Given that employees are essentially accessible 24/7, organizations should create some best practices for using the variety of digital communications available for business.
Given that employees are essentially accessible 24/7, organizations should create some best practices for using the variety of digital communications available for business. Research tips and advice on how to best use channels of electronic communication. Justify your own list of three best practice recommendations. You have carefully drafted a message to inform employees of a change to the attendance tracking system in your organization that will launch next week. The change only pertains to some technical matters, but may be misunderstood by the workforce. A virus threat shuts down internal e-mail just before your message is ready. You now have a choice of communicating with employees through Facebook or postponing the communication. Justify your choice. Two employees of your organization took their work-related disagreements to Twitter, and disciplinary action has been taken against both according to company policy. However, their public quarrel was seen by employees and customers. Should the company respond? If yes, through which channel of digital communication should it respond? Defend your choice. Create an annotated reference list of three sources that provide tips and advice on how to best use channels of electronic communication. An annotated reference page means that each reference is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph to inform the reader of key points, relevance, accuracy, and quality of the cited source.
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Given that employees are essentially accessible 24/7, organizations should create some best practices for using the variety of digital communications available for business. was first posted on August 20, 2019 at 11:50 am.
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Given that employees are essentially accessible 24/7, organizations should create some best practices for using the variety of digital communications available for business. was first posted on August 20, 2019 at 11:50 am.
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