I can not get the script to print in the correct format of : mine prints the first two line together? class=”ql-font-monospace” style=”background-color:rgb(233,255,242);color:rgb(72,64,64);”>What would you like to do?Your current balance:500.25 account_balance = float(500.50)def balance(): print(“Your current balance:n$%.2f”%account_balance)userchoice = input(“What would you like to do?”) if userchoice == ‘B’: print(“Your current balance:”) print (account_balance) account_balance = “nBegining Balance: “+str(account_balance)elif (userchoice == ‘D’): deposit_amount=float(input(“How much would you like to deposit today?”)) deposit(deposit_amount) account_balance += “Deposit Amount: “+str(deposit_amount)elif (userchoice == ‘W’): withdrawal_amount=float(input(“How much would you like to withdraw?”)) withdrawal(withdrawal_amount) account_balance += “Withdrawal Amount: “+str(withdrawal_amount)elif (userchoice == ‘Q’): print (“Thank you for banking with us.”)
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