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Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Vol. 1-2 (1818) answer the following questions:Do you pity the Monster? Why or why? Do you believe Frankenstein should embrace or shun his creation? Is the Monster truly evil or has he learned to be evil because of humankind’s hatred toward him?Frankenstein contemplates if it might be selfish and destructive to create another monster. Why might it be a selfish or destructive act? Is Frankenstein acting selfless when he later breaks his promise to the Monster? If you were Frankenstein, would you have granted the Monster’s request? Why or why not?

IMC Plan Part A for Starbucks Australia

All details have been provided in guidances file. This file will be submitted as PowerPoint slide. So, the words in the slide will be short and explained in notes underneath the slide.

Question Integrated (online and offline) Marketing Plan for Bodenwhich focusses on the practical

Integrated (online and offline) Marketing Plan for Bodenwhich focusses on the practical implementation issues facing the organisation using course material and theory as a foundation to support and explain your particular proposals

Question This the book selected for the book review Alter, A. (2017). Irresistible:

This the book selected for the book review Alter, A. (2017). Irresistible: The rise of addictive technology and the business of keeping us hooked. New York, NY: Penguin Books. ISBN: 9780735222847

Question An introduction is provided in Chapter 6 to provide the writer the

An introduction is provided in Chapter 6 to provide the writer the overall theme/direction of the dissertation. The Literature Review is in Chapter 7 to provide the writer context to influence the DiscussionThe Methodolgy is in Chapter 8 to provide the writer context to influence the Discussion Writer to Complete section 9.1 Introduction (limited to one paragraph)Writer to Complete section 9.3 Discussion (a section for each data collection method (see Chapter 8, Sections 2, 3 and 4)Complete section 9.4 Recommendations for Related Stakeholders (limited to one paragraph)Complete section 9.5 Summary (of the chapter, and link to the next chapter) (limited to one paragraph)Use Critiques and Comparisons through the Discussionuse same format as the word document outlinesources are provided in the bibliographykeywords: adaptive leadership, leadership, leadership competencies, competency developmentWriter is to highlight all additional content (2,000) words they add so it is easy for me to identify what has been added.Writer can strikethrough (not delete) my text in, so it is easy for me to see what has been added by the writer. Comments for thought for the writer when considering what to write for the discussion are included in 222 words in the results section 9.2 of my dissertation.Writer is not to write anything for the Results (section 9.1). However, I have included an overview of the results using charts in Section 9.1 for their reference to heavily influence the discussion.Writer to add 5 sources (citations and references) related to discussion with some of those references to the offerings of adaptive leadership training programs. Some of these can be non-academic references.Ensure flow of ideas relates to the rest of the dissertation provided already so that chapter sections are cohesive and they move from one section to the next using a theme-based narrative approach, using my existing style of writingUse Harvard Referencing SystemProvide and highlight bibliography references using Harvard Referencing format for new references added by writer.Words counted includeembedded references/citationstables diagramschartsfiguresformulaefootnotesPrimary sources for literature review are Simonet and Tett (2013), Northouse (2013) and Heifetz (1994). The rest are secondary resources. Contact me any time to ask any questions deemed relevant in relation to Data Methodologies and Findings, Literature Review or any other related topics and I will answer to the best of my ability.In case writer is wondering, the total dissertation requirement is 15,000 words. Language is British English as dissertation will be submitted to a UK university MBA business school.I left chapters 1-8 and 10-12 in primary dissertation document for reference for the writer. Chapter 9 is for the Results and Discussion. Contact me at any time for questions

Research brief/pitch and self reflection( story in Canada or Vancouver)

Assessment task title: Assignment 1: Research brief/pitch and self reflectionDetails of task: Students are to find a story that they will work on throughout the semester. The story must reveal an issue or situation that is clearly in the public interest and/or explain and make sense of a complex issue that is in the public interest. The issue can be local or national in nature. Students should aim to find a balance between an ambitious story and one that is do-able with access to interviews, documentary sources, data and so on. This will be discussed and workshopped in class in weeks one to three, and this assignment should reflect those discussions.Assignment details:Students produce a research brief that:Sets out their proposed story, identifies the issue.Identifies likely sources and documents, including public documentsIdentify if and how Freedom of Information (FOI) requests can be used.Identifies other investigative techniques to be usedProvides a feasibility analysis of how the story will be pursued.Provides a timeline of how the project will be pursued and brought to completionIdentifies potential hurdles. Students should view this as a story pitch to an editor, NOT an academic essay. This means that brevity and clarity are key requirements. In the reflection students should answer the following questions:Why they selected the story they did.Why it is an appropriate issue to investigate.How it is in the public interest. What might be revealed? What difficulties are anticipated in covering the story.Release dates: N/AWord limit: 800 word brief plus 300 word reflectionValue: 20%Presentation requirements: The assignment should be lodged electronically on Moodle and Turnitin. There are no hard copies in this course. The assignment can inlcude, where appropriate, hyperlinks to reference material. Specific details of the people to be interviewed should be included, ideally meaning names and contact numbers. Please post the pitch and reflection on a single Word document, 1.5 line spacing. Clearly mark your name and assignment title on the document, and include your name in the document title. Do NOT post a PDF version. NOTE: This assignment is not presented in news story form: it is a research brief – a pitch of proposals to an editor. It can take the form of headings and text or dot points. The timeline should be specific and well thought through. Estimated return date: Within two weeks due dateHurdle requirements for assessment item: Assignment must be submitted or student will fail the unit.Individual assessment in group tasks: N/ACriteria for marking: Evident breadth and depth of preliminary research.Evidence of well thought through approach to finding a story.Clarity and presentation.Originality and/or strength of story proposal.Comprehension of journalistic implications of research material.An honest, dispassionate and constructive self reflection including:Insight into processes of researching the proposal.Insight into decisions made – and the reasons for them.Strong and clear arguments and reasoning.Referencing requirements: Use journalistic in-text referencing and hyperplinks. No academic referencing system required, but hyperlinking to sources is important where relevant.To build your skills in citing and referencing, and using different referencing styles, see the online tutorial Academic Integrity: Demystifying Citing and Referencing at information: N/A

Could your Blood Type Group cause Dementia later on?

I need this ASAP. It’s due . This is for Anatomy and Physiology 2, final project. Simple APA, 5 References, cover page, follow the guidelines EXACT!! SEE ATTACHED: GUIDELINES

Stage 2 Essential English: Assessment Type 3: Language Study Task

question that is needing to be used is: How do Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton use language in their song lyrics to appeal to their target audience?2 texts that will need to be used is:song from kenny rogers os lucile song from dolly parton is jolene

Estimating Adequate Sample Size Using G*Power

***PLEASE FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS AS PER THE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS***Submit your deliverables for this assignment to the following activities:4.4.1 G*Power Combination Input/Output File Submission4.4.2 Short Question/Answers Submission4.4.3 Results Write Up (APA format) Submission

Question For this assignment, you will be drawing on the skills you started

For this assignment, you will be drawing on the skills you started building in the Unit 4 assignment. Similar to what you did previously, but focused now on the diversity-related challenges inherent to your specialization, you will research and review scholarly, peer-reviewed literature. Going one step farther, you will then choose and explain the main diversity challenge in your specialization, as suggested by your review. Note that you are writing a condensed literature review for this assignment.Reminder: Writing a literature review is a key part of academic work. A literature review is a piece of writing that describes what has been learned about a topic through previous research efforts. A literature review is essentially a report on work previously done in a field, to show an understanding of the context for your own writing. A literature review is not a summary of individual sources in a list, such as in the form of an annotated bibliography. Rather, the literature review paraphrases the findings from the scholarly readings you selected. You will seek the key themes from the different sources. You will use in-text citations to support the information that you learned from the scholarly readings. See section 6.11 of the APA manual, for additional detail on citing sources in text. Assignment InstructionsBefore you begin your paper, examine the Diversity in Education Scoring Guide (linked in the Resources) to see the grading criteria for this assignment. Next, download the Sample Course Paper Template and the Unit 7 Writing Revision Matrix.Use the Sample Course Paper Template as a guide for formatting and organizing your course papers.Use the Writing Revision Matrix to address feedback you receive on your paper from your instructor. Refer to the Writing Revision Matrix instructions below for further information.Paper OrganizationStart with a title page and organize your paper with the following guidelines:Title of Paper: Use the diversity issue as the title of your paper. The opening content under your paper title should provide an introduction of your chosen diversity focus and what will be included in your paper.Overview of Diversity Focus: Begin the body of your paper with an overview of the diversity issue you chose for this review. Your diversity description can begin with a broad consideration related to education. Write in third person and include literature support.Diversity Issue Related to Specialization: Provide a detailed description and examples of how the diversity-related challenge you chose to review specifically relates to your specialization. Write in third person and include literature support. Review of the Literature: The literature review should include a minimum of five references from peer-reviewed journal articles related to your education specialization. Include the main challenges found in the literature related to the diversity-related issue in your specialization. Continue writing in third person and leverage the literature.Conclusion: Your conclusion should emphasize the main themes in your paper and provide a synthesis of the literature reviewed.References: Include a minimum of five different scholarly, peer-reviewed journals (related to your field of specialization) that are also cited in the paper. Your citations must have references and your references should be included within your paper as in-text citations.

Question Process: You will search relevant databases and choose four (4) peer reviewed

Process: You will search relevant databases and choose four (4) peer reviewed articles on “Reflection, Reflective Practice, Critical Reflection, Reflective Practitioner”. The articles must be from recent, (published in the last ten years) refereed journals. It is recommended that you select articles that relate to your professional area of practice (which for me is Psychology or if counselling is easier, happy to go with that option too). For each of the four articles in the annotated bibliography commence with the full bibliographic reference using the example in the attachment. Note that APA referencing is used. In 800 words (200 words per article – excluding the bibliographic reference) use the following process in your own words as shown in the template:• the broad aim/scope and a brief outline of the main ideas• limitations, evidence, applicability to reflections on professional practice• possible audience, relevance for topic, what the text offers• In a further 200 words provide a conclusion (synthesis) of the overall findings as you understand them.**So essentially it’s four articles and there is a 200 word count for each, and then there should be a 5th paragraph, which is the synthesis, which we write drawing the articles together. There is an example in the attachment as well – let me know if you have any questions 🙂

Question I am working on a website for my final project. The website

I am working on a website for my final project. The website called “Art Connects Network”, but at the same time I have to conduct a research trying find out how the idea of getting art consumers and artists together can make significant impact on the society? on poeple’s life style, psychology, creativity, etc ? For that reason I have to conduct a research. I actually did some work for the documentation of the web development which is, based on the UX design principals. I need in total 8000 wordings. Approximately 4000 wordings will be rewriting and the other 4000 will be creating a documentation for the research project. Please have a look at the uploaded file, it will make more sense when you go through the documentation file.During the research process we have to ask certain questions and find answer to these questions, such as ; why do the users need to meet art providers? What kind of impact does it make on the art lovers and the artists? How do we pick participants? How many participants involved? Who are they? What kind of questions did we ask? what did we find out as a result of the research? How did we come to that conclusion? Why and How does the website builds and promotes strong relationships between cultural consumers and artists. How do the participants find information about particularly contemporary, modern arts which is usually considered abstruse art.?( For instance; Participant have mentioned how hard it is to comprehend the modern arts. Therefore he always desired to be able reach out to a post-modern artist and to be able ask questions about the artwork itself? Was the color composition and proposition designed on purpose? Or was it just a coincidence? etc…)

Question thank you very much for your help. it is one dissertation about

thank you very much for your help. it is one dissertation about the technologies used in museums and galleries. the details are similar to the former one. the former one I have upload it in the attachment and I also send it to you for revision. I like the former one you sent to me, but I think it is more like the introduction rather than analysis. so I think you need to talk about why this topic.—you can see some comments for the revision document improve-copy.docx.please also see the sample essays in the attachment to finish the whole one.the reference demand I also attach it below, please follow it.I will give you more details in the future, please also send me a is better to get A cause others of my assignments are B. so the lowest grade is B. could you please see the criteria in the upload addition, i will take an interview with 4 curators from both Britain and China, and I will add the information of it.please also see some essays/ articles and books and use little from BENAYOUN, MAURICE who is my ideal professor if possible for phd. may be useful for the topic of writing.tomorrow i will ask for the structure to my supervisor, I will tell you if the structure is available to write.i will upload some more documents tomorrow.thank you

Relationship between police tactics and the fall in a specific crime

Crime science paper exploring the relationship between the metropolitan police’s tactics (Op Venice and ‘Be Safe’ Campaign) to the rise and fall of motorbike assisted snatch thefts. Timeline is very limited and a template with direction is attached. I will require the Methods, Data and Results section asap including Index charts and script analysis for motorbike assisted theft of person.

Question Depend on the three articles to answer the questions on the “Final-Short

Depend on the three articles to answer the questions on the “Final-Short Essay Questions”

Question to rewrite my work in order to improve the grade from 28%

to rewrite my work in order to improve the grade from 28% to 40%

Case Study on Sterile Processing Department

Once the two case studies are chosen, answer the questions using your own words and address the conflict or issue with a solution specific to the topics chosen. Like the other assignments in the program, this assignment is open book. Not only is it open book in terms of study materials, you’re encouraged to use the Internet and any other research tool available to develop each response. You can utilize your text or other credible sources to build a thorough paper that contains at least six main ideas with supporting details regarding the topic chosen and a minimum of three credible references. The paper must be written in APA or MLA format with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Please refer to rubric regarding specific grading criteria.


Please find all reading material for assignment at Trident University International (official site)ask support for login details

Question Hi. I need poster 500 words and 1000 written justification. I am

Hi. I need poster 500 words and 1000 written justification. I am attaching exampler from uni. You can use the same risk factor fall over 65 year. Exampler is 2500 word from that i don’t need introduction, conclusion, the rationale for poster and rationale for aesthetic features. Please follow marking criteria. and follow exampler. Regards

Question I need my assignment to meet the criteria. I have attached the

I need my assignment to meet the criteria. I have attached the necessary information to help write a better version.

What is the relationship between political and socio-economic inequality? Use one country of your choice to support your analysis.

I would like the essay to start off with a small paragraph defining political inequality, followed by a small paragraph defining socio-economic inequality. After that the relationship between the two should be analyzed. I would like some quotes from serious sources ( eg research papers, reports etc and NOT wikipedia, blogs or poor articles). After analyzing the relationship of the two, the country of choice I would suggest, would be Brazil, but do not hesitate to change if you find something more appropriate. A nice conclusion and thats it. Please do not quote or use the files that I am uploading as part of your sources. I uploaded them so that you can have a better understanding of the course and what its about. Thank you!

The post Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Vol. 1-2 (1818) appeared first on Smashing Essays.

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