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dysthymic research

  1. Each student will be assigned a research question. Use the Research Project Template to prepare your project.
  2. Each student must find three research articles that describe studies where quantitative research methods were used to examine the assigned question.
  3. Each student will have to identify the relevant information in each research article. There is an example article attached with the appropriate information highlighted. You will see that this highlighted information is included in the Research Project Template. All students are required to highlight the information in the articles that they include in their Research Project Template.

The articles are already found. The abstract, introduction, and discussion/conclusion has to be written. As well as filling in the tables.  There are examples attached. Highlight the sentences for the introduction, hypothesis, methods, discussion, and conclusion within the articles with different colors. Thank you.



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dysthymic research was first posted on November 13, 2020 at 9:22 am.
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dysthymic research was first posted on November 13, 2020 at 9:34 am.
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