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Events & Project Management

This task centres on Event & Project Management Standards (and Bodies of Knowledge). Working individually,
you are required to research and address the following components in an essay format (see Q-Manual):

  1. Identify the different Event/Project standards, frameworks and processes
  2. Compare and contrast these standards, frameworks & processes, and their application
  3. Conclude your views of these standards, frameworks & processes, and their application
    Please note some additional requirements:
    -your essay should not have headings (but we will accept if it aids your argument).
    -only pdf documents are acceptable.
    -your Turnitin similarity score must be less than 10%.
    -the Rubric is available below (but rem your argument drives your essay, NOT the Rubric).
    Word limit: 1,500 words
    Weighting/Value: 20%
    Presentation requirements: Essay format
    Learning objectives assessed: This assignment tests learning outcomes:
  4. examine, analyse and synthesise the concepts, principles, processes and practice of project
  5. apply and critically evaluate the project management techniques and decision tools within
    constrained, ambiguous and uncertain business environments
  6. enhance communication, interpersonal, research, problem solving and critical thinking
    Submitting assignment: Submit the assignment through the Moodle assignment link. Attach your
    completed coversheet at the END of the submitted assignment.
    Before submitting work please complete the following checklist:
     There are no spelling mistakes in my essay (also check word choice)
     There are no grammatical mistakes in my essay
     All referencing in my essay is complete and appropriate
     Using the assignment’s marking rubric, I have self-assessed the assignment
     I have read and completed the essay Cover Sheet, and attached it
     I have selected the correct essay (i.e. not a draft copy), and it has been submitted.
    Assignments will be provided back with a grade, completed rubric and comments. Marks will not be
    Grade Outcomes:
    The four levels in the marking rubric indicate ‘Levels of Student Achievement’ indicating greater levels of
    student research autonomy the further right the mark. Level I (far left) is unacceptable level of achievement
    and autonomy, reflective of N grade performance, through to Level IV reflective of HD level performance.
    Generally, evidenced performance will vary with each criterion. As such, your grade will be determined by
    the ‘theme’ in the marked cells. If marks are themed into Level 0 then an N grade will be achieved. If marks
    are themed into Level I, then a P grade achieved. Level II a C grade and Level III an HD. If marks are
    themed across Level II and mainly in Level III, then a D grade achieved.
    We will discuss the rubric and assignment in class. Nonetheless if you do have any questions please
    ask them as soon as possible.

Sample Solution

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