Family genogram
Assignment 1: Fifteen Minute Interview with Genogram: 20% of Final Grade: Choose a family and complete a 15-minute family interview based on the salient points in Chapter 9 of your textbook. This paper is to be a scholarly paper in paragraph form. Please do not write the interview word-for-word, verbatim. A Safe Assign folder will be available for its submission. Genogram: Document the genogram of this family including 3 generations. Using your textbook and the resources/content from week 2 of this course, draw their genogram using Word or some other software program you have access to. It may take some time to do this neatly so give yourself enough time to complete this project. You may use other resources if needed to complete this project. Be sure to include a Key for your genogram and the following information: sex and age of each member, any chronic illnesses of members, if members have died the cause and dates of death, the relationships between all members of these three generations. Pls use Calgary model to articulate family nursing intervention. Required Text: Wright, L.& Leahey, M. (2013). Nurses and families: a guide to family assessment and intervention. (6th ed). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Abstract Below a Sample Paper From Another Student. A fifteen minutes interview was conducted to help develop an appropriate model that would improve family centered-care. Chronic illnesses spanning through generations is in the increase in nursing practice, with major changes in the delivery of health care services. Interview protocol to inform and involve affected family members about how to improve their health-care was designed. Responses to question asked indicated that the family is struggling financially with rising cost of medications. However, a family centered care helps negative impacts. Introduction The family chosen for this interview are from Ghana, a country in West Africa. They were selected from my neighbor-hood and for purposes of this study would be referred to as the Allen’s family. faced with some chronic illnesses that cut across three generations. The family comprises of Nene and Allen; and their two children (Asante and Kotopo). And Nene’s parents (Sam and Carol). The family is faced with chronic illnesses that spreads through three generations. Allen is a seventy years old, retired car driver with heart condition and diabetes. His parent died five years ago secondary to chronic illness; the father was ninety-five years at the time of his death and hypertensive while the mother was ninety-two years old and Diabetic. Noteworthy is that Allen is an only child. Nene is sixty-five years old woman who quit her job as a Nurse’s Aide in a nursing home due to the sudden death of her daughter (Asante). Nene’s health issues include hyperlipidemia and obesity (parent is also obese). Asante had a son (Jojo) prior to her death, paternity unknown and afflicted with pneumonia and obesity. Kotopo is thirty years old with hypertension, married with two children. The first child Tom is eight years old and afflicted with Autism while the second child Henry is six years old and Asthmatic. Kotopo’s spouse Cele has a brother named John who is thirty-five years old and has Myopia. Also, Cele’s parents: Jerry is sixty years old and Victoria fifty-five years old are afflicted with blindness and Asthma respectively. The purpose of the interview was discussed and explained to the family. Confidentiality protocol was observed and informed verbal consent was obtained. Emphasis was stresses on the fact that interview will help to develop appropriate interventions of dealing or coping with their existing illnesses. Interview was done in such a way that it evoked a therapeutic conversation between the Nurse and family. Therapeutic Conversation To achieve a therapeutic conversation or therapeutic relationship between families and Nurses as stated by (Wright &Leahey, 2013), A therapeutic conversation help to instill hope and educate families on the importance of life style changes in the management of chronic illnesses. Furthermore, the family becomes an integral part of the decision -making process and helps to improve the delivery of health care. (Holtslander solar &smith, 2013). Good Manners In showing good manners a brief detailed introduction was done. This helped to convince and reassure the family that the interview would be beneficial to them in terms of dealing with their predicaments. Creating Genogram A genogram is a tool that can be used by nurses to provide a comprehensive holistic picture for the elderly client and his environment. This can also serve as an assessment tool and as intervention strategy. The most important information to obtain includes ages, demographics of health status of family members. Therapeutic Question It is very important for the nurses to understand how the family are coping with the management of the chronic illnesses. (Denham et al., 2016). Asking questions will help to develop strong therapeutic relationship and also enhance the understanding of the health situations in the family. The responses to the question indicate Allen’s family are facing financial challenges due to rising cost of medications. This impacts on their family and social activities. Commendations The Nurse must commend the family with their achievement. The Nurse observe the unity and love of the family and commended them for the effort, they were also commended for having good rapport among each other, this shows their optimism and hope for the future. Strengths. Firstly, the family were able to stay together to support each other financially and socially. Secondly, they have support group from their church that help with Jojo’s illness and also Pneumonia support group. Conclusion In- conclusion, the fifteen minutes interview helps with improving family -centered care in which Allen’s family were able to develop trust and confidence in the nurse. The family appreciated the interview. References Denham.,S Eggenberger,S., Krumwiede, N.,&Young,P (2016).Family-focused nursing care. Philadelphia, ,PA:F.A.Davis. Holtslander,L.,SOLAR,J.,&Smith,N.R.(2013).The b15-Minute Family Interview as a learning strategy for senior undergraduate nursing students. Journal of family nursing,19(2),230-247. Wright,L.M M.& Leahey,M.(2013).Nurses and Families: A guide to Family Assessment and Intervention. Philadelphia, P.A: F.A .Davis.
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