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Hello I need help finishing my Lab assignment

Hello I need help finishing my Lab assignment. It’s supposed to be a game with a paddle and ball but I can’t get

it to work. Also it’s supposed to have comments added into it and I have a description of that in my document. I appreciate any help someone may offer.  ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentCOMP 274Week 7 iLab assignmentBy: Michael LackeyDate: 12/ 11 / 16DocumentationThe objective of this part of the lab is to create documentation using Javadoc for the Paddle BallGame project from week 5. The following documentation requirements must be met.1All commentary must use standard JavaDoc comments and tags.2For every class add a class level comment including the author and the purpose of theclass.3Where one class heavily depends on the use of an object from another class, provide alink to the other class using the @see tag.4For every method, add a method level comment which includes information on thepurpose of the method, the method parameters, and the result returned by the method.5Use thejavadoccommand to generate HTML files for your project.6Use the browser to view your generated documentation to verify that all the requiredinformation for all the classes is included.Consult the document provided describing how to export JavaDoc comments from Eclipse.When your documentation is complete, turn in one of the following depending on whatyour instructor requires:1. Print outs of all the documentation pages from the browser.2. A Zip file containing all the documentation pages.Deployment

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View the AnswerCreate a JAR file for the Paddle Ball Game project from week 5. The JAR file must contain allthe class files needed to make the Paddle Ball Game work.Consult the document provideddescribing how to export a JAR file from Eclipse. To test if you have made your JAR filecorrectly, double click on your JAR file using Windows Explorer. The Paddle Ball Game shouldstart running. If you are on Citrix, you will need to copy your game to a local computer beforeyou can successfully execute it.When you have successfully executed your JAR file, turn in a copy of your JAR file to yourinstructor.Output:Source Code:import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;import java.awt.event.ActionListener;import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;import javax.swing.*;public class Ball{private final int diameter = 50;private int ballX, ballY;private int moveX = 5;private int moveY = 5;public Ball (){ballX = ballY = 150;}public void moveBall (int width, int height){ballX += moveX;

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