the organization in general. Eventually, David  quits and begins his own consulting business. Six months after David’s  departure, it is discovered that a good deal of the ABC Company’s  research has suddenly been duplicated by a competitor. Executives at ABC  suspect that David Doe has done some consulting work for this  competitor and may have passed on sensitive data. However, in the  interim since David left, his computer has been formatted and reassigned  to another person. ABC has no evidence that David Doe did anything  wrong.

What steps might have been taken to detect David’s alleged industrial espionage?

What steps might have been taken to prevent his perpetrating such an offense?

Write your answer using a WORD document. Do your own work. Submit  here. Note your Safe Assign score. Score must be less than 25 for full  credit.


Complete the leadership self-assessment:

This will identify your leadership effectiveness and explore where your skills need further development.

  • Utilize the results by reading the Score Interpretation
  • Write a 2-page summary using the APA style of writing to analyze your current leadership skills based on what you have learned in this course and via the survey.
  • This will be used as the basis for the first section in your final paper – Leadership Development Plan.
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