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Hi I need help with this please, it’s actually on pathophysiology

Hi I need help with this please, it’s actually on pathophysiology, not biology but I couldnt find the subject

 ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentMelissa Guerra – BIOS 260Case Study and Critical Thinking QuestionsA 55-year-old man who recently emigrated from Asia comes to an urgent care center with a complaint ofchest pain. He states that for the past few months he has had occasional Tghtness in his chest thatseems to radiate to his leF arm. He further notes that the pain seems to be most frequent when he isvigorously exercising or working in the yard and that when he sits down to rest the pain seems tosubside. He does not experience any shortness of breath, unexplained nausea, vomiTng, or diaphoresis.His medical history includes hypertension and hyperlipidemia. He is taking medicaTon for hishypertension and is modifying his diet to reduce his serum cholesterol. He notes that his father died ofmyocardial infarcTon at age 56. He has smoked one to two packs of cigare±es on a daily basis for thepast 35 years and is currently trying to stop using nicoTne patches. His physical examinaTon isunremarkable with the excepTon of blood pressure, which is 145/95 mm Hg with a heart rate of 82 bpm.Critcal Thinking Questons (To Answer)1. What are the main presenTng issues (include why they may have arisen)?2. IdenTfy at least one website that you used to learn more about the issues and potenTal soluTons;brie²y explain what was found at the website(s).3. What is (are) the potenTal disease or disorder? Include (a) a jusT³caTon for your decision, (b) thecausal agent, and (c) the mode of transmission.4. What is the recommended treatment for the most likely disease or disorder you idenT³ed?5. What is the prognosis for the disease or disorder (a) without treatment and (b) with treatment?Grading RubricCOMPONEN´Meets (or Nearly Meets)CriteriaMissing More ´han One CriteriaPoorly or Not Covered1BIOS_CS2_´emplate

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View the Answer1. Medical Issues6-73-50-22. Website(s) andSummary6-73-50-23. Diagnosis6-73-50-24. Treatment(s)6-73-50-25. Prognosis6-73-50-2MAXIMUM POINTS:35Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instruc±onson how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep-by-step instruc±onsor watch this TutorialDropbox Tutorial.See the Syllabus sec±on “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date informa±on.2BIOS_CS2_Template

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