different styles of approaching conflict
Wk 4 discussion 2 replies
Guided Response: Review several of your peer’s posts. Give additional advice to at least two of your peers on the approaching conflict. In addition, inquire as to why they chose the approach they did.
Jeramiah Jones
TuesdayNov 21 at 8:49am
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Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different styles of approaching conflict. Which approach do you use? Give an example of why you used this approach.
According to the text, there are a few different ways of approaching conflict, some of those include different types of communication. Communication is how people voice their frustration and diagnose the conflict. Another approach to conflict is differentiation, this is something that happens in the beginning of a conflict, and it is used to explain the position that each individual has taken in relation to the other regarding the conflict. Differentiation calls for each person to detail what they feel are the differences of opinion (Northouse, 2018). This type of approach can be difficult because forcing people to listen to each other and the reason they disagree can sometimes cause the conflict to escalate. One advantage to this approach however is that it gets everything out into the open, and it gives everyone a chance to have a better understanding of where each individual is coming from (Northouse, 2018).
Another approach as defined by our text is fractionation which is an attempt of taking a larger conflict, and separating it into smaller segments. This makes the conflict easier to define and gives the individuals a chance to solve their conflict one small part at a time. This helps to make the disagreement more manageable, not just for leadership, but also for everyone involved. While this approach may take longer to solve, it will be less stressful and overwhelming. By working on smaller parts of a larger problem it gives the chance to solve the issues permanently due to being able to focus on one thing at a time (Northouse, 2018).
A third approach to conflict is face saving. Our text describes face saving as an opportunity to let people communicate professionally, and it helps to calm a situation by requiring people to talk to each other with respect. This technique has the possibility to escalate if the people involved are not able to stay focused on the issues and instead attack each other’s character instead (Northouse, 2018). This would not be my first go to in conflict resolution. I feel that while trying to stay on task and focus on the conflict only, you may not get to the root of the problem by forcing people to converse with the other in a respectful way.
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