each POST with 125-150 words
Respond to each POST with 125-150 wordsQuestion 1: Describe your circadian rhythms as indicated by the results of the Morningness Eveningness Scale and reflect on how they affect your work and personal life.Post 1: I scored a 39 on the Morningness Eveningness Scale. This resulted in me being a Moderately Evening Type of person. I would say this is fairly accurate. During the weekdays I have to get up in the morning and sometimes I dread it. But once I start to get ready, I slowly start to become more awake. Then, at night I usually end up in bed around Midnight. I don’t stay up on purpose either, I’m just usually not tired. Don’t get me wrong, once I’m awake I can perform tasks just fine. Overall, my sleep schedule depends on what I have planned the next day. If I have to get up early the next morning, I will head to bed about two to three hours then my usually time. When I don’t have any plans, I tend to sleep till noon. So, I would say my sleep schedule is kind of messy, but for some reason I manage. Not sure how long that will last so I need to start developing a better sleep schedule in order to keep me sane.Post 2: Our circadian rhythm is the decider of our sleep patterns. It’s described as the “daily fluctuations in bodily processes that occur in a cycle of approximately 24 hours, based upon the daily rotation of the earth around the sun” (Jordan, 2019). My own circadian rhythm revealed that I am neither a night owl nor a morning lark, which means, like 70 per cent of people, I have a normal sleep routine.Initially, I thought the result was bad. I have never really felt like I was either, but I have found that my rhythm has changed over the years. When I was younger, getting up early in the mornings was easier. Now? Not so much. I find it difficult to do that, even with a full night’s sleep. It has not really affected my personal life very much, but it does nearly eliminate my ability to stay awake during late nights. When when it comes to jumping up at 4am for work, I cannot do that easily on most day either, and admittedly, am always racing against the clock to get to work on time. I am much better for the day if I can sleep until 7am at least. Did I mention that I also like to take naps? Getting sleep is clearly not a problem for me. Getting up on time always is.Question 2: Describe what you find most helpful in the article Six Ways to Stop Worrying and Find Work You Love, https://www.yesmagazine.org/happiness/six-ways-to-stop-worrying-and-find-work-you-love.Post 1: The article was beneficial in providing insights on finding work that one loves. In particular, the article points out the need to find the connection between values and talents. Indeed, personal fulfillment can only be attained when the values and skills are synchronized to meet the goals of a job. Job satisfaction is not limited to the rewards of salaries and money that are accrued from job performance. Instead, true fulfillment is derived from the feelings of conformity to ethics and values that matter to the individual. I find this statement to be true as I also derive my fulfillment from the feelings of accomplishment of something that I enjoy doing. In fact, I always push myself to complete projects even when the working hours have lapsed just to experience the joy of accomplishing my goals. I often find myself working for extra hours at work without demanding for overtime payments.Still, I find the article to be very accurate in encouraging people to act first and then reflect later. Overthinking about the choice of career only helps to increase procrastination resulting in lower levels of fulfillment. Even when no opportunities emerge for a specific job, one should be encouraged to take up internship opportunities. It is only through practical engagements in new jobs that one can test careers through experiential learning. By engaging in different activities and job positions, one can establish and identify their strengths and weaknesses with accuracy.Post 2: What I found most helpful was all of them. All six of statements stuck out, you can relate to each one of them in a different way. Or it change your mindset on now you think you have to stay stuck at one job due to “spreading risk in an insecure job”. The one that stuck out to me the most was find where your values and talents meet and act first, reflect later.Some people have hidden talents that they are good out and it do not come out until there employer say they can’t take a certain amount of days off. That’s when they act first by testing out there talents and how far they can get before they open of there own business. I personally no longer wants to work for someone. Because the way it’s being run and the care of the employees.Question 3: Check your schedule. Set aside time on Monday or Tuesday to do at least a 15 minute observation of parenting in a public setting. This is an observation in which others will not know that they are being observed, and you will not interact with anyone you are observing, and you will not know anyone you are observing. Describe a style or styles of parenting in a grocery store or other public location following the suggestions for the observation in “Points to Ponder – Observations in Public Parenting” on page 57 of the Gardiner text.Post 1: During the weekend, I went to a local grocery store in the Humboldt Park area, where I encountered various parents with their children shopping in the afternoon, and other adults shopping alone. I observed a diverse group of people in the store, I encountered many Hispanic shoppers, but I also encountered some Caucasian shoppers with their families. In addition, I also encountered some African American parents with their children. I observed a Hispanic couple with a baby, a toddler, and another older boy that I assume was 4 years old. The toddler was walking with the father and the boy was holding his father’s hand as well. The mother was mainly the one picking up the fruits, vegetables, and items from the shelves. The baby was in the car seat inside the shopping cart. It seems as if the father was having a hard time holding the toddler and the older boy because the toddler wanted to explore around the store to touch the items. The boy was playing with the toddler which the father was just staring and letting them play. However, the father did a great job staying firm and just guide them around the store. The mother seemed tired and was just mainly doing the shopping. However, I feel the woman seemed in a bad mood. Moreover, I observed an African American woman shopping with a smaller toddler, however, I feel the woman was the grandma because she was just giving the toddler everything around the store. I feel like the grandma was spoiling the toddler. The grandma was struggling with the toddler in various moments.I feel that the Hispanic couple did a great job with their parenting throughout the shopping experience. They just didn’t buy everything they encountered, it seems as if the mother was the caregiver and the one taking care of the role of shopping, and the father was there to help her with the children. The African American woman that seemed as the grandma maybe was just spoiling her granddaughter because she can’t do much to calm the toddler.Post 2: Monday I decided to go inside one of my favorite stores which was Jewels to grocery shop. I went in the store around the time where it is usually busier than usual and all the children were getting out of school and they were with their parents. While in different sections I seen children in the snack aisle and in the section where the Halloween ads and customes were. One particular child she had to be at least 6 years old. She began to cry really loud, it had drawn attention. I believe her mother told her “No” to hot chips. Next I observed she pointed to the hot chips and her mom simply said “No”. Afterwards I moved closer to see how the mother handled the situation. Her voice was soft and gave her child another option of chips, and she hugged
her daughter and said “stop crying its ok”. The daughter wiped her face and began to remain calm and took the second option of chips.Now from what I have observed in this 5 minutes or less observation was that the mom didn’t get hysterical and ignore her daughter, she gave her options, hugged her, talked calmly to her which diffused the situation. That showed motherly love and it showed how the small negative of the child crying and that could of led to a temper tantum instead her mom acknowledged her feelings.Question 4: Critically evaluate the value of bilingual education for children as cited in the Cummins links. Indicate with which aspects you feel most in agreement and present any points of disagreement that arise for you.Post 1: Bilingual education is a term that refers to the teaching of academic content in two languages, in a native and second language. Varying amounts of each language are used depending on the outcome goal of the model. Cummins draws the distinction between additive bilingualism in which the first language continues to be developed and the first culture to be valued while the second language is added. One of the most significant points that I had found was how he explained development of the first language. ALSO “Cummins’s hypotheses were interpreted to mean that a solid foundation in native-language literacy and subject-matter learning would best prepare students for learning in English.” I agree although English is one of the main languages in school, bilingual should be more developed as much as it is in another language. The disagreements I have is that it should be optional for those who want to take the class and feel the need that they want to learn a second language, also learning this language maybe harder for some children and may lose interest.Post 2: Starting with the concept of bilingual education, bilingualism is the use of two languages in consideration of each other. (Gardiner, H. W., 2018). From my perspective, as a child raised bilingual, bilingual education focuses on using both English and another language during class. For instance, my first language as a child was Spanish and when I enrolled in school, I was placed in bilingual classes. These classes utilized both English and Spanish, I remember the teachers would speak to me in Spanish while explaining the English version of words or subject as well so I could learn the English definition of the Spanish words I already knew. Now, according to Cummins, he states that “when children continue to develop their abilities in two or more languages… they gain a deeper understanding of language and how to use it effectively. They have more practice in processing language, especially when they develop literacy in both, and they can compare and contrast how their two languages organize reality.” (Cummins, J., 2001). I agree with this statement regarding Cummins’s argument on the benefits of having a bilingual education. As an example, since I was exposed to bilingual education, I believe that my education has made me a better scholar even now as a senior in college. I can utilize and switch between Spanish and English when needed as an adult and I believe I am more eloquent because I can think and speak in both Spanish and English. I have also men people in school who have had similar experiences as a child in school and they also believe that their exposure to a bilingual education has led them to be a more successful student and person. Furthermore, Cummin’s also has great points regarding how children benefit from bilingual education rather than hinder education and learning. I agree with everything that Cummin’s states, I have no objections, and I can personally vouch for his words as a person who was previously raised in bilingual education.
age of reform and development
Hi, I need someone who is an expert in English and Chicago style citation to edit my paper, check grammar, spelling, sentence structure and choice of words and also need to check my thesis and argument if that makes sense or not. I need help for footnote and bibliography. This paper is very important to me, so I will not accept if it does not match my requirements. if you cannot do it, please don’t accept the assignment. Thank you
laughter/therapeutic value of laughter Annotated bibliography for 8 sources
Discipline: English Type of service: Annotated bibliography Spacing: Double spacing Paper format: APA Number of pages: 3 pages Number of sources: 8 sources Paper detalis: I need 8 credible sources, no cover page, and an annotated bibliography. thank youThe annotation Should the following components:
Literature Research Paper (SIMMONS) 5 PAGES
The paper is of the English composition.Attend workshop on the Annotated Bibliography;
The paper is of the English composition.Attend workshop on the Annotated Bibliography; get three sources to support your position paper.
is to be an essay summarizing and analyzing an article from a professional journal in the field of family development.
This assignment is to be an essay summarizing and analyzing an article from a professional journal in the field of family development.The goal of this assignment is to acquaint you with a professional journal in the field of family development and the type of article written for professionals in that field.Using the SDSU Library database, locate an article from the Journal of Marriage and Family which is published by the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR). Choose any topic area you wish. I suggest looking over many article titles and descriptions to find one that really interests you. A journal is a peer reviewed publication with professionals in the field as its audience. I suggest using this journal specifically because it is the oldest in the field and seen as a premier source of research publication about families. It will also make sure that you are finding the correct type of article and publication to review.Here are the parameters for writing your paper: (Consult the APA Checklist on the Week 1 link for guidance on setting up the parts of the paper you have not had to do in the weekly work.)Include:(Your first page will be the Title page, the next three or so pages will be your content, and then the final page is the reference page. Make sure the reference page cites only the scholarly article from the Journal of Marriage and Family you used and the text.)
I need this test to be completed, It is multiple choice with
I need this test to be completed, It is multiple choice with two super short written answers. I will post once someone accepts the assignment. Thank you
please downlaod the file down below and choose one topic250 words needed
please downlaod the file down below and choose one topic250 words needed thank you >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
upload file and answer questions 3and 4 with no less than 400 words
Read the upload file and answer questions 3and 4 with no less than 400 words Use APA format for writing it and Source No less than 3 source
Thematic transformation in music refers to the interweaving of melodic lines with
Thematic transformation in music refers to the interweaving of melodic lines with harmony. Examples include: monophonic, polyphonic and homophonic.FalseFlag this QuestionQuestion 20.2 ptsWhat term describes a many-voiced texture where different melodic lines are set one against another?polyphonyprotophonymonophonyFlag this QuestionQuestion 30.2 ptsHildegard of Bingen was a Medieval composer, a woman and considered a mystic due to the visions she reportedly experienced.FalseFlag this QuestionQuestion 40.2 ptsForm is an organizing principle in music and refers to a musical work’s structure and shape.FalseFlag this QuestionQuestion 50.2 ptsA dynamic is a small musical fragment that forms a melodic /or rhythmic unit that can be repeated, varied and combined into new patterns.FalseFlag this QuestionQuestion 60.2 ptsJohann Sebastian Bach was known primarily for his piano works.FalseFlag this QuestionQuestion 70.2 ptsOpera is a large-scale dramatic musical genre that is staged.FalseFlag this QuestionQuestion 80.2 ptsThematic development is a technique where composers generate musical material by varying the melody, rhythm or harmony of the musical themes in a work.FalseFlag this QuestionQuestion 90.2 ptsA defining characteristic of Classical Era music is the complexity and asymmetrical nature of melody and musical phrasing.FalseFlag this QuestionQuestion 100.2 ptsClassical sonatas were set for either one solo instrument (usually piano) or two instruments (violin and piano for instance). FalseFlag this QuestionQuestion 110.2 ptsWorld War I helped shape the intellectual and artistic climate of the Romantic Era in Europe.FalseFlag this QuestionQuestion 120.2 ptsThe Industrial Revolution and advances in manufacturing technology meant changes in the construction of musical instruments: valves on brass instruments, stronger piano frames, and the invention of entirely new instruments like the piccolo, tuba and saxophone.FalseFlag this QuestionQuestion 130.2 ptsThe German art song (or Lied) for solo voice and piano was a favored Romantic genre.FalseFlag this QuestionQuestion 140.2 ptsThe Elfking (Erlkönig) is an example of….a poem by Goethea sonataLiedFlag this QuestionQuestion 150.2 ptsClassical era composers cultivated program music over absolute music, preferring to write music with an intended pictorial or literary association. FalseFlag this QuestionQuestion 160.2 ptsBerlioz’s Idée fixe is a musical theme that appears only once in his Symphonie fantastie in order to represent the idea of an unattainable lover.FalseFlag this QuestionQuestion 170.2 ptsRomantic opera developed distinct national styles in Italy, Germany, and France.FalseFlag this QuestionQuestion 180.2 ptsBel canto means “simple singing” and refers to a style with simple melodic lines sung by amateur singers who had largely untrained voices.FalseFlag this QuestionQuestion 190.2 ptsLa donna è mobile is from Wagner’s famous opera Die Meistersingers.FalseFlag this QuestionQuestion 200.2 ptsA singspiel is a a light comic musical drama with spoken dialogue.FalseFlag this QuestionQuestion 210.2 ptsA leitmotif is a recurring theme representing a person, place or idea.FalseFlag this QuestionQuestion 220.2 ptsHenry Purcell used leitmotifs to unify and organize his operas. HIs operas are not broken up by the more usual aria/recitative/chorus structure but instead are continuous.FalseFlag this QuestionQuestion 230.2 ptsWagner used chromaticism and dissonance to portray strong emotions and desires, and in doing so stretched tonality to its limits.FalseFlag this QuestionQuestion 240.2 ptsMany composers have used leitmotifs in their compositions; for instance, John Williams (Star Wars), Hector Berlioz (Symphonie fantastique), Howard Shore (Lord of the RIngs).FalseFlag this QuestionQuestion 250.2 ptsA string quartet is both a musical genre and a way of describing an ensemble made up of 2 violins, 1 viola and a cello.False
upload file and answer questions 3and 4 with no less than 400 words
Read the upload file and answer questions 3and 4 with no less than 400 words Use APA format for writing it and Source No less than 3 source
Question 10.5 ptsLISTENING EXAMPLE Play media comment.This composer….was part of the American
Question 10.5 ptsLISTENING EXAMPLE Play media comment.This composer….was part of the American avant-garde and was a pioneer in the use of prepared piano techniqueswas a French late 19th century composer who was influenced by music of Asia and the U.S.was a Baroque English composer famous for operas and theater music.was a Romantic German composer famous for his use of leitmotifs.was famous for Lied, or art song.was a Classical composer who was known for his development of the symphony as a musical form.Flag this QuestionQuestion 20.5 ptsLISTENING EXAMPLE Play media comment.What word best describes the example?Avant gardeClassicalImpressionistAriaLiedFlag this QuestionQuestion 30.5 ptsLISTENING EXAMPLE Play media comment.Who is the composer?SchubertCrumbHaydnDebussyWagnerPurcellFlag this QuestionQuestion 40.5 ptsLISTENING EXAMPLE Play media comment.What word best describes the example?RomanticImpressionistAvant gardeprepared pianoariaLiedFlag this QuestionQuestion 50.5 ptsLISTENING EXAMPLE Play media comment.This composer…was a French late 19th century composer who was influenced by music of Asia and the U.S.was a Romantic German composer famous for his use of leitmotifs.was a Classical composer who was known for his development of the symphony as a musical form.was part of the American avant-garde and was a pioneer in the use of prepared piano techniqueswas a Baroque English composer famous for operas and theater music.was famous for Lied, or art song.Flag this QuestionQuestion 60.5 ptsLISTENING EXAMPLE Play media comment.What word best describes the example?ImpressionistRomanticClassicalprepared pianoariaLiedFlag this QuestionQuestion 70.5 ptsLISTENING EXAMPLE Play media comment.Who is the composer?was a French late 19th century composer who was influenced by music of Asia and the U.S.was part of the American avant-garde and was a pioneer in the use of prepared piano techniqueswas from W. Virginia and used extended instrumental and vocal techniques.was a Romantic German composer famous for his use of leitmotifs.was famous for Lied, or art song.was a Classical composer who was known for his development of the symphony as a musical form.Flag this QuestionQuestion 80.5 ptsLISTENING EXAMPLE Play media comment.What word best describes the example?Avant gardeClassicalprepared pianoImpressionistLiedExperimentalFlag this QuestionQuestion 90.5 ptsLISTENING EXAMPLE Play media comment.Who is the composer?was a French late 19th century composer who was influenced by music of Asia and the U.S.was a Classical composer who was known for his development of the symphony as a musical form.was famous for Lied, or art song.was a Baroque English composer famous for operas and theater music.was from W. Virginia and used extended instrumental and vocal techniques.was part of the American avant-garde and was a pioneer in the use of prepared piano techniquesFlag this QuestionQuestion 100.5 ptsLISTENING EXAMPLE Play media comment.What word best describes the example?prepared pianoClassicalImpressionistLiedariaRomantic
Read Chapter 31 in the Backpack Literature (Kennedy
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Annotated bibliographyRead Chapter 31 in the Backpack Literature (Kennedy
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upload file and answer questions 3and 4 with no less than 400 words
Read the upload file and answer questions 3and 4 with no less than 400 wordsUse APA format for writing it and SourceNo less than 3 source
upload file and answer questions 3and 4 with no less than 400 words
Read the upload file and answer questions 3and 4 with no less than 400 wordsUse APA format for writing it and SourceNo less than 3 source
Stakeholder’s Argument through Visual Analysis
Hi, please read the description thoroughly and answer the questions in the table. you can copy the table and fill it in with information you gain. After that write 200 words explaining the information you gained . The topic is Climate change and my stakeholder is NATIONAL CENTER OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH . here is the link of the stakeholder( https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/information/mission_vision_goals.htm) …. Once you get in the website you will find a pdf, enter it and choose two images related to the topic and just follow the process here. thanksBegin by selecting an organization (stakeholder) that is engaged in the controversial issue you researched in Project 1. Explore the stakeholder’s goals that encompass its interests, missions, and message. Find two specific images created by the stakeholder. The stakeholder you identify may present these images via advertisements, Public Service Announcements, flyers, billboards, or on its website. Images may be static (still) or dynamic (literal movement) or a combination of both. If you choose a dynamic image, you must be able to take a clear screen shot of the image. Start thinking about how the organization’s two images might reflect its goals and argument. Respond to the following critical examination questions.Rhetorical AppealImage 1Image 2Appeal to Logos: How does the stakeholder use reason and logic in the image to appeal to its audience? Point to specific details.Appeal to Pathos: What ways does the stakeholder appeal to its audience’s emotion through the image? Point to specific details.Appeal to Ethos: How does the stakeholder use credibility, reputation, and/or morality appeals in the image to persuade its audience? Point to specific details.Appeal to Kairos: In what ways might the stakeholder use an appeal to timeliness to influence its audience? Point to specific details.
about Annotated Bibliography, 1500 words
Major Essays: The majority of your grade in this course comes from a sequence of papers based on the assigned literature. Note: you may not use online sources such as Wikipedia, Gradesaver, Shmoop, eNotes, 123helpme, and etc. Assignment: This week, you will complete a 1,000 word Annotated Bibliography. You will need a minimum of 7 sources (6 SECONDARY sourcres, one PRIMARY source which can be your textbook) with each followed by a 200-250 word annotation. Secondary sources must be scholarly criticism or analysis, not summaries, reviews, or “analysis” from sites such as e-Notes, SparkNotes, Wikipedia, 123HelpMe, or Gradesaver.com; instead, they must come from books written within the last ten years. If you can’t get them all within the past ten years, that’s fine as long as those sources are analyzing the literature, or some aspect thereof, not recounting facts. To explain, history books and scientific research needs to be continuously updated because we find new evidence that changes what we know about a topic. Books written about Watergate or String Theory 20 years ago might not be accurate or relevant today because new discoveries overturn facts or because our knowledge and understanding is nuanced and ultimately refined over time. However, if you’re looking at a book that explores the importance of irony in Shakespeare, then that’s ok. That kind of discussion would still be relevant to the subject today. Make sure that at least some sources are from the Troy University library databases (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.such as Academic Search Complete or JSTOR (Hint: These online databases usually provide current citations of the articles). In addition to a correct citation for each source, you must include a description or summary of the source, at least one paragraph long, and an explanation of how you foresee incorporating it into your essay. For additional information on Annotated Bibliographies, see the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.’s Annotated Bibliographies (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., as well as “Sample Annotated Bibliography (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.” or the sample annotated bib in the Weekly Activities folder. Format. In an academic community that communicates effectively, proper formatting is a mark both of one’s ability to follow instructions and of one’s willingness to interact with one’s colleagues in an accepted, mutually understandable manner. Therefore, it is important that you follow proper MLA format in producing your texts, particularly as you cite your sources. Failure to do so will lower your grade. Paper Submission. Upload your paper to the Turnitin assignment link in the appropriate Learning Modules folders.You must submit your papers electronically through CANVAS on or before the due date. No late papers will be accepted. If you do not turn your assignment in by the deadline, then you will not get credit for the assignment. You will not be allowed to make up or redo essays for any reason.All essays must be submitted in Canvas by 11:59 PM on the Sunday of the week they are due. All submissions are final, so allow yourself plenty of time to draft, revise, edit and upload. Be sure that you upload the correct document. If you upload the wrong document, then the essay is considered late and you will not receive credit. Allow spare time for unforeseen circumstances. If you wait until 11:55 PM to upload your paper, and you have technical difficulties that cannot be resolved by 11:59 PM, then your essay will be considered late and you will not be able to submit the assignment. I will not accept any essays emailed to me for any reason. Even if you email it to me at 12:00 AM on Monday, I will not accept it. I will not accept any document attached to a comment on the assignment.
English 101 final exam on chapters 1-7. I will have to do
English 101 final exam on chapters 1-7. I will have to do my bio signature first then you can do the exam
English 101 final exam on chapters 1-7. I will have to do
English 101 final exam on chapters 1-7. I will have to do my bio signature first then you can do the exam
English 101 final exam on chapters 1-7. I will have to do
English 101 final exam on chapters 1-7. I will have to do my bio signature first then you can do the exam
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