hi, can you please help me to answer the assessment
Question hi, can you please help me to answer the assessment part 2 on bsbwrt501 persuative copy term 3 2019 diploma in business? thanks
Some of the “softer” aspects of design include ______.a. staffing
Question Some of the “softer” aspects of design include ______.a. staffing design projects with the right peopleb. knowing when to outsourcec. cooperation and communication between design and marketingd. all of the above
Assignment 1: Go to www.mgccc.edu (Links to an external site.) and select
Assignment 1: Go to www.mgccc.edu (Links to an external site.) and select library. KANOPY is one of the video options. (Library passcodes 20190822_124802-2.pdf) You can search for the series called Ancient Civilizations of North America. It is one of the The Great Courses options.orhttps://mgccc.kanopy.com/video/ancient-civilizations-north-america(1) Watch Episode 1 (30 minutes) and just read the introductory synopsis of Episode 2: Answer the following:a) Why are words so important in describing the first settlers to come to the American continents? One sentence. 25 ptsANSWER:b) The first settlers of the Americas came from the continent of __________________________________? 20pts(2) Watch Episode 13 ( 30 minutes) about the interaction between the people of the southeastern part of the US and DeSoto’s expedition in the 1500s. What was the main conclusion made by Dr. Barnhart about this early contact between Native Americans and Europeans? In one sentence. 25 ptsANSWER:3) Using all the materials presented to you about the peopling of the Americas, why was it commonly believed by the Europeans of this time that Africans and Native Americans (and Asians, too) were less ‘civilized’ or more primitive than they were? Accurate historical facts only. 30 ptsJust think about it….Reach for an understanding of the European world in the 1500s and 1600s and how they justified their actions……Empathy for the past and another culture. Please limit your answer to 3 sentences . I’m grading you based on your use of historical information to understand the past.ANSWER: NOTE: We do not have to agree with what other people did in the past, but we have to try to understand them in their time and place. Assignment 2;”:Instructions are found at the link. This is not a timed quiz, but you will need to look at two of the maps to answer the questions. Note the quiz is centered on the peopling of North America, and the maps contain tables and graphs that will you answer the questions. It will be very difficult to do this assignment on your phones, because you have to see all of the information on the maps.Spelling counts!!US 1 – Map Quiz – European Claims and African Slavery-1.docxMaps:1)http://wps.pearsoncustom.com/wps/media/objects/2428/2487068/atlas/atl_ah1_m009.html (Links to an external site.)2)
In the 20-plus years since its enactment, critics of NAFTA
Question In the 20-plus years since its enactment, critics of NAFTA argue that is has not lived up to expectations. One prime example is the United States’ trade deficit with Mexico. Although it was projected that NAFTA would result in lucrative trade surpluses with Mexico, the exact opposite has occurred. In addition, a 2013 study by Mexico’s tax administration found that, rather than increasing, Mexican worker wages actually were falling far below the pre-NAFTA levels.In the United States, the trade deficit has caused an enormous displacement of workers and is a major contributor to the economic downturn in the manufacturing industry. As U.S. companies have moved factories across the border, communities have experienced economic instability because of the loss of their tax bases. Displaced workers find it very hard to maintain or recover their standard of living. In 2012, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics determined that, on average, two out of three displaced workers who found other work could do so only at much lower pay. Needless to say, NAFTA is not exactly popular with the U.S. manufacturing industry. As domestic goods lose market share to cheap imports, manufacturing plants will continue to close. Sadly, the remaining plants are often unable to retool to offer new, better job opportunities for displaced workers.In terms of job loss, North Carolina is one of the states most adversely affected by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Assume hypothetically that North Carolina is considering a 25% tariff (tax) on all foreign-manufactured textiles and furniture items imported into the state. The tariff’s purpose will be predominantly protective, designed to protect and advance textile and furniture manufacturers in North Carolina and to create jobs. Give a advise to the lawmakers in North Carolina of the constitutionality of such a tariff.
Bailments are so commonplace that you likely have been involved
Question Bailments are so commonplace that you likely have been involved in a bailment relationship. Let’s examine an everyday example. April drives her car to Monte’s Restaurant and gives the restaurant’s valet her keys to park her car in the restaurant’s secure parking lot. This common occurrence is known as a bailment. The bailor (April) has delivered her personal property (her car) to the bailee (Monte’s Restaurant) under the agreement that the bailee will return the property to the bailor at the end of the bailment, which occurs once April has finished her meal and paid her bill. So, if you ever have used valet parking, you also have participated in a bailment relationship! Make a bailment, the following elements are required:The bailor is the owner of the personal property or has the legal right to possess the personal property.The personal property is delivered to the bailee, who has exclusive possession and control over the personal property.The bailee accepts the personal property along with the legal duty to return the property to the bailor at a designated time.In our scenario, a bailment has been created because April delivered her car to the restaurant’s valet, who in turn gave April a claim check. Once April finishes her meal, she can present the claim check to the valet, who will retrieve her car from the parking lot.Categories of BailmentsBailments fall into three distinct categories:Bailments for the sole benefit of the bailorBailments for the sole benefit of the baileeBailments for the mutual benefit of the bailor and the baileeLegal Duties of the BaileeBailees owe certain legal duties to the bailor:To take care to protect the bailor’s personal property from loss or damageTo return the bailor’s personal property once the bailment has concludedLevel of CareIf the property is damaged or lost due to the bailee’s lack of care, the bailee will be found to be negligent. The level of care required by the bailee depends on the type of bailment.Bailments for the benefit of the bailor: A minimal degree of care is required to protect the property. Therefore, if the bailee is grossly negligent and causes the property to become damaged or lost, the bailee will be liable for the resulting damages.Bailments for the benefit of the bailee: A high degree of care is required to protect the property. If the bailee’s slight negligence causes property damage or loss, the bailee will be liable for the resulting damages.Bailments for the mutual benefit of the bailor and the bailee: Ordinary or reasonable care is required to protect the bailed property. This is also known as the reasonable person standard, meaning that the bailee is expected to act as a similarly situated reasonable person would act to protect owned property from loss or damage. An additional distinction is made where the bailee is holding itself out to the public as a professional bailee. A professional bailee must act according to the industry standard in that profession and must show a lack of negligence in the event of property loss or damage to avoid liability.Historically, courts have relied on these three distinctions to determine the liability of the bailee in the event of property loss or damage. However, the modern trend shows some courts relying less on these categorical distinctions and imposing a duty of reasonable care on bailees.
Trusty Temp Agency has been your source of steady employment
Question Trusty Temp Agency has been your source of steady employment over the last six months. The company has a great reputation for giving back to the community. It also hires nontraditional workers who often struggle to find jobs due to their age or disability. You enjoy your job assignments and the people with whom you work.One day, you are assigned to a team whose job is to purchase Uncle Bob’s Famous Cough Syrup from several local pharmacies. You’re told to be discreet and not to ask or answer any questions about the purchases. You suspect there’s something wrong with the medicine, because Uncle Bob’s was in the news recently for quality control issues with one of its allergy medicines. Your suspicions are confirmed when you see a document entitled “Problem Medicines” on your team lead’s clipboard.Perhaps the most recognizable rule of ethical behavior is the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The main caveat of the Golden Rule is that not everyone shares your principles or values, so it may be very difficult at times to treat people accordingly. Another issue with ethical decision making is the ethical dilemma. Some disputes may require solutions that are unattractive and/or they may not have a clear right or wrong answer. To help you address an ethical dilemma, use the following three-step decision-making process:Consider the ramifications of your decision.Who will be affected?Who will be harmed or helped by your decision?How will you or your family be personally affected?Thoroughly consider the options available.What are the pros and cons of each option?Do the options align with your personal values or ethics principles?What options do the most good or least harm?Make a decision.Determine how you will proceed with your decision.Outline your approach and your rationale so that you can easily explain your decision to others.Be flexible. Sometimes decisions require adjustments. Sometimes decisions have to be abandoned altogether. Have a backup plan in case you need to make changes.
As you go through the valuation of Whole Foods, here are questions
As you go through the valuation of Whole Foods, here are questions to consider.This case is a valuation exercise for us. This case also brings up issues with forecasting and so we can discuss those as well. When you are answering those questions, some calculations which may help you includeEBITDA Margin: EBITDA/Revenue for all of the firms. You may also wish to evaluate Enterprise value as a multiple of EBITDA. This will make it easy to see the different structures in high end/traditional grocer/supercenter stores.
Hello, I need a paper written about the ethical implications
Question Hello, I need a paper written about the ethical implications and the impact of the events that Case Study 1.1: Made in America. The paper is to written regarding the following questions: (1) What ideals, effects, and consequences are at stake?, (2) Have any moral rights been violated?, (3) What would a Utilitarian recommend?, (4) What would a Kantian recommend?
: ou will write a 10-page critical evaluation and comparison of two publicly-traded companies in the same health care segment.
See attached paper and areas of revision original paper instructions:Write a 10-page critical evaluation and comparison of two publicly-traded companies in the same health care segment. You may choose the two companies you wish to analyze. Apply the financial concepts and practices covered in this course to analyze the past and current financial situations, with an emphasis on financial strategies, financial analyses, and financial risks. Conclude with recommendations for future financial improvement. Your findings, conclusions, and recommendations must be grounded in the topics covered in this course.Include a title page and table of contents in your paper, as well as the references list.
- As a contracts officer for the DOE, suggest two (2)
- As a contracts officer for the DOE, suggest two (2) improvements that you would make to the inspection procedure in order to make the procedure more efficient. Provide a rationale for your response.
Provide examples to explain the difference between efficiency and effectiveness
Question Provide examples to explain the difference between efficiency and effectiveness
Undertake this project with reference to a type of example
Question Undertake this project with reference to a type of example a hotel or petrol station />1. What environmental and resource efficiency issues is the subject to?2. What resources does the use?3. What environmental hazards might the operations create? What do they/ could do to control these hazards?4. How does/ could the meet its legislative environmental obligations?5. How could the organisation improve its resource efficiency?
Q1. If a US firm (e.g. your employer) decided to
Question Q1. If a US firm (e.g. your employer) decided to collaborate on a business project with a foreign partner, what would be the three biggest challenges you would foresee?Q2. How would you suggest these challenges be overcome?
Activity 1Make a list of short-and long-term goals for you
Question Activity 1Make a list of short-and long-term goals for you personally (life goals) and professionally (career/ job goals).Activity 2An organisation’s goals and plans are broadly outlined in its mission statement. Locate a detailed mission statement. These can be accessed online.Summarise the mission statement.List five individual goals that you could fulfil to help the organisation meet its goals and plans.Activity 3Draft a plan to complete five tasks you have to do today or this week. Prioritise each task. Explain how and why you have placed each task in the order you have.Activity 4Make an action plan for a significant task you need to carry out by a set date. You might, for instance, create an action plan organising a corporate function or a child’s birthday party. Activity 51.You need to formulate a lengthy and complex document. You know you should identify factors which could affect your completion of the document so you can take appropriate action.a. List five difficulties which might result in you failing to meet a deadline.b. What action could you take when you encounter any of these difficulties?2.List five open questions you could ask colleagues when faced with difficulties in meeting allocated tasks. You cannot use questions mentioned in the text.Activity 6What piece of equipment would you use to:a. Protect documents using plastic?b. Make a large number of copies of a document?c. Send documents over a telephone line?d. Destroy documents?e. Word process a document?Activity 71 If you are having difficulty finishing a task, why is it a good idea to communicate with your supervisor about your lack of progress sooner rather than later?2 How could you approach a supervisor/ colleague to advise them of your progress?Activity 8Choose a job which you would like to have. How would you gain feedback regarding your work practices?Activity 9You have obtained feedback which suggests you are underperforming as compared with established team members and oraganisational standards. You decide to discuss an employee development plan with your manager to help you improve.List at least five areas which should be addressed in an employee development plan.
This question was created from HW-17043455095_0.doc https://www.coursehero.com/file/30741839/HW-17043455095-0doc/ Kindly give me
Question This question was created from HW-17043455095_0.doc https://www..com/file/30741839/HW-17043455095-0doc/ Kindly give me the answer to this question ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachment 30741839-337308.jpeg Write an essay of explaining what the main strategy development tools are and how they are used in business. Your essay must contain a comprehensive discussion of at least 3 of the Assessment 1 Length Criteria 1. Individual Assignment 1000 words minimum and Comprehensive discussion Write an essay of explaining maximum 1500 of at least 3 of the following: the main strategy PESTEL, 5F, RBV, PROFIT, development tools and how I/O, SWOT, and CIA with they are used academic references and practical examples following: PESTEL, Five Forces, Resource-Based View, PROFIT, Input/Output, SWOT Analysis (you may include Cross Impact Analysis) with reference to academic journals and practical examples from industry. Be sure to use paragraphing. In this essay, sub-headings are permitted. Be sure to reference your sources in-text and provide a list of references in
Question 1
- All organisations have their own policies and procedures when
Question Question 1
- All organisations have their own policies and procedures when it comes to performance appraisal. Why do people need feedback?
Question 2
- How does an individual’s work goals and plans relate to the organisation’s goals and plans?
Question 3
- What factors can affect or impact the completion of work tasks?
Question 4
- What is an activity log? How can one help you to organise your daily work activities?
What rights does a finder have to abandoned property?a.A finder
Question What rights does a finder have to abandoned property?a.A finder has title against all others but the true owner.b.A finder has title to and absolute right to possession of abandoned property.c.None, it must be held until the original owner can be found. d.In states adopting the Uniform Disposition of Property Act, a holder of property that the law presumes is abandoned need not turn the property over to the state.
If property is owned by two or more persons, certain
Question If property is owned by two or more persons, certain consequences result. These consequences are different with the different types of joint ownership. Please define the four different types of joint ownership and described the consequences of each.
Explain the two duties of a tenant. (Please be sure
Question Explain the two duties of a tenant. (Please be sure to EXPLAIN; it is not enough to merely list the two duties!)
Loptech, a technology firm, wants to issue bonds for investment
Question Loptech, a technology firm, wants to issue bonds for investment purposes. Loptech has one of the best credit ratings in the industry. Market rates for debt instruments average at .5% interest. Based on its credit rating, Loptech would likely sell bonds that pay _____.0.25%0.75%0.5%Indeterminable with current information Koffman Corporation is trying to raise capital. What method would be the least risky to raise capital if it has a less-than-favorable credit rating?Bond issuance, since additional debt can provide the company with more leverage.Stock issuance, since a credit rating won’t negatively affect Koffman’s ability to sell stock.Bond issuance, since nobody wants to buy shares of a company with a less-than-perfect credit rating.Stock issuance, since stocks are more valuable as finance instruments. Lily wants to build a business. She has very little capital. She does, however, have a partner with which she could run a business. Lily wants to be able to avoid being held personally liable for any problems the business has. Which of the following would lead Lily to choose a sole proprietorship organization for her business?Little capitalAvoidance of personal liabilityPossession of a partnerNone of the above Cadence works for WilderCorp. She meets with a team to make all-encompassing decisions concerning the direction of the business. She also personally supervises managers and conducts training for supervisors and plant managers. Cadence also buys stock in WilderCorp. What is Cadence’s position in the company?ShareholderDirectorMore than one optionExecutive Which of the following roles best fits the situation?Apol wants to start or join a business but is not sure which business organization would be best. She has a large amount of capital but does not yet have any partners who can invest or effectively manage the business.Neither a limited or general partner would be a good choice.General partner in a limited partnership.Limited partner in a limited partnership. Which of the following roles best fits the situation?Kevin wants to create a business but is not sure what role is best for him. He has capital to invest. He has several partners with which he can begin a business. He has the most management experience of all his potential partners.Limited partner in a limited partnership.General partner in a limited partnership.Neither a limited or general partner would be a good choice. What role best fits the following situation?Manny wants to be involved in a business but is not sure which type of business to join or create. He has capital to invest. He has a good network of potential investors and partners. He has no experience in management.General partner in a limited partnership.Neither a limited or general partner would be a good choice.Limited partner in a limited partnership. Which description that properly completes this prompt?Hal organized his business in Canada. Most of his customers are in Montana. In Montana, Hal’s business would be considered a(n) __________ corporation.ProfessionalAlienClosely-heldSubchapter SDomestic Which description that properly completes this prompt?Lenny organized his business in Delaware. He has customers in Delaware, other states in the U.S., and in foreign countries. Lenny’s business is __________ in Delaware.AlienClosely-heldSubchapter SProfessionalDomestic Which description that properly completes this prompt?Zoey is the CEO of a corporation she organized herself with 15 shareholders. The company operates in several states, as well as outside of the U.S. Her business consists mostly of training services for in-home medical care personnel. Her company would be a __________ corporation.DomesticClosely-heldSubchapter SAlienProfessional Which description that properly completes this prompt?Piper is a manager in a corporation that was organized in Canada by one of his former coworkers. The company provides consulting services and training for architects employed by construction companies. The company recently went public, with shares being sold to about 500 investors. Piper’s company would be a __________ corporation.Subchapter SProfessionalDomesticAlienClosely-held Which description that properly completes this prompt?Tucker works for a retail distribution company that was recently started. Tucker has invested a lot of his earnings into shares of the company. When quarterly earnings are posted, Tucker receives a check for 8% of the quarterly profit of the company. Tucker belongs to a __________ corporation.ProfessionalDomesticSubchapter SClosely-heldAlien Mario and Johnny want to start a business. They have very little capital. They are new partners and largely unfamiliar with each other’s management practices. They are happy, however, to be organizing a business together in order to avoid full liability for the business. Which detail(s) of this situation would be the largest contributor toward Mario and Johnny’s decision to organize a general partnership?Avoiding full liabilityUnfamiliar with each other’s management practicesLittle capitalSharing profits What is the appropriate description for a chain-style franchise? A franchisee sells a franchisor’s product in a specific geographic area.A franchisee produces and sells a franchisor’s product using the franchisor’s name.A franchisee makes or sells a franchisor’s product. What is the appropriate description for a plant-processing franchise? A franchisee sells a franchisor’s product in a specific geographic area.A franchisee makes or sells a franchisor’s product.A franchisee produces and sells a franchisor’s product using the franchisor’s name. What is the appropriate description for a distributorship?A franchisee makes or sells a franchisor’s product.A franchisee sells a franchisor’s product in a specific geographic area.A franchisee produces and sells a franchisor’s product using the franchisor’s name. Hal and Miranda have a general partnership business for landscaping projects. Hal makes a contract with a customer for a project one day while Miranda is absent and leaves on vacation the next day. Miranda does not feel she has the time to perform the contract for the customer. Which of the following is true?Only Hal is obligated to perform the contract.Miranda may relinquish her obligation to perform the contract since Hal signed it without her knowledge.Miranda is obligated to perform the contract.Indeterminable without more information. Juan wants to be involved in business. He has plenty of capital to invest, but he does not want to be involved in management. He also does not want to worry about fluctuations in the market prices of debt and equity instruments. Which form of business would be best for Juan?General partnershipSole proprietorshipCorporationLLC Rita wants to be involved in business. She has a fair amount of money to invest, but she does not want to be involved in management. She wants to form a business in the quickest way possible under her circumstances. Which form of business would be best for Rita?Limited partnershipSole proprietorshipLLCCorporation Kara wants to build a business. She has plenty of capital and potential investors and partners. She wants to avoid the burden of sole liability for her business and wants to be able to close the business when she is no longer interested in it. Which of the following would lead Kara to choose a sole proprietorship organization for her business?Avoidance of sole liabilityAbility to close the business easilyPlenty of capitalMany potential investors/partners Sandy works for RigorMart. She supervises regional managers and directs them based on orders from the board of directors. Sandy’s position also entitles her to stock ownership in the company. What is Sandy’s position in the company?ShareholderExecutive, shareholder, and directorExecutive and shareholderExecutive What is the order in which the formation of a corporation occurs?Novations are executed; Articles of incorporation are filed; Incorporators select a name for the corporation; Business selects a state of incorporationIncorporators select a name for the corporation; Articles of incorporation are filed; Business selects a state of incorporation; Novations are executedBusiness selects a state of incorporation; Novations are executed; Incorporators select a name for the corporation; Articles of incorporation are filedBusiness selects a state of incorporation; Incorporators select a name for the corporation; Articles of incorporation are filed; Novations are executed Abigail is a manager at her company. The company just launched an initiative to improve its corporate citizenship practices. Abilgail is responsible for all but which of the following areas?Safeguarding shareholders’ interestsIntegrity and ethical behaviorVigilance of the board of directorsDisclosure and transparency J-Chron’s board of directors periodically meets with the CFO of the company. The CFO reports on the financial status of a company project, after which the board inquires about the project’s compliance with legally-required accountings principles. It asks no other questions about the project. Which of the following is true?The board is not legally required to meet vigilance requirements.The board is meeting legally-required vigilance standards, but not necessarily those which would protect shareholders’ interest.The board is not meeting any basic vigilance requirements.The board is meeting all of its vigilance requirements.
hi, can you send me the answers of bsbwrt501 persuative
Question hi, can you send me the answers of bsbwrt501 persuative copy assessment event 2 crystal cosmetics simulation.. thanks
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