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100 word or more answer with apa citatation and references

1. Define “environment” in your own words. Be sure to include the terms biotic and abiotic in your answer. Identify four biotic biosphere components and four abiotic biosphere components in your current environment.

2. Differentiate between the “conservation ethic” and the “preservation ethic.” Be sure to identify one person associated with each in your answer

3. Explain the idea of environmental justice and give one example of an environmental justice issue.

4. Differentiate between anthropocentrism, biocentrism, and ecocentrism.

5. Thoroughly explain Garrett Hardin’s tragedy of the commons.

6. Describe a negative feedback loop and a positive feedback loop using your own words. Which type of feedback loop is seen most often in nature?

7. Thoroughly describe the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Be sure to use the word “entropy’ in your description. Which law explains becoming sweaty after exercising?

8. Use your own words to thoroughly describe the electron movement in a single covalent bond.

9. Thoroughly explain what it means to say that energy flows through an ecosystem while nutrients are cycled within an ecosystem.

10. Explain how human activity has altered the global carbon cycle. Why is the alteration of the carbon cycle in this way a concern?

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