Developing and leading Others
Developing and leading Others
Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details The Chapter 6.2 vignette (see below) demonstrates some of the differences between a traditional team leader approach to a team and a team coaching and mentoring approach. Support your responses with citations. What are some coaching and mentoring techniques you can use even if there is no formal coaching or mentoring in an organization? What risks might be associated with these? Discuss what an organization with a coaching culture might look and feel like and how it might differ from traditionally managed organizations. It is helpful to think of the discussion board as a question and short answer exercise. Restate each question as you answer it in your post. Vignette 6.1 A collaborative approach? a) Okay, thought Jack, this is my chance. I’m going to do some of that ‘corridor coaching’ they were talking about in the training session. ‘Marty,’ he said, ‘I couldn’t help noticing that you were a bit abrupt on the phone to the suppliers earlier. Can you tell me why?’ ‘Oh they’re always letting us down’, said Marty. ‘They need to know that they can’t treat us like that.’ ‘Oh I’ve always found that it’s better to work together and have a good relationship’, said Jack. ‘Maybe they let us down because we don’t treat them well.’ ‘That’s rubbish’, said Marty heatedly. ‘Are you saying it’s my fault that we don’t get deliveries on time?’ ‘No, no’, said Jack hastily. ‘But supplier performance is one of my key performance indicators, and it’s not particularly good at the moment. We talked about supplier relationships at our last meeting, remember, and about building partnerships.’ ‘Well, you try building a partnership with that lot,’ snapped Marty. ‘I’ve tried everything and nothing works.’ ‘You have a very negative attitude,’ said Jack, ‘maybe they’re responding to that.’ ‘So you are saying it’s my fault,’ said Marty, sounding even angrier than before. ‘You haven’t been here five minutes and you know it all already. Well, when you’ve got some real suggestions apart from smiling at them over the phone, come back and see me.’ Oh dear, thought Jack, as he walked away, that did not go as planned. This coaching business is harder than it looks. Maybe I’d better stick to using it in their appraisals and times that I can prepare better for. b) ‘Marty,’ he said, ‘I couldn’t help noticing that you were a bit abrupt on the phone to the suppliers earlier. Can you tell me about it?’ ‘Oh they’re always letting us down’, said Marty. ‘They need to know that they can’t treat us like that.’ ‘Tell me a bit more’, said Jack. ‘They seem to think that we’re not as important as some of their other clients, because we put a lot of small orders through, rather than a couple of big orders.’ ‘You’ve been here a long time, Marty. Is there anything we can do or should do, do you think?’ ‘Well we’ve tried a few things but I don’t know, I was thinking after you said that thing about relationships the other day in the meeting, and you were saying that if you go to the butcher’s regularly, and have a chat with them, they give you a better cut of meat than to a stranger, and I was thinking there’s probably something in that, so I don’t know, maybe we could arrange to visit their factory and get to know them a bit.’ ‘Sounds like it might be worth trying’, said Jack. ‘Who do you want to take with you?’ ‘Oh,’ said Marty, ‘mm well maybe because it’s the first time, maybe you, so they see we treat them seriously, and then maybe Jenna as well, she chases them when I’m on holiday.’ ‘Okay,’ said Jack, ‘I’ll be happy to come along, I haven’t visited any of the suppliers since I started, so I’m glad you’ve suggested it. Just let me know when.’ ‘Will do’, said Marty.
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