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Describe the circumstances in their life leading up to the suicide or attempt?

I want you to write a profile of a person who committed suicide or one who attempted it. I also want you to analyze the circumstances (what, when, why, and how) around this suicide or attempted suicide. Use the following guidelines to complete this assignment.

If you know someone who committed suicide or someone who attempted it


if you fortunately don’t know anyone personally, research a famous person or personality’s suicide or attempt, then describe the circumstances surrounding the suicide or attempt:

What was the background story behind this attempt or completion? What was their life like;

how old were they? What was their family life like?

Describe the circumstances in their life leading up to the suicide or attempt?

Of the long lists of the signs/symptoms in the assigned documents, which ones were the

signs/symptoms of this person’s crisis?

What risk factors for suicide did this person have?

Do you think any therapies or treatments could have helped?

Did you see this person shortly before the event? If so what could you have done and/or said differently? Or what did you do that helped?

How did this event affect you, personally?

Finally, please explain how the act of suicide fits into our overall topic of violence in American society?


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Describe the circumstances in their life leading up to the suicide or attempt? was first posted on August 24, 2019 at 11:15 am.
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Describe the circumstances in their life leading up to the suicide or attempt? was first posted on August 24, 2019 at 11:30 am.

Describe the circumstances in their life leading up to the suicide or attempt? was first posted on August 24, 2019 at 11:33 am.
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