Healthcare System
8-1 Discussion:
Please complete part I and Part II or assignment will be rejected. Answer and respond succinctly in one page.
Part I: Based on what you have learned about the healthcare system throughout the course, and on the concepts explored in Chapter 14 of your textbook, respond to the following questions:
- Are you interested in working in a healthcare setting? Why or why not?
- What evidence-based practices or strategies did you learn about in the course that you will apply, or should be applied, to work as a human services professional either in or outside the health system
Part II-
In response to your peers, expand on what your classmates highlighted about the different plans and compare that to the information in the case study provided in the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document.
Response to students in first person
Example. Hi Tiffany, I agree with you. I think the topic is etc.
Student A- Erin O Connor- When I started my degree in human services my plan was to work for Aging and Long-Term Supports Administration (ALTSA). I am now at the end of my program and will graduate in October. I have decided to further my education with a Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. This will likely lead to working in a healthcare setting.
My plan is to work as a counselor with a concentration in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and attachment disorders. Through this course we looked at evidence-based practices and the importance of using them with clients. This will be a big part of my career. As human service practitioners we have the responsibility of serving our clients in the best and most ethical way (Barrett, n.d.). This will require the use of established practices and programs. This is especially true of traumatized clients. For instance, instead of using CBT for a client with PTSD, I will use trauma-focused CBT (Watkins, Sprang, & Rothbaum, 2018). This will address the client’s special needs for therapy.
Barrett, S. (n.d.). Ethical Standards for HS Professionals. Retrieved from
Watkins, L. E., Sprang, K. R., & Rothbaum, B. O. (2018). Treating PTSD: A Review of Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Interventions. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 12, 258. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2018.00258
Student B – Jennifer Costa- Are you interested in working in a healthcare setting? Why or why not?
When I started my psychology degree back in 2015 my interest was to become a teacher in an elementary school. However my interest changes back and further sometimes like becoming a school counselor, at one point I wanted to become a NICU nurse but to do that you need to be an RN and that’s more schooling so I changed my mind about that like I said it goes back and further. So I’m sticking to a career field in schooling as a teacher. So no I will not be working in a healthcare setting.
- What evidence-based practices or strategies did you learn about in the course that you will apply, or should be applied, to work as a human services professional either in or outside the health system?
Being in this course I learned a lot about discharge plans and inpatient care plans when being hospitalized. I think if I were going into the healthcare field I could put my knowledge I learned from the course into my career such as, explaining to the patients about their inpatient care plan and their discharge plan so it could help them stay out of the hospital (Barrett, n.d.). However, because I’m not going into the healthcare system career and becoming a teacher I could apply what I learned in this course by providing a good outcome in each and every one of my students such as, how I teach them and how they absorb information that they learn every day and help them get prepped for the next grade and chapter in their academic journey.
Barrett, S. (n.d.). Ethical Standards for HS Professionals. Retrieved from
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