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Divorce and Domestic Violence

 Description Cynthia was a beautiful and talented woman pursuing her dreams. With success came a whirlwind of fame, a husband, and six children. Several calls were made to seek help for the violence she suffered behind closed doors. Cynthia is not alone; millions of women around the world face the same fate at the hands of a partner. In this case, her life was unbearable and there was no way out. Married at age 20, she was dead by the age of 38. Poverty and economic struggles in a marriage may affect the rates at which couples will part. During the Great Depression, the rate of domestic violence went up in the United States as the divorce rate went down. When women are unable to financially care for their family, history tells us that a marriage—even a bad marriage—is preferred. There is some evidence that divorce proves a safety valve in cases of family violence. In the United States, the passing of no-fault divorce laws during the 1970s resulted in a rise in divorce rates and a decrease in domestic violence and women’s suicide. There is only one country in the world, other than the Vatican, where there is a national no-divorce policy . . . no possibility of divorce. Annulment is an option, but it is expensive and socially discouraged. Question: Where is this country? What is the difference between a divorce and an annulment? Can you find any evidence for or against the position that a divorce provides a safety valve for women? What is meant by the term violence against women? Two full pages use the attachment to answer the question

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