Topic: Special Occasion (July 4th) if you have any other in mind, let me know
Introduction Must Include:
I. Attention Getter: This is the portion of your speech that captures your audience. You are allowed to use statistics, quotes, stories, or jokes. 1. The Attention Getter MUST be the first thing out of your mouth. 2. The Attention Getter MUST be related to the rest of the Speech.
II. Listener Relevance: must explain the topic and why their classmates would care about this topic. Example: My favorite holiday is Christmas. I’m sure many of you can relate to this because you may also get excited when this time of year arrives.
III. Speaker Cred: explain their connection to the topic (why did you choose this topic). Example: I have the fondest memories of this holiday as a child. My family and I have always celebrated this occasion.
IV. Thesis Preview: This is where you list your main points. Example: I am going to explain to you about the family that gathers for this holiday, the traditions we hold, and what I enjoy most about this time of year.
TRANSITION: A transition is a bridge that moves you from one part of your speech to the next. Please look at the Sample Outline for examples.
IV. Body Must Include:
A. Main Point I My family is a big part of why I enjoy Christmas.
a. Sub-point I have an opportunity to see family that lives near and far. (Example)
b. Sub-point My favorite memory of my family gathering together is… (Story)
TRANSITION: A transition is a bridge that moves you from one part of your speech to the next. Please look at the Sample Outline for examples.
B. Main Point II (Be sure this is a complete sentence)
a. Sub-point (Example)
b. Sub-point (Story)
TRANSITION: A transition is a bridge that moves you from one part of your speech to the next. Please look at the Sample Outline for examples.
C. Main Point III
a. Sub-point
b. Sub-point
TRANSITION: A transition is a bridge that moves you from one part of your speech to the next. Please look at the Sample Outline for examples.
V. Closing Must Include:
Thesis Review: This is where the speaker re-states the main points. Example: Now that you have a clear understanding of how Christmas brings my family together, many of our Christmas traditions, and what this time of year means to me, I would like to leave you with…
Clincher: Students must end with a final thought that is directly connected to the attention getter. The clincher is a lasting impression that reminds the audience of the importance of the occasion.
Please be sure your outline is in outline format, including Roman Numerals and Titles (Intro, Body, Closing, Transitions), and complete sentences. Be sure to label the Attention Getter, Listener Relevance, Speaker Credibility, Thesis Preview, Thesis Review, and Clincher. It is not necessary to label the main or sub points, one must properly separate them.
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