Education Philosophy
I. Opening Statement – Introduction
What is your personal mission statement? Why do you want to be a teacher? b. Based on the thinking you
have done about educational philosophy; include a statement of philosophical orientation(s). Remember that it
is very unlikely that you will completely adopt one educational philosophy system to the exclusion of all others.
It is more likely that you will borrow facets of several philosophies to form your own. Explain the ethical
responsibilities of the teacher.
II. Role of Teacher–Instruction. How does your educational philosophy, discussed in your first paragraph,
translate into teaching roles? What are the roles of the teacher in the classroom? How should he or she relate
to students and to the subject area(s) being taught? There should be evidence of careful thought and reflection
as you write this section.
III. Role of the Student–Learning: Based upon your educational philosophy, what are the roles of students in
your classroom? Within those roles, what characteristics do you expect your students to exhibit?
IV. Learning Environment: Based on your educational philosophy, what sort of learning environment will you
establish in your classroom? What is an ideal classroom learning environment? What is the relationship
between a positive classroom environment and effective student learning?
V. Parent Involvement: What will be the role of parents in your classroom? What is the relationship between the
parental roles you expect and your educational philosophy? Describe the relationships between effective
teachers and parents.
VI. Management and Discipline Policies: How will your educational philosophy be reflected in your classroom
management and discipline policies? Why is it important for students to be self-disciplined and responsible?
What is the relationship between classroom discipline and student learning?
VII. Summary: Tie it all up in a nice, neat package. Start with an effective topic sentence, and then summarize
your educational philosophy in a few, well-chosen sentences.
FEAPs: Continuous Professional Improvement (a,c,d), Professional Responsibility and Conduct
Continuous Improvement, Responsibility and Ethics.
- Continuous Professional Improvement. The effective educator consistently:
a. Designs purposeful professional goals to strengthen the effectiveness of instruction based on students’
c. Collaborates with the home, school and larger communities to foster communication and to support student
learning and continuous improvement;
d. Engages in targeted professional growth opportunities and reflective practices, both independently and in
collaboration with colleagues - Professional Responsibility and Ethical
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