DeVry University Student Lab Activity BIS245 Database Essentials for Business With Lab
To expedite this homework, please make sure you have the following software(s): Microsoft Office:
Word 2013, Visio 2013, and Access 2013
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DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
BIS245 Database Essentials for Business With Lab
A. Lab # BSBA BIS245A-6
B. Lab 6 of 7 : Creating Reports
C. Lab Overview—Scenario / Summary
7. Given a database application with a completed relational schema, populated tables, and business reporting requirements, create the
necessary reports and make a business decision.
The purpose of this iLab is to create Access Reports. After a report is created,
the student will sort the fields in different ways. Also the Student can also delete
fields in layout view and modify the appearance of the report by applying
Themes. In addition to the report generated by Access, the iLab also uses
Report Design to allow users to design their own reports.
Upon completing this iLab, you should be able to
• create a report and apply a theme for professional appearance of the report;
• use Report Design to generate your own report.
D. Deliverables:
Upload the modified Lab6_Start.accdb file that you saved as
YourName_Lab6.accdb to the Week 6 iLab Dropbox.
Part A
Part A
Part A
Part A
Part A Deliverable
Step 1: Create a Simple Report—Lab6_Report1
Step 2: Create a report using Report Design—Lab6_Report2
Step 3: Creating Multi-table Reports—Lab6_Report3
Step 4: Adding a Subreport—Lab6_Report4
Step 5: Create Mailing Labels—Lab6_Report5 Part B
Part B Step 1: Create a Report—Lab6_Report6
Step 2: Create a Multi-table Report—Lab6_Report7 E. Lab Steps: Points Preparation:
1. Download the Access starter file from the Week 6 iLab page, and save the file
to your local drive.
2. Using Citrix for MS Visio and/or MS Access
a. If you are using the Citrix remote lab, follow the login instructions
located in the iLab area in Course Home.
b. You will have to upload the “Lab6_Start.accdb” file to your Citrix folder.
Follow the instructions located on the iLab area in Course Home.
3. Start MS Access:
a. If you are using Citrix, click on Microsoft Office Applications folder.
b. If you are using Visio on a local computer, select Microsoft Office from your
Program Menu. Lab:
Part A: Creating Reports—Step-by-Step
Step 1: Create a Simple Report
The basic steps for creating a simple report in MS Access are as follows:
– Select the table for the report in the Navigation Pane.
– Click the Create tab.
– Click the Report button in the Reports group.
a. Select the Customers table. You will see the table highlighted in the left pane.
b. Click the Create tab to create a new object.
c. Click Report from the Reports group to create a new report. d. After clicking the Report button, a new report is created by Access. Right-click any of
the fields to view a Shortcut menu. e. Using the shortcut menu, you can sort
the data in the report by descending or
ascending sequence. You can also use
this shortcut menu to delete unwanted
fields. Notice that the shortcut menu items
are determined by the item you have
selected when you right click the mouse.
Yours may not look exactly like the
example shown. f. Click Themes to display different types of formats. Choose any format to see the report format change. Select the one you like best before saving your report.
g. Click Save to save the report as Lab6_Report1, then close the report. Step 2: Create a Report Using Report Design
a. Click the Create tab to create a new object.
b. Click Report Design from the Reports group to create a new report. c. After clicking Report Design, a new report will be shown. Using the Add Existing Fields
tool, add the fields needed to generate a customer phone number list. Right click on
each field, then choose tabular format. Alternate method is to depress the Shift key while
selecting all fields. Then select the Tabular option from the Arrange tools. d. After the fields are located on the report, select the Design tab and use the View pulldown to select the Report View to see the report.
e. After viewing the report, return to the Design View to make adjustments to field sizes,
and so forth so that the report is readable. f. Click View again, and select Layout View to go back to layout view. Click Themes to
pick up a pre-existing format. g. View your report by using the View pull-down to select Print Preview. If the report is
not readable, continue to modify the layout until you have a report that works. Save the
report as Lab6_Report2. Step 3: Creating Multi-table Reports In this section, you will create a report that involves multiple tables. In this case, you
want a list of orders processed by each employee.
a. Select the Employees table and then click Create tab and select Report Wizard.
b. Make sure that Table: Employees is selected in the Table/Queries selection window. c. Select EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, Photo, and ReportsTo from the Employees
d. Click on the down arrow key and then select Table: Orders. Select OrderID,
OrderDate, ShippedDate, and ShipVia from that table, then click Next. e. In the next screen, you have the option of viewing data by Employees or by Orders;
select by Employees, then click Next f. In this step, you can select to Group your report by any field that you have selected.
Select g. In this step, you can add sort order to your report. Select OrderDate, then click Next h. In the next screen, you can select a layout for your report. Select Stepped Layout and
then make sure that Landscape orientation is used. Click Next. i. Enter Lab6_Report3 as the title of the report, and then click Finish.
j. You should be able to see the report for all nine employees and the orders that they
worked on. k. You can modify and format your report by going to Layout view.
l. Save the changes to the report. Step 4: Adding a Subreport To add a subreport to a report, you use the subform/subreport tools on the Design tab. In
this case, you will create a Suppliers report, with a Products subreport that allows
generation of a printed list of suppliers with products each supplies.
First, let’s create a new report.
a. Click Create, then select Report Wizard.
b. Select the Suppliers table from Tables/Queries.
c. Select CompanyName, ContactName, Address, City, Region, PostalCode, Country,
and Phone from the Suppliers table and click Next.
d. Select grouping by CompanyName, click the > button to move the grouping criteria to
the right hand pane, then click Next. e. In the next screen, select sort by ContactName, then click Next.
f. Select Stepped Layout in the next screen, make sure that Landscape orientation is
selected, then click Next.
g. Enter a report title of Lab6_Report4 and then click Finish.
h. You should be able to see the list of the Suppliers, sorted in ascending order by
CompanyName. Now, you will add a Subreport to your report, showing the products that each supplier
provides, and information about the pricing of the products.
i. If you are still in Print Preview, close Print Preview and then, while the Supplier report
is open, click on the View button and select Design View.
j. Place your cursor on the bar separating Detail and Page Footer sections, hold the
mouse button down, and expand the Detail Section. k. From the Design tab, click the drop down arrow to show all controls. Make sure that
the Use Control Wizards button is highlighted in the Controls subgroup Menu, then click
on the Subform/Subreport button. l. Move your cursor to the desired position and click the mouse button.
m. Select Use existing Tables and Queries, then click Next. n. Select the Products table in the Tables/Queries box. Select ProductName,
CategoryID, QuantityPerUnit, and UnitPrice, and move them to Selected Fields, then
click Next. o. In the next screen, make sure that Choose from a list radio button is selected, then
Click Finish.
p. Your screen should look similar to the following. q. Switch to Report View; you will be able to see Suppliers by the Products subreport. r. Save the changes to the report. Step 5: Create Mailing Labels
In this section, you will use the Customers table to create labels for mailing materials to
your customers.
a. Make sure the Customers table is selected. b. Click on Create tab in the Report group and then click the Labels button.
c. Select C2160 as Product number, 1 1/2" x 2 1/2” as Dimensions, and 3 as Number
Make sure that English is selected as the Unit of Measure, and that Avery is selected as
the Filter by manufacturer box and then click Next. d. In the next screen, you can select Font type, size, and color. Make your selection and
click Next.
e. In the next screen, select CompanyName, then click > to move it to the Prototype
label, and then press the Enter Key.
f. Select ContactName, and move it to the Prototype label, then press the Enter Key.
g. Move the Address, then press Enter.
h. Move City then type Comma (,) and press spacebar, move Region, press spacebar,
then move PostalCode and press the Enter Key.
i. Move Country. Your screen should look like the following. j. Click Next. Select Country as the sorting field, and then click Next. k. Enter a report title of Lab6_Report5, and then click the Finish button.
l. The results should look like the following. m. Save the changes to the report. Step 6: Finished with Part A
You are now finished with the step-by-step portion of the iLab. Save your
database as YourName_Lab6.accdb. Go on to Part B.
End of Part A
Part B: On Your Own
Step 1: Create a Simple Report
a. Using your experience from Part A, create a product price list to be used by all employees. Your report should show products listed by category ID, and sorted in
descending order by the product name. The list should also include the product
ID, the quantity per unit, the unit price, and whether the product has been
b. Save the results as Lab6_Report6. Step 2: Create a Multi-table Report
a. Using your experience and skills gained in Part A of the lab, complete the
following report. You need a history of products ordered by each customer on
each order placed. The report should show the customer ID, company name,
contact name, and the phone. You will also need the order ID, Order Date, and
the Date Shipped, sorted by order date so that the most recent order is first. The
report should also show the products ordered on each order with the
corresponding order ID, the unit price, and the quantity. Hint: you will probably
want to use a subform for the order details!
b. Save the results as Lab6_Report7. Step 3: Save and Submit
Save your YourName_Lab6.accdb database. Submit your iLab 6 database to the
Weekly iLab Dropbox.
End of Part B
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