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Directions for assignment is attached below

Directions for assignment is attached below. This is an ethics class 

 ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentDeliverable:Your assignment is to make the decision using utilitarian ethics–as this week’sclasswork and discussions have brought you that skill–and then to write it up in the form of aMemorandum for the hospital records. Remember that this record could be reviewed by the PeerReview Committee or the Hospital Trustees at a later date. This is Utilitarian Week in our course.Employ what you have learned from J. S. Mill and Utilitarianism this week AND one other ofour course’s ethicists (of your choice) from earlier weeks. The Memorandum should be at leasttwo double-spaced pages with a maximum of three pages, in memorandum form, ready tobecome an official item of record.Scenario:Ok, Lead Surgeon, it is time to do what you do best! There is a lot at stake.The decision must be made almost immediately. Like all actions, you will need to writeyour decision into medical documentation before you begin. Yes, that means YOU! Inthe limited time before you would begin surgery, you need to consider the cases; thetechnical issues involved also, and write a Memorandum for the Record to documentwhat decision you made and what considerations you included in your process. This willbe on the record, so it needs to be thorough in case it needs to justify your actions at alater date.Role: You are the Lead Surgeon in a major hospital, and by virtue of your seniority youare also the key decision maker for transplant cases. Right now you have three peoplewho are waiting and hoping for a suitable heart to become available. Your cell phonerings suddenly, and you are notified that a heart has become available-meaning thatyou need to make a quick yet sound decision about which patient will receive the heart

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View the AnswerPlayers: Jerry,a father of 3 children and at the age of 55, is in the Ward awaiting a suitable heartfor transplanting. His wife Joanie is a stay at home mother with no education beyond high schooland no career. Jerry is the middle level manager at a carpet distributing business and 5 year shortof his retirement eligibility. Jerry and Joanie have three teenage children aged 14, 16, and 19.The 19 year old is a sophomore at college; the 14 year old is mildly autistic, and the 16 year oldis an astronaut wannabe. If Jerry gets the heart, his chances of living another 10-15 years arevery high. His heart is damaged due to the use of steroids in his early 20s when he was involvedwith bodybuilding before the dangers of steroid use were fully known.Lisais one of those precocious girls – a doll-like girl at the edge of becoming a teenager. Shereads voraciously and yet likes the activities of a younger girl playing with her Barbie Doll. Shehas suffered health issues all her life due to various viral infections and a lupus-like immunedeficiency. Her heart was damaged during a nasty bout with pneumonia last year and actuallystopped for a brief period. Her mother knew to begin CPR on her or she would have died there.Even with a transplant, her chances of surviving into her 20s are not good. She is the only childin the family, and they cannot bear more children. Her parents will do anything for her, and theyhave offered to donate $2 million to the hospital’s construction of specialized facilities if she canget a heart soon enough. Her father is also a noted oncologist working in the same hospital but ina different departmentOzzyis a single 38 year old man with no family. He has lived homeless and in shelters for atleast a decade. He was brought to the Hospital through the work of a local charity that assistssuch men with no assets or insurance. His heart condition is due to continued abuse andoverdosing of crack cocaine, and without a transplant he will not live out the month. In recentmonths, has become involved with troubled teens at a local homework and tutoring hangout, and

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