Diagnosing Children Essay.
Diagnosing Children Essay.
Review the following media (linked in the Resources):
· The Vignette of Marcus
Based on the information presented, address the following questions using headings to match content in each:Diagnosing Children Essay.
1. What mental disorder would you consider to describe what is problematic for Marcus?
2. List the specific criteria from the DSM-5 that you believe Marcus meets, given the information you currently know about him. Be sure to review and include all required diagnostic criteria to make a diagnosis. Use the Differential Diagnosis Tool in your online DSM-5 from the library to determine the appropriate diagnosis.
3. What score would you document for Marcus, if Marcus’ family completed the parent- or guardian-rated Level 1 crosscutting symptom measure? Include the specific information you included when coming up with this score.Diagnosing Children Essay.
Support your ideas with references to the course texts, articles from this learning unit, or articles from peer-reviewed journals that you locate in the Capella University Library.
Response Guidelines
Respond to the initial discussion posts of one other learner. What reactions do you have to the ideas the learner has presented? Include examples from your own experience to support your perspective, and raise questions to continue the dialogue.Diagnosing Children Essay.
Learning Components
This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:
· Identify the main symptoms observed in persons who are experiencing psychological disorder.
· Apply assessment tools to aid in the diagnostic process.
· Identify the role of diagnostic codes, including V and Z codes, to support a holistic diagnosis of clients seen in family counseling.
· Use language appropriate for a counseling professional.Diagnosing Children Essay.
· Cite and reference resources, giving appropriate credit for another’s work.
· Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
· Differential Diagnosis by the Trees.
· Capella University Library.
· Masters in Counseling – Research Guide.
· The Vignette of Marcus | Transcript.
The Vignette of Marcus
The Vignette of Marcus: Marcus is a 10-year-old boy who has been struggling at school. During the past year he has frequently been distracted in class, and fidgety while in his seat. He often gets into trouble for not paying attention to the teacher, and has difficulty engaging in solitary activities such as reading or taking tests. He gets into trouble in school for talking too much, and for talking out of turn. While at recess, he continues to have difficulties standing still and taking turns. During class time, Marcus has difficulty following instructions and completing his work. He is easily distracted, does not pay attention to details, and frequently leaves his seat to interrupt the work of other students.Diagnosing Children Essay.
Marcus continues to have difficulty at home. He spends the weekdays with his mother and two younger brothers whose ages are 5 and 7. He tries to help with many of the household chores his mother cannot tend to while she is at work full-time, but has difficulty following through. He seems to want to be helpful. He has some difficulty getting along with his brothers, and often will take their toys without asking. On the weekends, Marcus lives with his father, stepmother, his 11-year-old stepsister, and his 3-year-old half-sister. He describes his father and stepmother as being very strict, which causes some difficulty for Marcus. He has difficulties sitting still, which causes significant difficulty when he goes out to dinner or to other events with his father and stepmother.Diagnosing Children Essay.
Marcus’ teacher has met with his parents on several occasions to discuss his poor academic progress. She has expressed concern with the level of his academic skills in writing and math, as well as with his ability to control his energy and to ‘fit in’ with the others in his class. Both the teacher and school principal have recommended counseling for Marcus, and the parents’ insurance plan will pay for 10 visits. Marcus’ pediatrician has also suggested the possibility of medication.Diagnosing Children Essay.
Unit 7 Discussion 2
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Review the Extraordinary People story of Temple Grandin on page 280 and the case study of Richard on page 287 from your Abnormal Psychology text. Consider the range of impairment for individuals whose symptoms are described by autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Address the following using headings to match content in each bullet point:Diagnosing Children Essay.
· Compare early behaviors typical of those diagnosed with ASD evident in the description of Temple and Richard.
· How have the developments in the field since the time Temple was young changed how we understand Richard’s symptoms and their causes?
Support your ideas with references to the course texts, articles from this learning unit, or articles from peer-reviewed journals that you locate in the Capella University Library.Diagnosing Children Essay.
Response Guidelines
Respond to the initial discussion posts of one other learner. What reactions do you have to the ideas the learner has presented? Include examples from your own experience to support your perspective, and raise questions to continue the dialogue.
Learning Components
This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:
· Identify the main symptoms observed in persons who are experiencing psychological disorder.
· Use language appropriate for a counseling professional.
· Cite and reference resources, giving appropriate credit for another’s work.
· Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
· Capella University Library.
· Masters in Counseling – Research Guide.Diagnosing Children Essay.
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