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Gentrification Replay

After reading Chapter 15 and reviewing the powerpoints,

You will need to post your comment as respond to the 4 comments by no more than 2-3 Complete Sentences. I Looking on the depth, not the length of your comments

Need to Respond to this:

1. T. B.

Gentrification can be seen to have more of a negative outcome than a positive one. Gentrification helps move populations in a city or town and betters the community by look, residency, and redesign of buildings and companies. Having all of the change can raise the income of those already living in the area, that can cause the current residents to be forced out of their own homes by increased house value and rates. Revitalization is an investment in the community which can be more positive because it can help motivate the population to be active in the community. A feral community is when more than a million people live in a single state. With this, the government would not be able to maintain the law in the community. This can have a negative impact for future generations and cities because without an enforced law it can damage communities and make populations unsafe to live in.

Bottom of Form

Need to Respond to this:

2. L. S.

According to the PowerPoint gentrification is when there is an increasing shift in income, house values, education and job levels (in class) , that then causes inequality to increases as well as widening the gap between the rich and poor. On the other hand revitalization is where a new investment or renew of a community. When doing is the main focus be would on the residents without having a “big class shift”. Lastly, defining the feral community is a “metropolis with a population of more than a million people in a state.” Gentrification can be seen as a negative because it can change the cultural standards of the neighborhood, makes some communities poorer, it raises the cost to rent, and it causes the rich to get richer while the poor become poorer. Then again, it could bring the city more money, create new jobs, new housing opportunities and more. Revitalization can affect the community in a positive way by wanting to change starting with the grass root people. This can then lead to a better and healthier community.

Need to Respond to this:

3. T. A. 

How gentrification, revitalization and feral communities can shape the communities of the future in both positive and negative ways

Gentrification/ An upward shift in income, house values, education and occupational levels (in class), it increasing inequaliy in the community which is negtive thing for the lower class.  Revitalization / a renewed pride and investment in a community, mainly on the part of the residents, without a big class shift. I think it is a postive and it can lead to succuss.  feral communities/  it is risky and capricious. With such a gigantic hole between the wealthiest and least fortunate people in the network, it’s elusive great projects that address the requirements of individuals in each class. This sets up a few impediments for the future network in circumstances and with respect to wellbeing abberations. It may set up the wealthiest pieces of the network for a positive future, however the negatives in this season of network are a lot more noteworthy.

Need to Respond to this:

4. M. A. 

I imagine that Gentrification is the drawback to renewal. All together for a network to be renewed I feel as if there must be some sort of improvement. To revive a zone, I believe that better training and living circumstances are typically required and when you do this to a network people of center and privileged will undoubtedly move to the territory in light of improved conditions. Non domesticated networks are essentially formed by these choices.


L. W.:

My target population is going to high schoolers with an intellectual or developmental disability within Bowling Green, KY. I chose this community because there is a lack of preparedness for these individuals when transitioning from a high school schedule to an adult life schedule. Many people do not know, but when an individual with a disability turns 21 years old, they are no longer welcome back at their high school. So whether your birthday is on the first day of school or the last day of school, the day after you turn 21, you are no longer permitted to be back in the high school. The challenge with this is that since there is so little emphasis on transition, this slaps many of these students in the face since they have had a routine ingrained into their life since they were very young. For anyone who’s ever had a relationship with someone with a disability, it is a known fact that this community best thrives on a consistent schedule. So when that schedule is abruptly changed, behavioral and emotional issues are often the after math while coping with the adjustment.  So for my project, I wanted to create a coalition that would emphasize the need for transition from high school to adult life. I believe that reaching out to relevant organization leaders who advocate for these individuals, mental health professionals, state leaders such as Matt Bevin, high school teachers and even parents affected by these changes, we can get insight and enough data to get a motion rolling for change. By getting this information from these people, it will be easier to build this program up with as many of sides of the intervention as we’ll have! Of course, then goals and strategies will be created and utilized to build up the program.

By using the MAPP model, I will be thoroughly implementing and promoting a program to instill change. By going through all six phases of the MAPP model, you are insuring that you are covering all of your bases in an organized fashion, while challenging yourself to think of issues that may arise later, and how to solve those issues. Since MAPP relies on partnerships and participation from members, this is also a great way to network and to use people’s strengths to further your cause. Hearing out your colleagues is important, and in fact, is part of the 3 keys to MAPP!

THE Respond :

Dear L. W. :-

I realy appreciated your thinking about the target population that going to high schoolers with an intellectual or developmental disability within Bowling Green, KY, and how you can improve this target by using the MAPP model. So, you have a great idea about the target and you uesed the concept of the MAPP that is a shift from a focus on the agency to a focus on the community and the entire public health system. So, when you discusses your target community, try to bring everyone’s collective wisdom together to be hand by hand with you to achieve a better society and great future for those people who have the disability and facing difficult when they try to enter the high school. Therefore, by gathering all of the assets and resources within the community, the community is able to determine how best to use collective wisdom to create a healthier community. This MAPP process is a new way of doing business, and improve our community life by a great strategic planing tool.


The Other Exampl :


The 12 Ethical Principles are very very similar to the 10 essential public health services. These ethical principles are clarifying the distinctive elements of public health. They make the services and principles clear to communities and populations that they serve and give a standard that these services should be held accountable to. The 12 principles also define as a society what public health does for the community and population that they serve.

The `12 principles of public health practices are based upon the 11 values and beliefs of public health. The values and beliefs are a foundation for the principles to be built upon. The 11 values are assumptions of public health practice that are the underlying for human and civil rights that are the underpinning for the 12 principles.

Going into a community it is important to remember that the members of the community have the best insight into what is going on.  These individuals have rights that have to be respected. The individuals of the community must have trust in the information that I am giving them, so adequate resources and information are required. Collaborating with other health agency to make a web of resources also help the education process become more effective. Making sure it is prominent that the purpose of the efforts is to better the community and that all individuals can become involved. Empowering those individuals to take control makes the program and efforts more effective. I would need to make sure that every individual has the knowledge and resources to make the decisions to make changes. I would need to make sure all public health services were available to the community. Following the code of ethics would also lead to all conflicts and disputes being handled properly.

THE Respond :

Dear B: I support your argument that 12 Ethical Principles and ten essential public health services have major similarities. However, I would like to understand some of the strategies used by the public health departments in making codes guiding their services and principles known to communities and populations they serve. I also agree that values and beliefs play a significant role in the development of public health principles.أسفل النموذج

Chapter 15

Organizing Communities for Public Health Practice-2050: A Futuristic Perspective


Gentrification / An upward shift in income, house values, education and occupational levels (in class), which almost always means increasing inequality and a widening gap between the more and the less successful


Revitalization / a renewed pride and investment in a community, mainly on the part of the residents, without a big class shift

Defining the Feral Community

A metropolis with a population of more than a million people in a state

the government of which has lost the ability to maintain the rule of law within the city’s boundaries yet remains a functioning actor in the greater international system

The community’s structures range from great buildings symbolic of wealth to ghetto’s and massive unemployment.

These communities continue to grow and the majority of occupants do not voluntarily leave.

Threats posed by a feral community:

Potential for pandemics

Massive environmental degradation

Transmission points for illicit diseases & disasters

The Health of Cities

Government Economy Services Security
Healthy “Green” Enacts effective legislation, directs resources, controls events in all portions of the city at all times. Not corrupt. Robust. Significant foreign investment. Provides goods and services. Possesses stable and adequate tax base. Complete range of services, including educational and cultural, available to all city residents. Well regulated by professional ethical police forces. Quick response to wide spectrum of requirements

The Health of Cities

Government Economy Services Security
Marginal “Yellow” Exercises only “patchwork” or “diurnal” control. Highly corrupt. Limited/no foreign investment. Subsidized or decaying industries and growing deficits. Can manage minimal level of public health, hospital access, potable water, trash disposal. Little regard for legality/human rights. Police often matched/stymied by criminal “peers.”

The Health of Cities

Government Economy Services Security
Going Feral “Red” At best has negotiated zones of control; at worst does not exist. Either local subsistence industries or industry based on illegal commerce. Intermittent to nonexistent power and water. Those who can afford to will privately contract. Nonexistent.Security is attained through private means or paying for protection.

Community Engagement Organization and Development and Communities Of the Future

Key questions for the future:

What are the main challenges & opportunities influencing public health practitioners (PHP)?

What are the strategies for establishing a healthy public health environment for ALL citizens and move the community forward?

What are the key elements of any inner-city community that must be addressed to establish a healthy community?

(Covers: people, knowledge, natural resources, technical infrastructure, finances, political aspects, and cultural values that a community embodies)

Resources for Communities of the Future (COF)

Intellectual & Social Capital

Community leadership, key people, knowledge and skills

Social capital / informal and formal relationships that characterize a community

Inclusive Capital

Interactions of community partners through:

Social media



Cultural Capital

Public Health practitioners must identify values, behaviors and public expressions

Environmental Capital

Sustainability: Natural, clean, green, safe and attractive resources

Technical Capital

Social media, man-made capital and existing community infrastructure

Effective communication, transport, housing, water, energy, medical……

Financial Capital

Financial strategies for communities of the future (COF) must deal with growing demands and diminishing revenue bases

Strategic Social Analysis

The gleaning of intelligence learned from the past but, most importantly, understanding the likely direction of the future and is directly related to “intelligent communities (ICs)”

Intelligent communities: develop their strengths and eliminates their weaknesses through three processes 1) vision 2) ideas 3) strategy


Reaches conclusions

Defines its present reality

Public Health Practitioners’ Approaches to Trends

Inactive / No interpretation of trends, ignoring all present and future trends

Reactive / Responding to the agenda of others as set by the community, institution, or agency for which they are employed

Proactive / Making detailed plans for the future and settings trends based on exiting knowledge, incorporating community needs, and institutional agendas

Interactive / Shaping and responding to changing trends over time

Defining Mega Trends

An event or occurrence that affects the majority of areas of civil, business and public life

Globalization – Global companies and economies work in local competition within global structures. Global and local must be integrated.

Individualism – A social trend where individuals are individualistic, informal, informed, interactive and yet international in their thinking and behavior.

Merging – Areas of life merging together; technologies and medicine; between culture and values; between work and leisure; and between the public and private sectors.

Defining Mega Trends

An event or occurrence that affects the majority of areas of civil, business and public life

Accelerated communication and social media – Rapid exchange of information. Implications for administration, education, health care, transportation, etc….

Urbanization – By 2030 an estimated 60% of the world’s population will live in the inner cities. This metropolitanization refers to the growing influence of large cities on the economic health and prosperity of wider regions.

Migration – Increased global migration presents challenges and opportunities. Challenges of social cohesion, integration, health promotion and employment. Opportunities of knowledge migration, where the knowledge and the skills of immigrant communities can be harnessed to improve the community.

Challenges to Communities of the Future

Aging population – Healthcare system

Economic Restructuring – End of “lifelong” working

Disasters – Natural catastrophes, terrorism and epidemics

Crime – Safety and Security

Migration and immigration – people & knowledge

Segregation, disparity, inequality and poverty

Social Cohesion

Sustainable development and economic growth locally and globally

Intelligent Communities

Must use all capital wisely – Human: Intellectual and social capital, environmental capital, cultural and leisure capital, financial capital, inclusive capital, technical capital.


Future Trends in CEOD

Transparency – Social Media Age

Including new forms of participants and empowerment

Development of partnerships

These major trends must be communicated within the society, the economy and the politics of the community. Tasks and responsibilities need to be assigned to the community at large and at diverse levels. Dream Communities must organize coalitions and boards for exchanges of ideas and creativity.

Running head: CHAPTER 15 1


Chapter 15

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

Chapter 15

Gentrification, Revitalization, and Feral Communities

Gentrification is an upward shift in income, education, occupational levels, and house values. Gentrification has a general effect on the increase in inequality by widening the gap between the poor and the rich in the society (Lees, 2015). On the other hand, revitalization is restoring something to an active condition by investing in the community mainly on the resident parts (Xian & Chen, 2015). Additionally, a feral community is a metropolis with a population of more than one million individuals in the state. In feral communities, the structures continue to grow, and the majority of the occupants do not voluntarily leave. ]

Therefore, there are several negative and positive effects posed by gentrification, revitalization, and feral communities. For example, The positive effects that are associated with the gentrification shortly are that there will be an increase in the tax revenue in the community as gentrification seeks to bring more people to the community area with a wide range of interest in developing the community and funding various businesses.

Additionally, there will be a boost in the local economy in the future as there is the introduction of the wealthy groups into the community seeking to improve the economy of the particular community. Also, revitalisation seeks to improve the physical and social environments in the community which have been deposited hence improving the community standards,

The negative effects caused is that there is an increasing number of crime in the community areas as several youths are found to be unemployed; hence they resort to crime and violence in the community. Additionally, there is the issue of inequality where several individuals are discriminated in various aspects and hence are not able to receive the various services like education hence there are the disparity issues. Moreover, there is also the issue of the inefficient healthcare system as there has been an increased aging population without the proper healthcare condition that they deserve. Additionally, gentrification has also seen the collapse of various business in the black community areas while in the white sectors, businesses continue as usual. This has the effect of segregation and inequality arises.


Lees, L. (2015). Gentrification. In International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences: Second Edition.

Xian, S., & Chen, H. (2015). Revitalisation of industrial buildings in Hong Kong: New measures, new constraints? Habitat International.


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