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EBP Model and why it is relevant to HAND HYGIENE.

Describe one EBP Model and why it is relevant to HAND HYGIENE.
•Write a 2 page referenced paper. Please note primary sources are required for the model discussion; Include in-text citations and a reference page in APA format.

  1. Briefly describe the EBP Model. (25 points)
  2. Discuss the model’s usefulness in development of ideas specifically to your topical area of interest. (35 points)
  3. APA referencing. (20 points)
  4. Feedback to other student with quality references. (20 points)

I was considering discussing the Iowa model but open to writer’s ideas on which model aligns best with hand hygiene.

PICO: Does increased accessibility to hand washing stations and increased accountability lead to increased compliance of effective hand hygiene in healthcare providers?

Sample Solution

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