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Hello,Is it too late to get block style, modified block or simple style letter completed by 10 PM

Hello,Is it too late to get block style, modified block or simple style letter completed by 10 PM tonight

EDT? I going through a mental block at  ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentYou work for M-Global’s Boston oFce. As project manager for the construcTon of a small strip shoppingcenter, you have had delays about halfway through the project because of bad weather. Even worse, theforecast is for another week of heavy rain. Yesterday, just when you thought nothing else could gowrong, you discovered that your concrete supplier, Atlas Concrete, has a truck drivers’ strike in progress.Because you sTll need half the concrete for the project, you have started searching for another supplier.Your client, an investor/developer named ±anya Lee, located in a city about 200 miles away, probably willbe upset by any delays in construcTon, whether or not they are within your control. Write her a le²er inwhich you explain weather and concrete problems. ±ry to ease her concern, especially because you wantaddiTonal jobs from her in the future.

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