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Economic way of thinking

The goal is to make the best decision on what career to pursue is using the Economic Way of Thinking.
You are high school senior and you are faced with a tough choice – choose and pursue a career. You must use
concepts such as scarcity and opportunity costs in your explanation.
Your diary / Teacher.
Research your chosen career try to immerse yourself in the choice as much as possible. Research using the
occupational outlook handbook.
Example questions to research:
Are the hours/days suitable?
Are you willing to “Dress the part?”
Are you satisfied with the pay?
How much will the education cost?
Will you have to relocate to find work?
Where is there a college that provides a major applicable to my career?
Performance Tasks
You will record at least five diary entries in which you discuss and research the benefits and costs of each
choice. At the end of the week, you will enter your last diary entry detailing your decision and the opportunity
benefit and cost of that decision.
Standards for Success
You will enter at least five one-paragraph entries. Evidence of the Economic Way of Thinking and terms from
Unit One must be used. Additional citations listed at end of paper required.

Sample Solution

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