hello, i have to create PowerPoint slides using about 8–10 slides, roughly about one slide
hello, i have to create PowerPoint slides using about 8–10 slides, roughly about one slide for
every minute to minute and a half of speaking.
its out about customer service
i have to send by end of this week ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentENGL510 – Foundations of Professional CommunicationOral Presentation Assignment—Persuasive PresentationNote: To complete this assignment, you will need a microphone for your computer. If you don’t haveone, you may need to purchase one. You should be able to get a fairly inexpensive one at anelectronics store.BackgroundFormer Chrysler CEO Lee Iacocca said, “You can have exceptional ideas, but if you can’t communicatethem, it’s as if you have no ideas at all.” So far we have been focusing on written communication, butoral communication is just as important in many work situations.Both informative and persuasive presentations are very important in the workplace, but thepresentation that you will do in this course is a persuasive presentation. That is, you will imagine aparticular audience and a particular workplace situation in which you would need to convince thataudience to take a particular action.AssignmentYou will imagine a particular audience and a particular workplace situation in which you would needto convince that audience to take a particular action.Choose one of the topics listed below, and then develop and deliver a persuasive presentation that isabout 8–10 minutes long using a PowerPoint presentation. Imagine a situation in which you wouldneed to persuade a particular workplace audience to take a particular position or action in relation tothis topic. For example, if you choose affirmative action, your presentation would not simply explainwhat affirmative action is; that would be an informative presentation. Rather, your purpose might be totry to persuade managers to adopt an affirmative action program or to alter an existing one in someway.Topics for Persuasive PresentationChoose one of the topics from the following list. Imagine a workplace situation in which you wouldneed to persuade a particular audience to take a particular action in connection with this topic. Developa presentation in which you would persuade that audience to take that action.Customer Service TrainingDiversity TrainingDoing Business OverseasEmployee Wellness ProgramsFamily Friendly PoliciesGoing Green in the Workplace

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