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Find the transfer function Tdy from the disturbance d to the output y (assume r = 0). Find the transfer function Try from the reference r to the output y (assume d = 0).


Figure 1. A closed loop control system with disturbance


·       P(s) is the transfer function of the plant

·       C(s) is the transfer function of the controller

·       r is the reference signal

·       e is the error signal

·       u is the output signal from the controller

·       d is the disturbance signal

·       y is the output signal

1.     Find the transfer function Tdy from the disturbance d to the output y (assume r = 0). Find the transfer function Try from the reference r to the output y (assume d = 0).

2.     If the transfer functions of the plant and controller are given as

·       Plant: , (e.g., a normalized description of car velocity with force as the input; this can represent a cruise control system.)

·       Controller: , where K and z are constants.

a)     Verify that this is a PI controller. Show your work and state the expression for the P and I gains in terms of K and z.

b)   Show that if the input d is a step disturbance and , the effect of d on y approaches zero as  and  (Hint: Assume K,z > 0. Use the final value theorem.) Demonstrate your result by choosing the following different sets of values for K and z (varied by orders of magnitude) and plotting their closed-loop step response. Include MATLAB code and plots. Discuss your observation.

          1)    K = 0.1, z = 0.1

          2)    K = 1, z = 1

          3)    K = 10, z = 10

c)     Design a controller (select values of K and z) such that the following specifications are met:

·       Target crossover frequency = 1 rad/s (approximately equal to the closed-loop bandwidth).

·       Target phase margin is 60⁰.

1)     Show all your work and demonstrate your design meets these specifications by the use of “allmargin” command on the open-loop transfer function L(s) = P(s)C(s). (hint: “help allmargin” in Matlab). Include MATLAB code and results.

2)     Plot the closed-loop frequency and step responses from the reference input r to the output y. Show the achieved bandwidth by marking on the Bode plot with a “data cursor”. Comment on how different, if so, it is from the specified bandwidth. Include MATLAB code and plots. (Read on how to use the data cursor.)

3)     Plot the closed-loop frequency and step responses from the disturbance d to the output y. Does the steady state error e become 0 when a step disturbance d is applied to this closed loop transfer function? Include MATLAB code and plots.

3.     Now design a proportional-only controller (i.e., C(s) = K) to have the same closed loop crossover frequency (bandwidth) = 1 rad/s. Show your work. You can ignore the phase margin requirement, since it cannot be modified without a zero in the controller. Repeat problem 2 c) part 2) and 3). Is an integrator needed in the controller? Explain your observation.

NOTE: in order to form a closed loop transfer function you need to utilize the “feedback” command. Assuming you have created transfer function objects for both the plant and controller, i.e., P and C, the closed-loop transfer function from r to y, Try, will be computed as

>> T_ry = feedback(P*C,1)

Subsequently the bode plot and step response for Try can be found with

>> bode(T_ry)

>> step(T_ry)

In order to compute the transfer function from the disturbance d to the output y, use

>> T_dy = feedback(P, C)

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