Delineation and Overview of the Policy under Analysis What is the specific policy or general policy area to be analyzed?
Obama Healthcare
- Delineation and Overview of the Policy under Analysis
- What is the specific policy or general policy area to be analyzed?
- What is the nature of the problem being targeted by the policy?
- How is the problem defined?
- For whom who is it a problem?
- What is the context of the policy being analyzed (i.e., how does this specific policy fit with other policies seeking to manage a social problem)?
- Choice Analysis (i.e., what is the design of programs created by a policy and what are alternatives to this design?)
- What are the base of allocation?
- What are the types of social provisions?
- What are the strategies for delivery of benefits?
- What are the methods of financing these provisions?
- Historical Analysis
- What policies and programs were previously developed to deal with the problem? In other words, how has this problem been dealt with in the past?
- How has the specific policy/program under analysis developed over time?
- What people, or groups of people, initiated and/or promoted the policy?
- What people, or groups of people, opposed the policy?
- What does history tell us about effective/ineffective approaches to the problem being addressed?
- To what extent does the current policy/program incorporate the lessons of history?
- Social Analysis
- Problem description
- How complete is our knowledge of the problem?
- Are our efforts to deal with the problem in accord with research findings?
- What population is affected by the problem?
- Size
- Defining characteristics
- Destribution
- What theory or theories of human behavior are explicit or, more likely, implicit in the policy?
- What are major social values related to the problem and what value conflicts exist?
- What are the goals of the policy under analysis?
- Manifest (stated) goals
- Latent (unstated) goals
- Degree of consensus regarding goals
- What are the hypotheses implicit or explicit in the statement of the problem and goals?
- Economic Analysis
- What are the effects and/or potential effects of the policy on the functioning of the economy as a whole- output, income, inflation, unemployment, and so forth? ( macroeconomic analysis)
- What are the effects and/or potential effects of the policy on the behavior of individuals, firms, and markets-motivation to work, cost of rent, supply of commodities, etc.? (microeconomic analysis)
- Opportunity cost: cost/benefit analysis
- Political Analysis
- Who are the major stakeholders regarding this particular policy/programs?
- What is the power base of the policy/program’s supporters?
- What is the power base of the policy/program’s opponents?
- How well are the policy/program’s intended beneficiaries represented in the ongoing development and implementation of the policy/program?
- How has the policy/program been legitimized? In this basis for legitimation still current?
- To what extent is the policy/program an example of rational decision making, incremental change, or of change brought about by conflict?
- What are the political aspects of the implementation of the policy/program?
- Policy/Program Evaluation
- What are the outcomes of the policy/program in relation to the stated goals?
- What are the unintended consequences of the policy/program?
- Is the policy/program cost effective?
- Current Proposals for Policy Reform
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