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Find an online story or article in the media (e.g. newspaper, news website, magazine) that reports on the findings of a social scientific study or makes a claim based on social scientific evidence

Find an online story or article in the media (e.g. newspaper, news website, magazine) that reports on the findings of a social scientific study or makes a claim based on social scientific evidence. Write a 1-2 paragraph summary that addresses how the author talks about the study in the article?


  1. Include a link to the story/article

Then discuss the following:

  1. What information does the author give about the study?
  2. Does the author report where the data came from?
  3. Does the author report how the data was collected?
  4. Does the author report how many people participated in the study?
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The post Find an online story or article in the media (e.g. newspaper, news website, magazine) that reports on the findings of a social scientific study or makes a claim based on social scientific evidence appeared first on Academic Research Bureau.

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