Elsner, The Genres of Ekphrasis
Budget a generous period of time for this reading. Read closely and attentively, making notes as you see fit. The questions below will guide you in extrapolating important information and reflecting on the importance of ekphrasis beyond our art historical scope. Please note that you may only be able to answer some of the questions after having finished the entire reading. Please organize your answers into one coherent and polished paragraph, about half a page in length (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point, with 1-inch margins all around).
Questions about Elsner’s reading:
What does ‘ekphrasis’ mean? Could you provide two or more definitions according to the main uses of the term within Elsner’s text?
What are the origins of ekphrasis?
According to Elsner, what were some of the functions of this genre in Antiquity?
Can you think of additional functions that were directly related to the study and appreciation of art into the 20th century?
Is ekphrasis obsolete today? If not, why should be care about it?
Sample Solution
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