Hi ProfPatrick, I have week 6 attachments for the iLab ready.
Hi ProfPatrick, I have week 6 attachments for the iLab ready. Attached are the directions and documents that are
listed in the steps.
Thank you!
ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentScenario/SummaryThe purpose of this exercise is to use the Excel skills you have acquired thus far, andapply them to an analysis of a business scenario, of your choice. This will consist ofpreparing the groundwork in Excel (importing data, preparing the analysis using tables,charts, graphs, pivot tables, etc.) and preparing a memo to your management,explaining your three separate analysis.This is different than prior iLab assignments, in that there are no specific instructions asto what type of analysis (i.e., Sales/Units/discounts byCountry/Rep/Product/Date/Category, etc.) is to be performed. The general requirementis for you to prepare a minimum of three discrete analyses and perform a write-up tomanagement, using the memo format provided.Remember that you are making a professional analysis and presentation, so be sure togive some thought to what you are trying to recommend to management, and why.Important: There aretwofiles that you will submit this week to the Dropbox.File naming convention: If your name is Jane Doe, then your files should be namedvery similar to:Doe_J_Week6_Analysis.xlsxDoe_J_Week6_Memo.docxSTEP 1: Import Your Data Into ExcelThe ultimate goal is to prepare a memo to management, using theWeek 6 iLab MemoTemplate. Before you begin working with Excel, it might be a good idea to take a look atthis template, so that you can envision your end results.In this first step you will open Excel and import the data fromWeek 6 iLab Sales Data.This is a comma delimited file with column headers, and you should be sure to formatthe “Order Date” as a date type column. Remember to save the file as an Excelworkbook, using the naming convention shown above. I don’t believe there is anyreason to perform a spell check, as there are just too many unique names of products inthis data.Using a company name of your choice, format this data sheet in a professional lookingmanner. Given the fact that you have a unit price and quantity, it might help you tocreate another column to show the extension.STEP 2: Convert Data to a Table Format
View the AnswerIn this step, create a new worksheet, using a copy of your original data. Convert thedata to a table format. You may choose to use this table to begin your analysis, throughthe use of sorting, filters, subtotals, and so on. If you choose to do so, be sure to includean appropriate page title and sheet name to describe your work.STEP 3: Create the Three-Scenario AnalysisThis is an opportunity to show your intuition, creativity, and Excel skills, so be sure toprovide good examples here, for each scenario that you present.Analyze the DataAs mentioned, analyze the data in at least three different ways. Each form of DataAnalysis should be provided on a separate, appropriately labeled worksheet. It isexpected that each sheet will be professionally formatted and clearly documented withtitles, comments, and explanation. Remove any extra sheets so your workbook is ascompact as possible when you turn it in. Go back and review your iLabs for assistancein completing the different types of analysis. There is a memo template that you will beusing to present your analysis.The following are some examples of analysis you might wish to do.Sort by discount level. Have discounts increased sales volumes? Is there any discountlevel that appears to be more effective than others?Graph sales over time to see trends. Are there any peaks and lows in sales? Is there anytime of year in which sales are highest? Lowest?Pivot the data to see total sales by quarter, country, category, and salesperson. Are thereany highs? Are there any lows that need to be addressed?Subtotal the data. How are quarterly sales totals? Sales totals by salesperson? Bycountry?Challenge Option: Perform What-If analysis. What if prices were raised by a certainpercentage with a slight decline in sales? What combination of price increases and decline insales makes the most sense?STEP 4: Prepare the Management Analysis MemoIn this step you will use your Excel analysis, and prepare a write up of your results,using the Week 6 iLab Memo Template Microsoft Word document. Be sure to renamethis file, using the file naming conventions shown above.As the template states, your memo should include any textual explanation of youranalysis, to include any graphics that were presented in your workbook. The write-up ofyour analysis should be formatted professionally. Be sure to review your writing forspelling and grammar structure.