Discuss Are clinical workflows efficient, clearly mapped out, and understood by all staff?Process Analysis Before you begin this assignment, be sure you have read the UMUC Family Clinic Case Study and your
Discuss Are clinical workflows efficient, clearly mapped out, and understood by all staff?Process Analysis Before you begin this assignment, be sure you have read the UMUC Family Clinic Case Study and your
Case Study, Stage 1: Process Analysis Before you begin this assignment, be sure you have read the UMUC Family Clinic Case Study and your Week 1 and Week 2 readings, which discuss Electronic Health Record (EHR) functionality and Process Workflow Analysis and Mapping. Purpose of this Assignment This assignment gives you the opportunity to apply your analysis skills to model a health care business process in an ambulatory setting. Modeling the process as it exists (and as it will exist) will aid in the analysis, selection and implementation of the EHR system for the medical practice. In this assignment, you will develop 2 process maps (AS-IS and TO-BE) for the patient visit clinical process workflow. This assignment addresses the following course outcome to enable you to: Evaluate the organizational environment in the health care industry to recognize how technology solutions enable strategic outcomes. Analyze the flow of data and information among disparate health information systems to support internal and external business processes. Family Clinic Medical Practice In order to apply technology to a process, the process must be thoroughly understood and models are used for this purpose. The model also supports business process analysis and redesign when the process is deemed to be inefficient or ineffective. In addition, models are used to design the TO-BE process that describes the desired end state after the technology solution is developed. In analyzing and improving clinical processes, one should consider the following questions: Are administrative processes organized, efficient, and well documented? Are clinical workflows efficient, clearly mapped out, and understood by all staff? Are data collection and reporting processes well established and documented? For your Stage 1 Project for the Case Study, you will develop model of the patient visit process used at the UMUC Family Clinic. You will create a model of that process which defines in detail the steps in the process as they are done today. Then, you will create a model of the proposed new process, as it will be performed after an EHR system (IT solution) is implemented. As you develop your models, review the Week 2 readings on processes, process analysis and process modeling. You will use flowchart symbols to indicate process steps, decision points, etc. The flowchart symbols to be used and examples of how to use them to illustrate the work flow can be found in the ”Flowchart” lecture. You may use Microsoft Word, Excel or Power Point to develop your process models, but they must be inserted into your final and single document, which must be readable using Microsoft Word. If you use another product to develop these models, it is your responsibility to ensure it is properly sized and can be read using the Microsoft Office products. Tools for Creating the Models The following are two URLs that have a more detailed description of Flow Charting and its uses: http://www.hci.com.au/hcisite2/toolkit/flowchar.htm http://asq.org/learn-about-quality/process-analysis-tools/overview/flowchart.html To create a flow chart in Word 2007 and 2010: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkN0dekcsmw To create a flow chart or process map in Excel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_R73RVfHl0 To create a flow chart in PowerPoint: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8erOL-3Bho 1. Formatting. As this is to be a formal document or deliverable to your client, it must include a full outline (see the rubric below for relevant sections), to include an Introduction or Background, and Conclusion. These are your opportunities to lead the thinking of your client. This is gradable under Report Format. For academic writing, the writer is expected to write in the third person. In third person, the writer avoids the pronouns I, we, my, our, you and your. The third person is used to make the writing more objective by taking the individual, the self, out of the writing. This method is very helpful for academic writing, a form in which facts, not opinion, drive the tone of the text. Writing in the third person allows the writer to come across as unbiased and thus more informed. Your paper should be two-plus pages, single spaced (plus title and reference pages). You should include at least one external source. These are sources other than those provided in the classroom. Sources should be scholarly or professional in nature, rather than random websites. NOTE: More than one external source is required to earn full points. Add a title page, and a reference page.
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