Discuss Characteristics of Those Who Become Victims of Cyber Bullying Essay Paper
Discuss Characteristics of Those Who Become Victims of Cyber Bullying Essay Paper
Assignment: Discuss characteristics of those who become victims of cyber bullying
According to Bullystatistics.org (n.d.), “about half of young people have experienced some form of cyber bullying.” This number may seem incredible, but what makes this possible? Why is this type of victimization so prevalent?Discuss Characteristics of Those Who Become Victims of Cyber Bullying Essay Paper
In this Discussion, you explore potential characteristics of those who become victims of cyber bullying. You also examine how an individual’s level of cognitive development might make them more or less prone to cyber victimization.
To Prepare for this Discussion:
- Select one form of cyber victimization
- Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the possible characteristics of a potential target of that cyber victimization
- Also, consider the level of cognitive development of a potential target of the selected form of cyber victimization.
- Search the Internet and the Walden library for two scholarly article(s) related to the characteristics and cognitive development of potential cyber victims.Discuss Characteristics of Those Who Become Victims of Cyber Bullying Essay Paper
By Day 4
Post an analysis of the characteristics of the potential cyber victims or vulnerable population, including the population’s age range and level of cognitive development relative to the form of cyber victimization you selected. Explain how society might be responsible for protecting the potential victim. Suggest a strategy to educate and empower individuals against online predators to mitigate their risk. Include at least one scholarly source. Use proper APA format and citations.Discuss Characteristics of Those Who Become Victims of Cyber Bullying Essay Paper
Readings for this week, please in use articles as reference for answer.
Davis, V. (2012). Interconnected but underprotected? Parents’ methods and motivations for information seeking on digital safety issues. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 15(12), 669–674. DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2012.0179
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.
Moreno, M. A., Egan, K. G., Bare, K., Young, H. N., & Cox, E. D. (2013). Internet safety education for youth: stakeholder perspectives. BMC Public Health, 13(1), 1–6. DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-13-543
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.
Rose, I., & Waite, L. (2012). Editorial and commentary: Mediating disability in the digital era: Disability, technology and equality. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 12(4), 189–191. DOI: 10.111/j.1471-3802-2012-01259.x
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.Discuss Characteristics of Those Who Become Victims of Cyber Bullying Essay Paper
Goodman, N. (2015). This is what happened when we posted Monica Lewinsky’s TED Talk. Ideas.Ted.Com. Retrieved from http://ideas.ted.com/want-to-help-prevent-online-bullying-comment-on-facebook/
Herrera, J., Kupczynski, L., & Mundy, M. (2015). The Impact of Training on Faculty and Student Perceptions of Cyberbullying in an Urban South Central Texas Middle School. Research in Higher Education Journal, 27. Retrieved from http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1056180.pdf Discuss Characteristics of Those Who Become Victims of Cyber Bullying Essay Paper
Livingstone, S. (2013). Online risk, harm and vulnerability: Reflections on the evidence base for child Internet safety policy. Zer: Revista De Estudios De Comunicacion, 18(35), 13–28.
Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.
Livingstone, S., Mascheroni, G., Dreier, M., Chaudron, S. and Lagae, K. (2015). How parents of young children manage digital devices at home: The role of income, education and parental style. London: EU Kids Online, LSE. Retrieved from http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/63378/1/__lse.ac.uk_storage_LIBRARY_Secondary_libfile_shared_repository_Content_EU%20Kids%20Online_EU_Kids_Online_How%20parents%20manage%20digital%20devices_2016.pdf
EU Kids Online. (n.d.). Findings, methods, recommendations. Retrieved from https://lsedesignunit.com/EUKidsOnline/ Discuss Characteristics of Those Who Become Victims of Cyber Bullying Essay Paper
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