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goroka 2

peaker 2:You see this area? People sit and literally stand next to the fence. They’re all packed together when there’s a big Rugby League game. Even when there’s a Digicel Cup game, or back in the day it was the Inter-City cup. It was the Cambridge cup, Inter-City Cup where Goroka Lahanis were the favorites, three, four times champion. I used to watch from afar with my dad. Do you want me to point that out? Oh no.Speaker 1:No, it’s all right. Just tell us about how you and your family used to come here and how hard it was to get tickets sometimes [crosstalk 00:01:39]Speaker 2:Oh yeah. On big games, especially when the Kangaroos come, there was a big … People just crowded and the line’s so long that we couldn’t get through. My first experience with my mum and my brother and my sister, we tried to push through, we couldn’t makeit in closer to the ticketing area. My mum just gave up and took us back home. We missed out the Kangaroos game, were there. That’s how crazy Goroka people are. Even people from Chimbu come here to watch the game from the highlands down and they came here during the time.Speaker 1:Just tell us, because we need this explained for the things we filmed yesterday. Tell us how Goroka is your home and even though you live in Moresby, a lot of your family is still here and who that includes.Speaker 2:I was born here in Goroka, I grew up in Goroka but I live in Moresby now, but here in Goroka, my parents are here. My dad never used to play here, he used to play in NSI but most of my family are here. Some of them come and play rugby here. It’s always good to come back home because I know I’m back home to family, see my family and all that.

Most of my family still follow Rugby League and when they see me back here, they see Rugby League too and they get so excited asking me about what’s happening with RugbyLeague, with NRL, and all that stuff. Now with the world cup coming, they’re so anxious to find out what I’m doing, what’s happening with the world cup and all that.Speaker 1:Good.

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