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For each of the following contaminants, determine the process that will remove (or inactivate) them: E. coli, CaCl2, Non-biodegradable Pharmaceuticals, Silt > 0.5 mm, Biodegradable dissolved sugars Options: Clarifier, Sand filter, Activated sludge, Reverse osmosis, Chlorination contact tank: E. coli, CaCl2, Non-biodegradable Pharmaceuticals, Silt > 0.5 mm, Biodegradable dissolved sugars Options: Clarifier, Sand filter, Activated sludge, Reverse osmosis, Chlorination contact tank

For each of the following contaminants, determine the process that will remove (or inactivate) them: E. coli,

CaCl2, Non-biodegradable Pharmaceuticals, Silt > 0.5 mm, Biodegradable dissolved sugars

Options: Clarifier, Sand filter, Activated sludge, Reverse osmosis, Chlorination contact tank

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